Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 218 The life you long for

The Qiankun Ring, which was thrown out first, grew rapidly in the air. In the sunlight, it flashed silver light and flew towards Liu Yu's head.

"Looking for death!"

The moment he said this, Liu Yu pointed two fingers to the sky and drew a sword light in front of him.

The colorless and transparent sword light flew out, like a sharp flying sword, and violently collided with the Qiankun Ring.

With a "bang", the originally imposing silver ring flew out, but the sword light also disappeared.

At the same time as the Qiankun Ring landed, the golden mace in Mo Xun's hand had already arrived in front of Liu Yu.

However, this sudden attack was blocked by an invisible wall.

Liu Yu was surrounded by a layer of fluorescent shield, which was shaped like a big bell, with countless runes flowing on the surface.

Above Liu Yu's head, a bowl-sized copper bell was floating at this time, which was the same as the light shield around his body.

The moment Mo Xun was blocked, his heart trembled. He knew that the defense of the foundation-building cultivator was difficult to break, but he did not expect the opponent's reaction speed to be so fast.

Liu Yu looked at the long mace in front of him, and his eyes fell on Mo Xun who was sweating not far away, and a mocking arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Below the foundation-building stage, everyone is an ant!

With Liu Yu's means, perhaps only one palm can easily take Mo Xun's life, but the smile on his face does not seem to be in a hurry to do it.

Sometimes, playing with a person can make people feel more fulfilled than killing him directly.

A breeze blew, and the scattered leaves in the yard slowly fell.

The two stood opposite each other, one with a calm face, looking relaxed, while the other's face was flushed, as if he had used up all his strength, but could not move forward.

Mo Xun was ruthless in his heart, and immediately made a decision. The Fiery Art in his body was fully activated. He wanted to go all out. Whether he could escape, this was the only chance!


After transmitting the message to Li Qingying, Mo Xun shouted loudly. The spiritual power flowing crazily through the Dantian meridians drove the bones to make a crisp sound, and then the golden mace in his hand suddenly turned into a huge golden dragon.

The golden dragon roared in the air, wrapped in a golden flame, and the air within a range of one or two feet around it became burning. It rushed towards Liu Yu with great momentum.

Li Qingying stood there for a while, not knowing whether she didn't hear it or was worried about Mo Xun and didn't want to leave at all.

Mo Xun's move can be said to be seven points real and three points virtual. His way out lies in this three points of virtuality.

As the golden dragon rushed out suddenly, the two were surrounded by a ball of fire in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, a figure suddenly flashed in the fire. It was Mo Xun who wanted to use this power to escape.

However, he once again underestimated the strength of the foundation-building cultivator. Before he could turn around, a fierce gale, like a mountain, roared and hit his body.


Mo Xun spurted out a mouthful of thick blood, like a kite with a broken string, falling backwards and landing on the ground, leaving a long mark on the gravel road.

The bamboo hat on his head also flew out in an instant.

Li Qingying exclaimed, and then rushed forward without hesitation, and quickly hugged his body.

Crossing a great realm, there was no need for any suspense between the two people's actions!

One move determines the outcome!

However, Liu Yu's hands naturally had some measure, and he would not kill him directly.

When the fire dissipated and the dust settled, a mocking face appeared again in the distance.

This face clearly showed that he was overestimating his own abilities!

Liu Nanhe and his son, from beginning to end, did not even move their bodies, but they were very convinced of this second uncle!

"Brother Mo, are you okay?"

Mo Xun's pale face had bloodshot eyes. Before he could speak, blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth again.

Li Qingying's tears flowed out again. She hurriedly took out a pill and fed it to Mo Xun.

But at this moment, Mo Xun seemed to have no strength to move his lips. The pill was just under his tongue and he couldn't swallow it at all.

"Su Daoyou, you and I are fellow disciples after all. It's a bit difficult for me to do this!"

As Liu Yu spoke, his robe sleeves brushed past, and the bronze bell on his head disappeared. He slowly walked towards Mo Xun.

Li Qingying held Mo Xun in her arms with one hand, and the ring on the other hand flashed, and an invisible light blue shield appeared in front of the two of them.

"Hehe, it seems that you two have really benefited a lot from Fairy Yuehua. You are only in the Qi Refining Stage, but you have so many mid-level magic weapons on you!"

Mo Xun felt that almost a dozen of his ribs were broken, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

In Dantian, there was an unconcealable pain!

Seeing Liu Yu approaching slowly, Li Qingying dodged and stood up to block in front of Mo Xun, with a red long sword in his other hand.

"It seems that it is still a set of attack and defense magic weapons, Nanhe, this pair of dragon and phoenix rings is for you!"

Liu Nanhe looked at the sword and shield in Li Qingying's hand, and his heart was immediately happy, and he said repeatedly: "Thank you for the reward, second uncle!"

"As for the long mace, give it to Yao'er!"

Ten-year-old Liu Yao also hurriedly imitated his father and respectfully raised his hands.

"Thank you, second uncle!"

Li Qingying turned a deaf ear to such unscrupulousness, just staring at the three people in the distance.

In fact, when it comes to life and death, she is much more open-minded than Mo Xun.

After years of sharing hardships, she developed a strong sense of dependence on Mo Xun. Even if she died with Brother Mo, she felt it was a kind of happiness.

Sometimes even she couldn't believe why she had such thoughts.

She knew that Brother Mo's heart of Taoism was very strong, so strong that no one in this world could stop his steps.

She was very scared, afraid that one day Brother Mo would leave her!

But she was different. She just wanted to stay by Brother Mo's side forever, accompanying him without a sense of existence.

In fact, she was not keen on becoming an immortal. She used to practice for her sister, but now for Brother Mo!

Many times, she envied the lives of ordinary people, like farmers, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, with a spinning wheel and an oil lamp. Under the oil lamp, the husband played with the children, and the wife spun and wove with a smile.

Such a life was what she longed for. She was tired of fighting and killing, and tired of endless practice.

She knew that they were doomed today. Perhaps she could go to another ordinary world with Brother Mo, where there were no immortals and no cultivation.

The happiest time of her life was in Blue Sky City.

Although her sister and Brother Mo both liked to retreat, and they would retreat for months or years, the time she spent with them was also extremely short, but she missed them very much.

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