Just when he felt that he was about to lose consciousness, he suddenly became ruthless and roared at the top of his lungs.

"Even if I die, I will not let you succeed!"

He held his right hand with his left hand, put two fingers of his right hand together and pointed to the sky, chanted an obscure spell, and then the whole person was enveloped by a ball of fire.

The blazing flames illuminated the surroundings.

But the pain in his head made him feel no burning sensation, and the Xuantian True Fire in his body surged out from his dantian.

Xuantian True Fire burns everything, burns the enemy and burns himself. Even if he does not enter reincarnation, he will drag the other party to hell!

Perhaps it was an accident, or it was due to luck. Just when he was about to die with the other party, he suddenly found that a ball of golden flame appeared in his mind.

Under the scorching of this flame, the blue flood that seemed to be surging, as if it had seen its nemesis, quickly boiled up.

In just a moment, it completely evaporated and disappeared.

After a sharp, yet heart-wrenching roar, Mo Xun suddenly realized that he had regained control of his body, and his mind, which was in great pain, also regained some clarity.

But before he could be happy, he felt his head sink and fainted.

The flames on his body gradually faded, and the golden flame in the sea of ​​consciousness returned to the dantian again, and it was quiet as if nothing had ever happened.

When the flames dissipated, Mo Xun had become charred, and his exposed skin was full of burns and cracks.

From his possession by the Yuanshen to his death, all this seemed long, but in fact it was only a dozen breaths, but in his opinion, it was like a long life.


The first ray of sunlight penetrated the jungle, and several birds and beasts whose names could not be called made a squeak, and the morning dew fell from the treetops, just hitting Mo Xun's dark face.

After his eyebrows moved slightly, he slowly opened his eyes, and his vision gradually became clear from blurry.

He raised his head with great effort, and saw that the surrounding jungle was in a mess, with dead branches and leaves, broken rocks, and flying soil everywhere.

After a long time, he finally climbed up with difficulty. Thinking back to the thrill of last night, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back again.

Almost, he was not himself!

With this thought, he quickly closed his eyes and began to look inside himself to check if there were any traces of others left in his body.

He had been cultivating immortals for so many years, and he had experienced many life and death, but this time, he was frightened from the bottom of his heart.

Imagine if he had not used the Xuantian True Fire by mistake in the end, not to mention this body, I am afraid that even his own soul would be swallowed by the other party.

While he was still in fear, he hurriedly took a few healing pills.

Although this external injury was nothing big for him now, who knew what dangers he would encounter next?

He was still too reckless last night.

Since he established his foundation, most of the people he met were young Qi-refining people. Even when he followed the coalition forces to fight, he had not experienced much danger, which made him a little careless in many cases.

After adjusting his breath for a while, he came to the cave entrance again. When his eyes fell on the cave, he recognized the man who wanted to take over his body last night at first sight.

This man was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the three people. He looked the oldest, with a three-inch long beard, a mole on his throat, and huge ears that almost reached his shoulders.

Mo Xun could conclude that this man's soul had at least the cultivation of the late stage of foundation building when he was alive, and the other party's soul power was far superior to his.

There was no spiritual energy around the few people, but instead they were filled with a thick dead air, so it was impossible to judge their realm.

This time he did not rush forward to check, but stood at the entrance of the cave, and with a single hand, the storage bags on the waists of the three people flew towards him through the air.

After suppressing his curiosity, he threw three fireballs in succession, and in the blink of an eye, the three bodies turned into ashes in the firelight.

Although he knew that these three people could no longer pose a threat to him, he was not completely relieved until now.

Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years!

He raised his sleeves and fanned a breeze, blowing away all traces. Finally, he was still worried, and shot several sword beams from his fingers, knocking down the rocks and completely sealing the entire cave entrance.

After doing this, he flew into the air with his sword, and after traveling north for half an hour, he landed in a dense forest.

After that, he spent another two hours refining the medicine until his injuries were almost healed. After washing and changing into new clothes, he took out the three storage bags and began to check them one by one.

After opening the first one, there were hundreds of spirit stones and some miscellaneous pills, but there was not even a decent magic weapon.

However, judging from the pills, its owner was also a foundation-building cultivator, but his wealth was a bit speechless.

Of course, Mo Xun was measuring it by himself.

But if that were the case, I'm afraid that most of the foundation-building cultivators in the big sects would be penniless!

Who could be like him, with a heaven-defying green gourd, and have as many elixirs as he wanted?

The owner of the second storage bag seemed even more pitiful. Apart from a few spirit stones, not to mention magic tools, even the elixir bottles were empty.

But fortunately, he found a few talismans and a talisman pen.

Presumably, this person should be a talisman master!

But judging from the grade, it was really pitifully low.

These two people are obviously foundation-building cultivators. Since no magic weapon was found on them, there can only be two reasons.

Either they are too poor, or they lost or damaged it in the previous battle with others.

However, in Mo Xun's opinion, the latter is more likely. He doesn't believe that a dignified foundation-building cultivator doesn't have a magic weapon.

The last storage bag belongs to the cultivator who almost took his life, and it is also what he is most looking forward to.

After all, according to his speculation, the other party is at least in the late stage of foundation-building, so he is naturally wealthy.

Thinking of this, his heart can't help but warm up, and he poured out all the things in the bag.

Although he has experienced life and death, if he can get enough compensation, the sin of last night will not be in vain.

After a "clattering" sound, the first thing that appeared in front of him was a mountain of spiritual stones, which looked like nearly ten thousand pieces.

His eyes lit up immediately. Although he was also considered to be wealthy, he was still overjoyed after seeing so many spiritual stones.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It seems that there is a huge difference between monks. Some are rich, while others are poor.

I wonder what that man would feel when he found out that his wealth was swept away by him after he failed to steal the chicken?

But then again, the other party's soul was burned clean by him, so how could he know all this?

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