After leaving Tianyuan Pavilion, Mo Xun asked about some auction houses in the city. He knew that good things were hard to buy in ordinary shops, and the other was the black market.

Whether it was to get information or buy some rare items, they were not available openly.

"I'm sorry to bother you today, Daoyou Wu. As for the extra money, just take it as a thank you for your reminder just now."

In the teahouse, Mo Xun took out five spiritual stones and placed them in front of Wu Qingfeng.

Wu Qingfeng's face lit up. He was so hard-working, so he naturally wanted to please him. He didn't expect Mo Xun to be so tactful.

"Next, I don't need to bother you anymore. I want to go shopping by myself."

After that, Mo Xun got up and left the teahouse without waiting for the other party to react.

Because it was still early, he was not in a hurry to go back, so he first found a few magic tool shops, on the one hand to sell the Huan Gangsha raw stone in his hand, and on the other hand to inquire about the practice.

After all, the biggest problem he is facing now is that he has no suitable and complete cultivation method, which makes his cultivation level unable to improve.

However, in this regard, the situation here is similar to that of the Southern Border Cultivation World. If you want to buy magic tools, you can find anything as long as you have enough spirit stones.

But things like cultivation methods are really related to the foundation of cultivators, so they are difficult to find.

Especially the cultivation methods above the foundation building stage, including the Dan formation stage, are even more difficult to find.

He ran to five or six stores in a row, but except for selling the Huan Gang Sand in batches and exchanging a lot of spirit stones, he didn't get anything.

As for magic tools, he is not short of them at present. He has two high-level magic tools alone, and several mid-level magic tools that he has obtained. Another magic weapon, with his spiritual sense control, is useless no matter how many more.

After that, he went to a slightly larger pill shop. He originally planned to exchange some pills for healing and restoring mana in case of emergencies. Who knew that an unintentional inquiry made him overjoyed.

It turns out that this place can actually sell the recipe for the foundation-building period.

This point is really incredible to him.

However, after seeing the materials in the recipe, he was a little amused.

It’s not that it can’t be used. The recipe is not an ancient recipe. It’s all mature recipes. It’s just that the spiritual medicine in it needs to be more than hundreds of years old.

No wonder people are not afraid of leaking it. I’m afraid that even if they have the recipe, it’s difficult to gather so many medicinal materials.

However, for Mo Xun, this point is the simplest. What he lacks the least is the hundred-year spiritual medicine.

He bought a thick stack of it in one go. Not only are there cultivation pills, but also healing, recovery, etc. It’s all available. In the end, it only cost less than a thousand spirit stones. If it were in the past, he would not dare to imagine it.

After solving the problem of the recipe, he began to exchange spiritual medicine seeds everywhere. Because many spiritual herbs have different names, he had to buy a new book of pharmacy.

When he returned to the cave, it was already dark.

After throwing Bai Ze into the spirit beast room and leaving a bunch of pills, he returned to the practice room, hit a few lighting instruments on the walls of the cave, and then began to study various books.

Three days passed in a flash, but the expression on Mo Xun's face became more and more exciting.

It turned out that the whole world was divided into four major states. This place was called Xihezhou, and the four states were separated by thousands of miles.

In ancient times, there were inter-state teleportation arrays for communication between the major states, but after the ancient war, all the teleportation arrays were destroyed, and the four states were isolated. For tens of thousands of years, there has been no contact.

Mo Xun sighed secretly. No wonder he always felt that this place was incompatible with Nanjiang, but there were similarities in some places. Perhaps Nanjiang was located in another state.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. After all, judging from the content recorded on it, even Yuanying cultivators could not travel across states.

What surprised him was that the blood-colored mist could actually bring him here.

Could it be that the lost teleportation array was still left in the blood-colored mist?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly searched for records about the blood-colored mist, but after more than ten days, he found nothing.

During this period, he had to go out every few days. On the one hand, he went to the City Lord's Mansion to inquire about the matter of entering the ancient ruins, and on the other hand, he bought spiritual medicine seeds and inquired about the situation here.

This Xihezhou is divided into five regions: East, South, West, North, and Central. As he thought before, there is no distinction between countries in terms of regional jurisdiction, but it is governed by the immortal sects and the lords of the big cities.

As for the immortal sects of all sizes, there are countless of them. Compared with the immortal world in southern Xinjiang, it can be called an immortal holy land.

However, the sects here will be ranked according to their size and star rating.

The Lanyue Sect, not far from here, is a seven-star sect.

As for what the ranking is based on, he still can't quite figure it out now, and naturally he has no idea what level the Seven Stars is.

In addition, the scope of Xihezhou is simply incredible. With his flying speed in the foundation-building period, it would take at least several years to cross a region.

After sorting out these things, Mo Xun knew that he would definitely not be able to go back for the time being.

But for him, the purpose of cultivation is to reach the top of the avenue, and it is the same no matter where he cultivates.

Moreover, the atmosphere of cultivating immortals here is strong, and he is unwilling to leave at this time.

One day, in the secret room.

Mo Xun waved his sleeves, and a dark wooden lock floated in the air.

It’s the soul-nurturing lock!

"Fellow Daoist Hongying, long time no see!"

"Oh, Fellow Daoist Mo, you finally came out. During this period, you have really suppressed Hong. By the way, I wonder how the battle between You and Ji Chong went?"

Speaking of this, Hongying suddenly said "Hey", then turned around and looked around, and asked in surprise: "Fellow Daoist Mo, where is this place and why is the spiritual energy so strong?"

Mo Xun spread his hands and said with a playful smile: "Fellow Taoist asked so many questions at once, which one should I answer?"

Hongying was most concerned about his rebirth. She immediately averted her eyes and asked eagerly: "Let's talk about Ji Chong first."

Mo Xun sighed with pretense of regret, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint fellow Taoist. After fighting hard with him, not only was I unable to defeat him, but I almost lost my life."

Hongying's face looked a little weird when he heard this statement. He seemed to be a little unconvinced. If he calculated with his heart but not with his heart, even if he lost, he wouldn't be as bad as he said.

After all, he had also experienced Mo Xun's methods, and he had countless treasures on his body. How could he be defeated so easily? Could it be that something happened?

"Fellow Taoist, please tell me carefully, what happened?"

I also ask all fellow Taoists for your support!


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