Han Qiu smiled mysteriously, took out more than a dozen formation flags, and worked for half an hour before driving them into the ground in a certain direction.

As the last formation flag fell, a magical scene appeared.

The originally empty green grass slope turned into a large bamboo forest. The bamboo forest was quiet and deep, and grew lushly.

Behind the bamboo forest, there stood a mountain. The mountain was not high, but it was filled with a layer of white mist, which was a bit like a fairy mountain pavilion.

The original stream still existed, and the mountain spring water flowed under his feet. The air was warm and comfortable, and the fragrance of the soil came.

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment. Although he had guessed that there must be a psychedelic formation here, he still felt unreal after seeing this miracle with his own eyes.

In the past twenty years, he had seen some things in his travels, but he was still a little shallow, especially the mysterious formations that only appeared in such a large sect, and he saw even less.

Although Luo Xi was also amazed, it was much better than Mo Xun's loss of composure!

Han Qiu said with a somewhat boastful tone: "Fortunately, that senior is good at formations, otherwise such a secret place would be hard for us to find even if we tried our best."

At this time, they were all quite excited.

Since this place can be hidden so deeply, if it is said that there is no treasure inside, I am afraid no one will believe it.

Then, the three people disappeared from the spot like a gust of wind.

The Qingzhu Cangshan also disappeared, and everything seemed to return to its original appearance.

However, after an incense stick of time, two figures suddenly appeared where the three people were originally standing.

Both of them were dressed in black and wore golden masks on their faces. They were the golden-faced messengers of Wuchang Tower during the "island in the center of the lake".

But the strange thing is that only two of the original three people have come now.

One of the tall and thin men looked around and frowned and said, "He was clearly nearby, how come he disappeared?"

The other man said, "Could it be that your tracking method was discovered?"

The tall and thin man shook his head, and seemed to have no clue.

"Look for it again, the eldest brother should be here in a few days!"

After the two said that, they went to different directions, one on the left and one on the right.


Mo Xun and the other two walked along the bamboo forest for a while and came to a stone tablet at the foot of the mountain.

There were four big characters engraved on the tablet: "Qingzhu Xiaoxuan!"

The three of them looked at each other in surprise. If they didn't know the details, no one could associate this green mountain and green water, and such an elegant name, with a Yuanying cultivator.

It seems that the cultivators have lived too long and have nothing to do, so they can only spend their extra time on this kind of leisure and elegance.

This place has no one going there all year round. There is a thick layer of bamboo leaves on the ground, and the weathered stone tablet looks simple and solemn.

Around the stone tablet, there is a broken bridge over the stream, and behind it is a bamboo house and courtyard.

Seeing this scene, several people were a little confused. Is this the place for Yuanying cultivators to practice?

However, it is useless to think too much, and Han Qiu walked over first.

Entering the courtyard, it turned out to be a scene of a family in the secular world.

There are pavilions, stone tables, flowers and wooden fences, and a few farming tools placed against the wall.

The three people were more and more confused. Even Luo Xi, an old hand who often travels through various secret realms, was surprised.

But they all knew that things must not be as simple as they seemed.

Entering the bamboo house, there is an incense table opposite the small living room in the middle, with an incense burner placed on it.

Hanging on the wall is an ink painting of two old men playing chess by the waterfall.

But unfortunately, there is no signature below, and it is not clear whether it is from Cang Kuo Zhenren.

There is a room on each side.

The left side seemed to be a study room. After entering, there were all kinds of tables, chairs and benches, and there was also a large bookshelf with many classics on it.

Han Qiu was the fastest, and he took down a book and flipped through it casually, but not long after, his face became strange.

Luo Xi and Mo Xun looked at each other and checked the books on it.

But the more they looked, the more strange the look on their faces became.

These books were all taken from the classics and history books of the secular world, and had nothing to do with the immortality they imagined.

This place gave people the feeling that it was just a scholar's home, where there was no fluctuation in spiritual power.

On the desk next to it, there was a piece of calligraphy, and an article was written in a majestic and bold manner, probably about playing chess.

In the small room, everything can be seen at a glance. There is nothing else except calligraphy and painting!

"Friend Han, are you sure this is the place where Cang Kuo Zhenren practiced?" Luo Xi asked with a raised eyebrow.

At this time, Han Qiu's suspicion was no less than that of the other two.

He also didn't expect that the place he had come to with so much trouble would be like this.

Mo Xun interrupted at the right time and said, "Let's take a look at other places first."

After that, he turned around and went to another room first.

This room was also decorated in an elegant and secluded manner, but it looked like a resting bedroom.

There was a bamboo bed, a square guqin, and a chessboard on the table that had not been finished.

The three of them looked at each other for a few times, and Han Qiu said, "This Cang Kuo Zhenren, before he practiced Taoism, was he a scholar? He had all the skills of guqin, chess, calligraphy and painting!"

Although this was a joke, I'm afraid that everyone was thinking the same thing at this moment.

As the saying goes, there must be something wrong when things are out of the ordinary. How could these things, which are extremely common even in the mortal world, be protected by such a mysterious psychedelic formation?

Mo Xun hugged his arms, held his chin and asked, "Fairy Luo, what do you think?"

Luo Xi's delicate eyebrows wrinkled into a "chuan" character, and shook her head and said, "Daoyou really thinks highly of me, but I think I should ask Daoyou Han about this matter."

The eyes of the two also fell on Han Qiu's face.

Han Qiu spread his hands and explained hurriedly, "To be honest, this is also the first time for Han to come here, and even the formation outside was the method to break the formation that the Jindan senior spent a whole year deducing after inspecting this place."

The three of them fell silent at the same time.

Walking out of the bamboo house, surrounded by green mountains and bamboo forests nearby, at a glance, there is only such a conspicuous place.

Mo Xun turned his head and looked at the rocks behind the house. He couldn't help wondering, could it be that the secret room for cultivation was in the rocky mountain?

In fact, this possibility is very high. After all, immortal caves are often built by digging into the mountains.

But then again, with such a big mountain, "how can they find it?

Could it be that brute force was used to flatten the entire mountain?

While thinking, another question suddenly popped up in his mind.

His eyes fell back on the bamboo house. Since this Taoist temple has been around for tens of thousands of years, how did the bamboo house in front of him escape the erosion of time and be preserved so intact?

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