However, this seemingly powerful but ordinary fire attack was not good enough in the eyes of a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building.

The golden-faced man casually made a Taoist gesture in the air, and an invisible transparent curtain wall appeared in front of him, blocking the flames.

Then, the man flashed and came two or three feet away, with a flying sword in his hand.

When Mo Xun noticed it, the flying sword had already flown out and shot towards Mo Xun's chest quickly.

Mo Xun was naturally not a vegetarian. If he couldn't even defend against this attack, he would have died many times.

On the flying sword, under the sunlight, there was a trace of blue light.

Without thinking too much, you can guess that this thing was smeared with poison.

But when Mo Xun just took out a defensive magic weapon and had not yet cast a spell, an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Then, he subconsciously squatted down and rolled on the ground.

At the same time, a long sword cut through the air where he was standing, almost passing by his scalp.

Mo Xun stabilized his body with lingering fear, but his eyes were wide open because of surprise.

He saw two identical golden-faced people standing not far from him.

It was not an illusion, nor a trick, but a real person with the same aura.


Mo Xun recognized this high-level spell at the first time!

Before he had time to think more, Han Qiu flew away and fought with one of the golden-faced clones.

Seeing this, Mo Xun immediately took out another magic weapon, the Divine Fire Cover, raised his hand and threw it into the sky.

For Mo Xun, there is no better way now.

Xuantian True Fire cannot be used indiscriminately, because of the divine consciousness, the Linglong Ring cannot be used without leaving the body.

The only magic weapons that can be used are those magic weapons.

Fortunately, it was two to one now. No matter how many people the opponent was divided into, their cultivation was only in the middle stage of foundation building. With his and Han Qiu's abilities, they didn't have to worry too much.

The divine fire covered the air, and suddenly released a series of large nets composed of flames, binding the golden-faced clone in it.

Mo Xun pinched the Dao formula in his hand, and the fire net shrank. He wanted to roast this man alive!

However, just as this idea was being implemented, the golden-faced clone suddenly disappeared, and then the sound of fighting came to his ears.

It turned out that not far away, Han Qiu controlled the soil under his feet, constantly condensed a pair of palms to grab the ankles of the golden-faced messenger, and at the same time, he transformed a long spear in front of him and shot it into the distance.

And the golden-faced man seemed to be unwilling to be outdone. His body jumped back and forth to avoid, and at the same time, he shot out invisible sword energy between waving his sleeves.

Mo Xun immediately realized that the so-called clones were actually one real and one fake!

He then put away the magic fire cover and the fire palace lantern and took out the black ice gourd.

While the man was exhausted, the gourd sprayed out pieces of cold ice crystals. As long as the man could be frozen in one position for a short time, it would be much easier to deal with.

As expected, Mo Xun's sudden intervention interfered with the defense of the golden-faced man, and a small mud hand grabbed his ankle with force.

At the same time, there were countless ice crystal fragments. In just a moment, half of the man's body was frozen in place.

Han Qiu seized this opportunity and shot out a long spear, which instantly pierced the other party's body.

But what was puzzling was that there was no blood splashing in the air.

In the surprised eyes of the two, the golden-faced figure gradually dissipated.

Mo Xun secretly cried out in his heart that it was not good, and immediately jumped high and was about to jump into the air.

But it was a little too late. A long sword with strong wind stabbed from his left side.

At this critical moment, he forcedly performed the ghost step, and his body showed an incredible distortion.

The tip of the sword mixed with blue poison almost rubbed his skin and pierced the clothes on his shoulder.

Mo Xun, who fell back to the ground, looked at the half face with a bit of hideous color and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

This person's clone technique is so weird!

What Mo Xun didn't know was that it was not the magic that was weird, but that they couldn't quickly capture the other party's movements without the help of spiritual consciousness.

If it was placed in the outside world, its power would be much smaller. No matter how the other party cloned, the spiritual consciousness could easily see through it one by one.

It was precisely because of this that this person was sent here.

But soon, Mo Xun thought of a solution that was not a solution.

"Brother Han, since you are practicing earth-attributed skills, why not try to raise the dirt on the ground to track this person's whereabouts!"

Mo Xun's words, although vague, immediately enlightened Han Qiu.

In fact, the reason is too simple. Although he cannot use his spiritual sense, the dirt and dust are the best eyes for earth-attributed cultivators like Han Qiu, aren't they?

"Thank you for your reminder, Brother Su. When we divide the treasure later, Han will definitely take Brother Su as the priority!"

As soon as he thought of this, Han Qiu immediately pinched a Taoist formula in his hand, and then stomped his feet on the ground. Within a radius of ten feet, countless sand and dust rose up immediately. In just a breath, the sky and the sun were covered, and all three people were covered in it.

But in this way, Mo Xun seemed much more passive in both defense and attack.

I saw him first surround himself with a layer of spiritual power to protect his body, and then took out a defensive magic weapon and covered his head.

Just after doing this, there was a fierce fight in his ears.

Mo Xun looked in the direction of the sound. Not far away, dust was flying and fire was exploding from time to time. It was obvious that two people had been fighting!

Just as Mo Xun was about to go over to help, a painful wail suddenly came.

Mo Xun was happy, it seemed that Han Qiu succeeded!

He moved faster, but he was still careful, fearing that another clone would suddenly appear at any time.

Fortunately, this worry was ultimately unfounded. The scream did not last long and completely quieted down.

Sometimes the victory or defeat between masters is so short!

In fact, it is understandable. After all, this golden-faced man has just advanced not long ago. There is a gap in strength between him and Han Qiu. In addition, Mo Xun's method greatly enhances Han Qiu's chances of winning.

But just when he was about to ask about the battle situation with some excitement, a warning suddenly came from his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Be careful behind you!"

Mo Xun's nerves were tense in an instant. He dodged sideways without thinking, but the speed of the whistling sword was three times faster than the long sword just now.

With a "puff", a sharp weapon pierced from his back and directly pierced his right chest. The front of his clothes was also instantly stained red with blood.


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