Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 364 The Thousand Machines Demon

Mo Xun thought for a while and said, "It's better to buy them. You two will go to Fangshi tomorrow to buy two."

As he spoke, Mo Xun threw out another storage bag and landed in front of the two of them.

He never needs hungry soldiers, even if these two people are very likely to spy on him.

At this moment, a transmission note flew in.

Mo Xun grabbed it, and a man's voice sounded from the telegraph.

"Fellow Taoist is the newly promoted Elder Lin. I am here to visit you in Xiahu Weizhou. Can you come out and meet me?"

Hu Weizhou?

Mo Xun's brows immediately wrinkled.

He may have always had a favorable impression of people named Hu!

Could it be that Mr. Sun has something wrong with him?

"Do you know this person?"

Liu Jing clutched the storage bag and was still excited. When he heard the question, he shook his head like a rattle.

"Elder Hui Lin, the two of us have been here not long ago, and we don't know much about the affairs of the sect."

Mo Xun waved his hand, signaling for them to leave first, then simply tidied up his clothes and went out.

Not far from the cave, I saw a middle-aged man with a strong build and dressed in black standing there.

This person's cultivation has also reached the peak of the late foundation building stage.

The surprise between Mo Xun's brows disappeared for a moment, and then he cupped his hands with a smile on his face and said: "You must be Brother Hu, please come into the cave to talk!"

Hu Weizhou laughed loudly and also cupped his hands.

"Then excuse me!"

In the cave, the two of them sat down separately. Mo Xun waved his robe sleeves, and a cup of spiritual tea slowly fell in front of the other party.

This stuff was fried from the Yingyu grass bought in Luoshui City in southern Xinjiang.

Although he had come across many spiritual teas over the years, he got used to drinking them and never changed them.

In the past, when refining Qi, this thing may have some effect on cultivation, but since the foundation is established, it can only satisfy a little appetite!

"I heard that Brother Lin just started his career last month, and I came here to make some friends. Wouldn't you be surprised?"

This person's appearance is considered rugged, with half of his face covered in stubble, giving him a rather slovenly appearance.

"Brother Hu is out of town. Lin is a newbie, and there are still many things he is not familiar with. Brother Hu can come and take care of me, which is a blessing!"

The two of them were just like this, neither of them brought up the topic, but they were complimenting each other.

However, Mo Xun found out that this person, like him, joined the sect halfway, but he was more than ten years earlier!

It wasn't until the tea in the cup had completely cooled that Hu Weizhou said seriously: "Brother Lin, what do you think of Dan Jie?"

Mo Xun obviously didn't understand what the other party meant. What do you mean by how to read?

Both of them are in the late stage of foundation building. Isn't what they are facing now is pill formation?

If he knew what to do, wouldn't he be in the same state as he is now?

Seeing the suspicion on Mo Xun's face, Hu Weizhou smiled, but there was a bit of bitterness in this smile.

"Brother Lin, guess how long you have been in your current state?"

These words made Mo Xun even more confused!

Fortunately, Hu Weizhou didn't seem to really want to test his eyesight, and then sighed with a wry smile.

"To be honest with Brother Lin, Hu actually touched the ceiling of Jindan as early as sixty years ago, but until now, he still has not made any progress!"

Mo Xun immediately said "ah"!

What was that concept sixty years ago?

If I remember correctly, he probably had just left Xiaoling Village at that time!

He knew that most of the foundation-building monks might spend their entire lives unable to reach the step of forming a core, but there was still a big difference in senses between what they had heard and what they had seen.

Just imagine, if he is stuck in a realm for a period of time, can his Taoist heart still remain strong?

Looking at the lonely middle-aged man in front of him, he seemed to see his future self.

For so long, he has tried his best to avoid touching this issue, but when the reality is right in front of him, how can he avoid it?

After being silent for a while, Mo Xuncai comforted him: "Brother Hu, there is no need to be too pessimistic. There is never any certainty in the affairs of the world. Maybe after some time, Brother Hu will be able to realize the opportunity for a breakthrough. This kind of thing , it’s not like it hasn’t happened before!”

Hu Weizhou sighed again.

"Hu came here this time just to talk to Brother Lin about the matter of forming pills."

Mo Xunyi raised his eyebrows. From what the other party said, he seemed to hear something unusual.

"Brother Hu, do you have any good ideas?"

"What can Hu do?"

Immediately, Hu Weizhou changed his tone and said with a smile: "But, although Hu doesn't have it, it doesn't mean that others don't have it!"

"Oh? How do you say this?"

Hu Weizhou was about to speak, but suddenly he stopped cautiously and looked around.

Mo Xun immediately understood what the other party meant and said with a smile: "Brother Hu, don't worry, it's just you and me here. If we talk today, no third person will know about it outside Lin's house."

After pondering for a moment, Hu Weizhou frowned and lowered his voice and said, "Brother Lin, have you ever heard of the Thousand-Ji Old Demon?"

Mo Xun shook his head. This name did not come to mind in his memory.

However, Hu Weizhou was not too entangled on this issue and continued: "This person is an alchemy monk who lived more than a thousand years ago. It is said that during the hundreds of years at that time, he was known as the first person under the Nascent Soul! I won’t go into details about this man’s heroic deeds back then. If Brother Lin is interested, you can find out by asking someone at random.”

Hearing this, Mo Xun immediately asked doubtfully: "Does this person have a method that can help you and me form pills?"

"Absolutely. Although Qianji Laomo was only one step away from becoming the Nascent Soul, no one could match him during the entire pill formation stage. The most important thing is that this person has formed pills three times!"

Mo Xun suddenly opened his eyes wide!

How could anyone form an elixir three times?

Hu Weizhou explained: "It is said that this person has always acted arrogantly, and he has offended countless enemies. Therefore, after forming the elixir, he had broken it three times in the fight, causing him to fall down and almost lose his life. "

Having said this, Hu Weizhou's face was obviously a little more excited.

"After each broken elixir, this person can use the secret method to re-condensate the golden elixir, and it works every time!"

At this moment, Mo Xun was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked!

The world of cultivating immortals is truly mysterious and unusual!

There is actually someone who can connect pills several times one after another, and his ability is superior to that of monks of the same level at the same time.

Of course, it is possible that this is just a kind of recovery after the broken pill, but this alone is enough to show that this Thousand Machines Old Demon should be unique in condensing golden pills!


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