"Just like the spiritual mines that my younger sister just mentioned, their ownership will be determined by the results of the competition. In addition, new elders in charge of the Gongfa Hall, Mission Hall, Danyang Palace, etc. will also be re-selected."

When Mo Xun heard this, he probably understood, but after a second thought, he suddenly asked: "Since it is for fairness, why not let the four forces take turns to take charge of these?"

Dong Qianxue smiled brightly: "Senior brother is so innocent!"

Mo Xun opened his mouth innocently, where did he go wrong again?

"The so-called fairness is all relative. How can there be absolute fairness in the world? The world of immortality has always been about the weak and the strong. Being able to arrange such a competition every thirty years is an extra opportunity for other monks."

Mo Xun nodded secretly, this was reasonable.

But in this case, I am afraid it will only create a situation where the strong will become stronger and the weak will become weaker.

Of course, he cannot worry about these issues.

Seeing that Mo Xun fell silent, Dong Qianxue said, "Senior brother, do you have any other questions?"

Mo Xun thought for a moment and asked, "Did the fairy come here this time with the intention of the master?"

"Exactly, in fact, when the senior brother started, the master had the intention to win over him."

Mo Xun didn't believe what the other party said. I'm afraid that this kind of wooing probably came about after he showed his alchemy skills that were beyond ordinary people.

Mo Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head. This was asking him to choose a side!

And now that even the leader has come forward, can he say no?

But having said that, it would be okay if he just stood in line, but he was afraid that he would accidentally get involved in unnecessary trouble, thus affecting the progress of his cultivation.

"Senior brother, do you have any concerns?"

Mo Xun pondered for a moment, and then said: "Since it is the intention of the leader, how can I not appreciate it, but I still have to ask the fairy, what does Lin need to do to join your hall?"

Hearing this, Dong Qianxue smiled with relief.

"Master knows that senior brother has always been used to being idle, so on weekdays, the matters in the hall will naturally not trouble senior brother. Only at the Fengyi meeting three years later, can he fight for Yudingtang!"

"Fengyi Club?"

"It's the sect competition that my little sister just mentioned!"

Mo Xun stood up suddenly and asked with a surprised look on his face: "Would you like me to fight for Yudingtang?"


"Fairy, are you kidding me? How can I be so virtuous and capable? How can I be qualified to represent Yudingtang?"

This is not to win over him, it is clearly to ask him to work for his life!

In an instant, he had the intention to leave this place. What kind of array formation pills, these things, in the face of life and death, what do they mean?

Dong Qianxue seemed not to have expected such a big reaction from Mo Xun. After being stunned for a moment, she covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Senior Brother, where are you thinking? This sect competition is not just about fighting skills, but also Dan Dao, Formation Dao, Spells and other competitions, Master just hopes that Senior Brother can help win the alchemy battle! "

After hearing this explanation, Mo Xun's face turned slightly red.

Showing your shyness in front of a beautiful woman again!

He touched his nose in embarrassment: "I just feel that my cultivation level is low, and I'm afraid that I will let down the sect master's wishes!"

Fortunately, Dong Qianxue didn't really want to laugh at him, and immediately suppressed her smile and said: "Senior brother has such a high level of alchemy, I think he will definitely win the first place in this hall!"

"Fairy, I'm overly praised. I'll tell you the truth. In fact, I just have some experience with the elixir Xuepo Pill!"

Mo Xun was really regretful that he agreed a little too hastily.

But then again, can he refuse to agree?

"Senior brother, I'm afraid I can only deceive those who come to ask for elixirs!"

Seeing Dong Qianxue's confident look, Mo Xungang was about to continue explaining, but the other party smiled and said, "In that case, my little sister can go back and recover!"

Dong Qianxue immediately took off a storage bag from her waist and placed it on the stone table.

"Master ordered me to hand this over to my senior brother!"

After leaving these words, Dong Qianxue turned into a stream of light and floated away!

By the time Mo Xun came to his senses, the figure was no longer in sight.

Just seeing this scene, Mo Xun's eyes narrowed, and then he hurried out of the cave. After carefully checking the surroundings, he was shocked to the extreme.

This woman could actually ignore the formation he had set up!

I didn't realize that this person's cultivation level was not high, but his attainments in formations were unexpected!

He raised his head again and glanced at the formation fluctuations around him. He was confused for a moment, how did the other party leave just now?

Returning to the cave, he slowly picked up the storage bag. After examining it with his spiritual consciousness, his heart trembled slightly!

Just because he saw countless spiritual stones piled up like hills.

This leader Sun is really willing to spend a lot of money!

After a while, he hurriedly called Liu Jing and Qu Ming.

"You two, go to Fangshi to inquire about it. As long as it is related to the three halls of our sect, help me collect all the information."

Over the past few months, these two qi-refining boys had been rewarded by Mo Xun with two heart-protecting pills because of their diligence in running errands. Now, their respective realms are obviously showing signs of loosening.

The two immediately cupped their hands, shouted "No", and turned around.

Although these two people were probably sent by Head Sun to monitor him, he was not afraid of leaks.

After all, anyone would react like this after this incident.

If he still showed an indifferent look, it would be abnormal.

Then, he sent a Dao-transmitting sound note to Hu Weizhou.

In the entire sect, if there was anyone who could be trusted, it was probably only this fellow Daoist Hu.

Mo Xun secretly calculated that if he hurried a little, he could barely make it in three years.

In order to avoid the so-called "Fengyi Meeting", he had to try his best to find a suitable five-element fusion formation within three years and then leave here.

If he really couldn't avoid it, in order to avoid attracting other people's attention, the worst thing would be to deliberately lose the game. I believe that the head of the sect, Sun, would not say anything!

Not long after, he received a reply from Hu Weizhou.

There were only four simple words: "Go with the flow!"

Mo Xun held the sound-transmitting sound note in one hand and fell into deep thought for a short time.

After reorganizing his thoughts, he entered the alchemy room again. The current situation forced him to race against time.

It was just that he thought that he could restore peace for a short time next, but who knew that a day later, the cave house welcomed another guest.

This is also a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building, named Yan Jianshan.

When this person revealed his identity, Mo Xun's head suddenly became big!

Because the other party came from "Sanqing Hall"!


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