After Mo Xun took a look, he hurriedly asked: "Why is there only a name, but no detailed introduction?"

The old man returned to his lazy look and picked up the wine cup again.

"How confidential is the skill? How can it be easily shown to others?"

"In that case, how can I choose?"

The old man narrowed his eyes, took a sip of wine, smacked his lips, and looked like he was enjoying it.

"That's your business!"

Mo Xun sighed helplessly and immersed his mind in the jade slip again.

This time, it took a whole incense stick to browse through all the contents on it.

It only recorded the name of the skill, the corresponding grade and points, and nothing else.

It is conceivable how many good things are hidden in this skill hall.

Finally, he focused on a name, and after a little contemplation, he said: "I will choose this "Small Five Elements Condensation Skill"!"

It's not that Mo Xun saw the doorway in it, but just that this skill just happened to correspond to 9,300 points.

Although he didn't know how to distinguish which technique was more suitable for him, he knew that the higher the points, the better the grade.

The old man took the jade slip and stretched out his hand.

Mo Xun was slightly stunned and didn't understand what the other party meant for a while.

"What do you mean, fellow Daoist?"

The old man rolled his eyes, looking at a fool.

"Spirit Stone!"

Mo Xun frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Isn't this thing exchanged for points? Why do you need Spirit Stone?"

"Copy fee, ten Spirit Stones!"


After returning from the Technique Hall and explaining it, Mo Xun hurried into the secret room and began to study the entire technique.

After several months of practice, the cultivation of the two incarnations is about to enter the third level of Qi Refining, which is not slow compared to his years.

Of course, this is due to the good spiritual root qualifications, and naturally there is also the credit of sufficient elixirs.

It seems that perhaps it will only take 20 to 30 years for him to try to form a pill again.

After settling the last incarnation, it was already three days later.

During this period, to his surprise, no third party came to visit him again.

Perhaps Li Xuan's departure that day had made the other two halls understand his intentions.

In any case, this matter was finally settled.

Except for some people who occasionally came to ask for pills, his life returned to peace again.

However, Li Xuan's threat before leaving was finally fulfilled.

Two days ago, he sent Liu Jing to receive the task, but the answer he got was that all the alchemy tasks in the sect were temporarily stopped due to the poor harvest of spiritual herbs.

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. These people really took great pains to force him to surrender.

In theory, in this case, he could go to the head of the sect, Sun, and have a good talk.

But he did not intend to do so. The main reason was that he did not want to have too much dealings with Yudingtang.

But as the saying goes, you have a plan, I have a ladder!

Within two days, he found a new way to get points, that is, the black market!

Yes, it was the black market!

There are also such underground transactions in Liangyi Sect.

This method was introduced to him by Hu Weizhou.

In fact, he had thought about borrowing Hu Weizhou's identity token to gain points, but it was okay once or twice. If it lasted for a long time, it would inevitably be noticed by someone with ulterior motives.

He didn't care, but he felt a little guilty for causing trouble for others.

In the sect market, Mo Xun pressed the brim of his hat. The houses and pavilions here were similar to those in Baisha City, just a little smaller.

There were also many shops on both sides of the street, but they all operated cultivation resources. In addition, there were several places like flea markets. Low-level Qi-refining cultivators could just sit on the side of the road and put a few bottles of pills or some unnamed materials on the ground to open their business.

Then there were the exchange meetings that could be seen everywhere!

Mo Xun came to a place called "Yingxiao Pavilion", but he didn't go in. After sending a sound transmission note outside the door, he waited quietly on the side.

Not long after, a thirty-year-old Qi-refining man hurried out.

"Excuse me, is this Senior Lin?"

Seeing Mo Xun nod, the man whispered, "Senior and junior, please come in!"

Mo Xun did not speak, and followed the man into the store, but passed by the front hall, went around to the backyard, and went up to a two-story building.

The man came to a door and reported, "Pavilion Master, Senior Lin is here!"

Then, the door creaked open, and a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl appeared. She was tall and graceful, with skin as white as snow, but her cultivation level was only the eighth level of Qi-refining.

The girl first bowed to Mo Xun, and her smiles and frowns were quite decent and generous. After sending the guide away, she said, "Please come in!"

But at this time, Mo Xun was a little suspicious. When he stepped into the courtyard, he scanned it with his spiritual sense. It seemed that there was no one else in this huge attic except this young girl.

Could it be that the "Pavilion Master" just now was called to this little girl?

He didn't believe that such a big shop was run by such a child.

Mo Xun moved the corners of his mouth, temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, and followed in.

Sure enough, the room was empty except for some simple tables, chairs, calligraphy and paintings.

"Would you like some tea, fellow Taoist?"

Hearing this sweet voice like a silver bell, Mo Xun used the Qi-Observing Technique again and looked around the girl.

He was not wrong. This person's cultivation was indeed only at the eighth level of Qi Refining.

However, this "Daoyou" made Mo Xun even more confused.

Although separated by a bamboo hat, the girl still felt the strangeness on Mo Xun's face, and then smiled and said: "Are you wondering why I dare to call you Daoyou with such a cultivation?"

This shop was also introduced by Hu Weizhou. The other party recognized him because Hu Weizhou had greeted him in advance.

Before coming here, he only knew that the owner of this pavilion was surnamed Yue.

"Hehe, in fact, during this period, people who came to this pavilion for the first time would have the same question if they saw me."

Mo Xun listened quietly and did not rush to speak.

"This is not a secret. Because of my technique, every time I break through a level, I will be rejuvenated and my cultivation will be lost. I have to practice again to restore to my original level."


Mo Xun widened his eyes in surprise, not quite believing that there was such a strange technique in the world.

And according to the other party, if the cultivation will be lost, what's the point of practicing?

The little girl giggled, and her posture was like a young girl.

"That's right, but this situation will not last long. After a year, it will naturally return to its true cultivation level, so it shouldn't be too much for me to call you "Daoyou"?"

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