Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 406 Entering the Sea of ​​Thunder

Sure enough, in the end, it was the young man in gorgeous clothes who got the beauty.

In the next half day, some rare items appeared intermittently. Yue Wusi bought a lightning-proof robe, and Ye Wuya bought some rare materials.

Perhaps this guy with a gloomy look in his eyes is also a weapon refiner.

As for Mo Xun and Qingyi, they didn't spend a penny.

The biggest spender in the whole venue was the young man surnamed Qian. Mo Xun roughly calculated that the other party spent at least more than 100,000 spirit stones in this auction.

Presumably, only those noble families can have such wealth.

Wealth, Dharma, Friends and Land, the first thing to bear the brunt is wealth.

Ordinary casual cultivators, even Jindan cultivators, dare not squander like this.

He still clearly remembered that the storage bag he picked up from the Jindan cultivator surnamed Luo that year only contained more than 10,000 spirit stones.

Because of this unexpected wealth, he was a little excited.


After returning to the inn, Mo Xun immediately checked his whole body from head to toe. He has now reached the peak of foundation building. It is not so easy for ordinary people to secretly leave a mark on him.

As for the unorthodox method of marking, he has also studied it. He has suffered so much in these years, so he is most concerned about similar life-saving methods.

On the way back, he also went to the market to buy some books related to thunder beasts. Maybe he can really run into a few of them by luck.

Of course, as long as he doesn't meet any above level five.

However, not long after leaving the market, he hurried back.

Since he recognized the golden-faced messenger, he had to make some preparations in advance.

The five people rested for a night and set off again early the next morning.


Ten days later, at the top of a steep mountain, the five people stood facing the wind, looking through the clouds and mist into the distance, with a sense of reaching the top.

The end of the sky was completely covered by haze, and a twisted boundary divided the whole world into two.

On one side, there was a clear sky, and on the other side, it was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

It really lived up to its name. The endless lightning was densely intertwined, like a large net woven by fire, or in other words, a vast ocean full of thunder and lightning.

Mo Xun couldn't help but look at the sky curiously. Where the dark clouds are, will they really last for thousands of years?

At this time, let alone other people, even Hu Weizhou, who had been here twice, couldn't suppress his excitement in the face of such a mighty power, and gave birth to a sense of insignificance.

If the Nascent Soul cultivator is the supreme existence in this world, and can float corpses for hundreds of miles in anger, then this vast sea of ​​thunder is like the master of a piece of heaven and earth.

This vast momentum alone is enough to make anyone surrender to it.

This scene was really like a fierce demon in the region, which was daunting.

After a long silence, Hu Weizhou turned into a rainbow light and rushed into the distance.

Before entering this forbidden land of thunder and lightning, the ears of several people had already lost their hearing.

The whole world seemed to be trapped in endless rumbling.

They had to seal their ears with spiritual power, so the only way to communicate was to transmit sound.

Mo Xun first put on a lightning-proof robe, then threw out a delicate ring and covered his head, and at the same time, he pasted a thunder-transforming talisman on his body.

The first time he entered this place, he would rather be careful to avoid any accidents.

When he looked to the side again, he found that other people were doing almost the same thing as him.

No one who could cultivate to this level was careless.

After approaching this place, several people had already noticed that their spiritual consciousness was greatly suppressed, and the range that could be explored was only two or three feet.

And it is said that the closer to the center of the sea of ​​thunder, the more obvious this suppression will be.

Fortunately, the place Hu Weizhou mentioned is not too far away, so there is no need to worry about these.

As soon as they stepped into the sea of ​​thunder, they really felt what it meant to be terrified.

Lightning bolts, like reptiles wandering in the air, fell on their heads with crackling sounds.

Despite so many layers of defense, they could still clearly feel the numbness penetrating into their skin.

The five people who were not far apart shuttled through the arcs, and each of them seemed to be wrapped in a dense layer of lightning coat, flickering!

Because they closed their ears, the bright world in front of them seemed like a silent doomsday movie, which was weird and frightening.

After a short period of adaptation, they slightly relaxed their pace.

As soon as they entered this place, Hu Weizhou took out a disc-shaped magic weapon and looked around for the direction.

Mo Xun raised his hand, and in his palm, he also held a small disc, with several light spots flashing on it. It was the five of them.

"I didn't expect that the lightning and fire here are so strong!"

Mo Xun asked in confusion: "Why, you haven't been here before?"

Gong Yang replied unhappily: "I haven't been chased by anyone, why would I come to such a remote place?"

At this moment, a white light as thick as a bucket exploded among the people.

The residual power of the explosion shook Ye Wuya and Qingyi, who were closest to them, and flew backwards at the same time, landing two or three feet away.

The other three were also affected and stepped back several steps.

When the white light disappeared, a deep pit appeared in the place where it was struck.

Although everyone knew before coming here that such powerful lightning would fall from time to time in the sea of ​​thunder, but experiencing it personally was still unprepared.

Ye Wuya and Qingyi stood up in embarrassment and dusted themselves off, their faces somewhat ugly.

In this case, luck will really be tested.

Fortunately, everyone was well prepared and the two of them were not injured.

In fact, given their level, even if they predict the lightning strike in advance, it is still difficult to avoid it.

However, after experiencing this accident, everyone unconsciously became more alert.

Of course, lightning attacks of this level are still in the minority.

At this time, we can only hope to find the old devil's lair as soon as possible so that we can leave this ghostly place.

The danger is secondary. The pressure on the heart makes people really breathless.

After a while, Hu Weizhou's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Guys, please be careful and spread out as much as possible!"

This is true. If you concentrate too much, a bolt of lightning will strike and the pot will be over.

After Mo Xun calmed down, he asked in the sea of ​​​​consciousness: "Gong Yang, do you have a way to avoid this attack?"

Fortunately, the lightning did not fall directly on the head, otherwise even the exquisite ring would have been difficult to withstand.

Just the terrifying momentum alone makes people feel terrified.

"Hehe, if I were the God of Thunder, I would certainly have a way!"

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