In addition, this girl is really obedient.

I don’t know whether it’s because of the soul-stealing or her personality, but she rarely raises any questions about what Mo Xun tells her.

Such docility is really rare!

After standing there for a while, Mo Xun hurried out of the cave.

In the following period of time, he kept going in and out of various shops and auctions, and frantically bought all the things he needed according to the list listed by Gong Yang and his understanding of the Five Elements Formation and the "Five Turns Mixed Yuan Gong".

In addition to these, once he encountered something related to soul-stealing, he would also help Wen Yue collect it.

According to Gong Yang, Wen Yue’s current situation, due to unknown reasons, can only be tried one by one through different means. Maybe if she is lucky, she can succeed in three or five times, but if she is unlucky, she can only leave it to fate.

In addition, there is a great possibility that she was hit by the witchcraft.

At this point, even Gong Yang is a little bit at a loss.

If this is true, we can only make another plan in the future.

Although he had a previous experience of failure in forming the elixir, it was of little use. For him, it was almost a completely new way.

In addition to simulating the entire process in his mind according to the traditional method, he also had to estimate the various accidents that would occur after the fifth turn, so that he could respond.

On the day of forming the elixir, he might be able to succeed in forming the elixir, but it might also be... the time of his death.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

After experiencing so much, life and death are not that scary to him. The only thing that is hard to let go is the many regrets.

There are promises and concerns!

It is often the most unacceptable to disappear silently without saying hello to those familiar people.

But then again, at this time, how many of those who once appeared in his life are still alive?


Beside the gurgling stream, the two sat opposite each other.

At this moment, in addition to looking at the somewhat gloomy sky, the surrounding environment, in general, is still quite refreshing.

Mo Xun slowly took out a storage bag and pushed it in front of Wen Yue.

"Next, I am going to close the life and death barrier. There are some things that I need to tell you in advance."

Wen Yue nodded lightly, and as usual, she put it away without any excuses.

"Inside, there are several methods and things you need to try next. I have listed them in detail in the jade slip. If the soul-stealing technique on you can be lifted during this period, it is up to you to decide whether to go or stay. You don't need to inform me."

At this point, Mo Xun took out another storage bag.

"Inside, there are some cultivation resources, which should be enough to support you to cultivate to the peak of foundation building. If you want to try to form a pill at that time, there are also some preparations in it. Put them together!"

In fact, Mo Xun didn't quite agree with Wen Yue's forming a pill so quickly.

If it is just based on age, the little girl is now only more than 40 years old.

At this age, in the mortal world, it seems to be close to destiny, but in the late stage of foundation building, it is a complete young man.

It's not that he is jealous, but mainly out of concern.

On the one hand, before the soul-grabbing technique is lifted, who knows what dangers will come if she rashly forms a pill.

On the other hand, although the girl's first half of her life seems to be rough, she has never had any experience in cultivating immortals. Most of her time, she spent in the closed Guixu. In terms of her state of mind, she is almost the same as a 16- or 17-year-old.

It is a waste of time to advance in such a hurry.

According to Mo Xun's intention, he would like Wen Yue to be able to venture out on her own after the soul-grabbing technique is lifted, cultivate while seeing the world, and lay a more solid foundation.

However, it is not easy for him to decide for the other party on such matters.

Maybe she has a natural talent, and once she reaches the peak of foundation building, she will be able to advance. In that case, wouldn't he delay her future?

"In addition, this thing is given to you. If you want to leave, it can be regarded as something to rely on."

As he spoke, Mo Xun took out another wooden box.

Inside was the "Qingyun Sword", one of the six treasures he had obtained in Guixu!

After he was saved by Wen Yue, he had already made up his mind to reward her for this magic weapon.

It was just the right time to take it out now!

Having done this, the life-saving grace had been almost repaid.

Mo Xun considered again and again, and after hesitating for a long time, he took out another jade box, but this jade box was obviously sealed with a ban.

"There is a trace of my consciousness on it, if..."

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly became a little more confused.

"If something happens to me, my consciousness will disappear, and the box can be opened. There are some unfulfilled wishes of mine in it. If you have a chance, go there for me!"

Wen Yue took it with both hands, and when her beautiful eyes looked at the opposite side, it seemed that there was a touch of inexplicable complexity compared to before.

Mo Xun slowly stood up, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at the distant sky.

After a long time, he walked away without looking back.

Until his back disappeared down the hillside, Wen Yue heard his low and calm voice again.

"If you can forget the past, forget it!"


Mo Xun in the formation looked at his newly grown arm and gently clenched his fist.

He went through all the preparations in his mind again.

The magic array, elixir, magic weapon, incarnation, secret technique, and water attribute treasures are all available.

He placed the Xuantian True Fire in the secret room to absorb the essence of the inner elixir.

Bai Ze also had enough spirit beast elixir, enough to support for decades.

As for Ziyu Qingfu, there was still no movement over the years, and he also left her in the insect room, so he could only let nature take its course.

A few days ago, according to Gongyang's instructions, he added some things to the hatching pool. I hope that this retreat will bring him a little surprise.

As for Gongyang, he kept her by his side.

Although the two occasionally quarreled, at such a critical moment, having such a senior by his side would always play a role.

He thought silently in his mind, probably... it should be about right!

Next, it was a few days of meditation. The other incarnations, plus the water attribute spirit objects, gathered from the five directions and were arranged on different array eyes.

The process of changing from the fifth to the fourth is actually similar. The key is how to balance these five forces and perfectly integrate them.

His "Four Spirits Mysterious Heaven Purple Mansion Formation" played a decisive role!

The first thing to do is to condense the pure power of one's own. This process will be quite long...

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