Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 452 Shangguan Chen

This person is also in the early stage of pill formation, and like Bai Li, he has almost reached the peak of the early stage, and is only one step away from crossing the threshold.

Of course, it is still unclear whether this step can be overcome.

The way of cultivation is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Some people add countless ones throughout their lives, but never reach that two.

Here, there are talents, understanding, opportunities, luck, resources, efforts, and even state of mind, all of which are indispensable.

Sometimes, even if the right time, right place, right people and everything are available, there are not a few people who fall short of success and live with resentment for the rest of their lives.

This road is where thousands of people go, but only one person is left.

In fact, this person may not be able to stay!

The man in red looked at the stone monument not far away and asked with a smile: "Is this the famous Thousand-layer Monument?"

"Sir, that's right!" The attendants on the side quickly agreed.

This rude behavior naturally aroused the anger of some people, but after seeing clearly the cultivation levels of several people, they all chose to remain silent.

Although fighting is prohibited in the city, who is willing to offend the Dan Jie monk for such a trivial matter?

And judging from the confident demeanor of the group, it is obvious that they have quite a background.

The python-robed master looked at Bai Li and the other three men, and nodded politely. Then he stepped into the formation without looking back, then suddenly jumped up and flew upwards quickly.

The speed of this man's ascent was obviously much faster than that of Bai Li just now. In the blink of an eye, he had crossed the three words "Yang Tianxiao". Even before the two words "Bai Li", it seemed that Castration continues unabated.

This scene immediately aroused a burst of exclamation from everyone below.

At about sixty feet, the man's speed finally slowed down.

I saw him in the air. After performing several Taoist formulas, he exerted his strength again and rushed upwards for another four or five feet before finally stopping. Then he spat out forcefully from his mouth and flew out a flying sword, "Swiss, swish, swish." "" left three big characters on the blank stone wall.

"Shangguan Chen!"

Seeing the height of almost sixty-five feet, Mo Xun was surprised for a moment. Under the same level, this person's skill was actually nearly ten feet higher than Bai Li's.

It seems that he really underestimated the heroes of the world before.

Many people even secretly lamented that such a high level seemed to be no less impressive than the middle stage of Dan Formation.

Of course, it would be a bit one-sided to simply judge the level in this way, but it does not prevent it from reflecting the depth of a person's magic power from the side.

Shangguan Chen slowly fell down, after briefly adjusting his clothes, he walked out of the formation, accompanied by his followers, who quickly handed over the brocade handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

When turning around, this person smiled very kindly at Bai Li and the others, and then left here under countless complicated eyes.

In the crowd, someone finally reacted.

"This is a member of the Shangguan family!"

"Shangguan...which Shangguan?"

Following a burst of noisy discussion, the group came and went in a hurry!

However, if you pay attention, you will find that the faces of the first three people present are a little livid, especially Bai Li, who is even more hot, as if he has been slapped in public.

Although the other party didn't say a word, what he did was tantamount to stepping on the three of them severely.

Even if you are a calm person on weekdays, you may not have a good temper in this situation.

But having said that, none of these people are over a hundred years old. If they were placed in the ordinary world, they would have already been buried at such an age. It is really rare for them to still have such a competitive spirit at this moment.

Mo Xunchong waved to the side and whispered: "Let's go!"

Ye Ping asked in surprise: "Master, aren't you going to give it a try?"

Mo Xun shook his head and suddenly asked: "What did you do just now?"

Although his attention was always on the thousand-layer monument, he was still aware of the movements of the people around him.

When the python-robed monk challenged him, Ye Ping briefly left for a moment. Although Mo Xun would not restrict the freedom of this apprentice who was exchanged for benefits, he still had to question him for such an abrupt move.

"The disciple has just inquired about some things, which may be useful to the master."

Ye Ping never asked Mo Xun why he came to Xuanyuan City, but based on the brief contact between the two, in his opinion, although his newly appointed master was taciturn and unremarkable on weekdays, he was definitely He is a thoughtful and very purposeful person.

Since you are here, you will definitely not be aimless.

"What's up?"

The two of them communicated through sound transmission as they moved forward.

"I heard that not long ago, a golden light suddenly appeared in the jungle of the God's Tomb. It lasted for three days and three nights. According to many people, I am afraid that a strange treasure came to the world. Later, the Five Elements Sect blocked it, but the news was still leaked. "This disciple came to Xuanyuan City this time and saw that there were several times more outside monks here than before, so he guessed that something big had happened, so he went to inquire about it privately, and asked Master not to blame."

Mo Xun immediately frowned and looked at Ye Ping with a profound look in his eyes.

After a long time, he slowly said: "You have done a good job. If you can, continue to inquire about information related to it."

"Disciple, obey!"

Mo Xun nodded lightly. Although his expression returned to calm, there was still a bit of surprise in his heart.

I didn't expect that his disciple would actually have such an exquisite side.

To be honest, if this kind of person is used well, he can be a great help to him, but if he has evil intentions, it is another matter.

However, the information Ye Ping found out was indeed very useful to him.

He had noticed before that there were many foreign monks coming to the city. He thought it was for the upcoming wedding of the Purple Saint Lord, but unexpectedly, there was another reason.

"Rongyang, what do you think of this matter?"

"Maybe it's a good thing, but it could also be a bad thing!"

Mo Xun nodded in agreement. In fact, he thought so in his heart.

In troubled times, many unpredictable situations often occur, which disrupt the previous plan. However, from another perspective, it is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

As for what happens, we can only adapt to circumstances!

"By the way, what do you think of my disciple?"

"Hehe, no worse than you!"

Mo Xun smiled.

"If it's really not bad, how could he be deceived by a woman?"

Gong Yang asked back: "Have you never been deceived by a woman?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun was speechless. A beautiful figure immediately appeared in his mind, and then changed into a strong figure holding a baby in his arms.

The eldest lady of the Su family who almost put him to death must have passed away many years ago!


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