Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 455 Outside the City

Hua Qingyan didn't respond. She glanced at Mo Xun inadvertently, then smiled elegantly, "Go downstairs first, I'll find you later!"

Anu also knew that this was not the time to talk. After nodding, she bowed to Mo Xun and then ran down.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh!"

"It's okay, fairy, please continue!"

The glow in Hua Qingyan's hand flickered, but this time it was a robe.

After she put it on, the gray coat seemed to melt into her body and disappeared completely, and the aura of her cultivation was well covered up.

"I wonder how this thing is?"

This time, Mo Xun finally nodded with some satisfaction. At least with his realm, if he didn't look carefully, he really couldn't see any clues.

"Not bad!"

Hua Qingyan took off the robe, with a faint smile on her lips.

The woman in front of him was extremely outstanding in temperament. Perhaps she had been in the business world for many years and had seen all kinds of people. When facing customers no matter how difficult they were, she could always maintain her original appearance and make people feel no impatience.

"So, fellow Daoist, are you going to take this one?"

Hua Qingyan thought that the other party would ask about the price next, but Mo Xun shook his head and said something that made her happy all day.

"I want all the three pieces just now!"

After coming out of Yaoxian Pavilion, Mo Xun received a very grand courtesy. Even the servants and maids were secretly surprised. When did their beautiful Pavilion Master become so attentive that she actually sent customers downstairs in person, and the look of treating them as guests of honor was as if she was in love and had seen her sweetheart.

However, Mo Xun felt very painful in his heart.

Next, he went to two large auction houses and sold some thousand-year-old spiritual medicines and unused skills in batches.

As for low-level elixirs, he didn't have any extra to sell now.

After all, he now had to support three avatars, plus a little apprentice's daily practice, and the supply was almost in short supply.

Fortunately, he was quite diligent in those years in Guixu. He would open a few furnaces every now and then, and stored a lot of Qi-refining and foundation-building elixirs. Otherwise, the consumption of a few people alone would give him a headache.

In the black market, he also found a few local snakes, on the one hand, entrusted them to collect various spirits, and on the other hand, he was preparing to sell the various materials that had been accumulated in his hands over the years.

Among them, including the original stone of Huan Gangsha that he discovered with Li Qingying, and the jade stones removed from Yuexing Palace.

His current spiritual stone gap has reached a new height.

Every month, after the money in his hands, he has long lost the accounts in his heart.

If it were in the past, he would not be so short of money. Sometimes, he even thought of selling Bai Ze.

Now, apart from the nine magic weapons and a lot of pills, he is completely alone.

And in the foreseeable future, he will be in this tight situation for a long time.

After being so busy, the sky began to darken.


The surroundings were quiet under the cover of darkness!

In the mountains, you can occasionally feel some fluctuations in mana, either because of the formation or because some fellow practitioners are practicing magical powers.

There are roughly two types of people who can build caves here.

One type is those who do not require much spiritual energy and just want to be quiet. The other type is naturally a low-level cultivator who is penniless and helpless.

After all, not everyone can have such an opportunity as him.

Many casual cultivators, after a trip to a dangerous secret place, will not know whether they will live or die. Occasionally, those who are lucky enough to find a few spiritual herbs or some precious materials can only exchange for a few pills. How useful can they be?

Those with low cultivation and no background can only do the most basic livelihood, such as running errands for others, planting spiritual medicine, mining and purifying minerals. They are mediocre in talent, and most of their time they are running for cultivation resources. What they finally get may not be as good as what others get through their fingers.

After a lifetime of cultivation, in the blink of an eye, they have been a hundred years old, but they have never discovered that the illusory road is still ethereal.


In front of the low mountains!

Not far away, it seems to be covered with light fog. In the quiet night, it is no different from other places, but if you look carefully, you can easily see a layer of magic array flowing faintly in the fog.

A woman in red slowly fell from the sky. She had a graceful figure, delicate eyebrows, and a charming look in her every frown and smile. After seeing her appearance clearly, it turned out that this person was the flower fairy in the daytime.

Hua Qingyan flicked her fingers, and a sound transmission note shot into the formation and then sank into it.

Then, she slightly tidied up her makeup and waited quietly in the same place.

But the delicate girl's posture always seemed a little strange.

After a while, another figure walked out of the mist.

The moment she saw Hua Qingyan, a happy smile appeared on her delicate face like a girl.

"Sister Hua, why are you here?"

This girl was also familiar to her. She was the little girl called Anu.

"Come and ask you something. Come with me over there!" Hua Qingyan pointed to the valley in the distance and said with a smile.

But at this moment, a slightly sickly female voice came from the cave in the mountains.

"Since Sister Hua is here, come in!"

Hearing this, Hua Qingyan's brows immediately frowned.

"Yes, Sister Hua, let's go in and talk. My mother and I were just talking about you!"

Anu said enthusiastically, and she had already jumped up and ran forward. Before Hua Qingyan could react, she hugged her arms with both hands.

Just when the pair of not-so-full breasts rubbed against her body, a very soft and warm feeling spread all over her body. Hua Qingyan was stunned instinctively as if she was electrocuted, and her mind was blank for a short time.

Just like that, before she could react, she was dragged into the mist by Anu.

Inside was a man-made world. Although it was not big, it looked very clean and tidy, and the arrangement of flowers and willows could tell at a glance that it was the place where the woman lived.

Hua Qingyan glanced around without leaving a trace. There were also restrictions inside, but the level was not very high.

In the secret room, a woman who looked a little older was leaning on a bamboo couch. Her face was sallow, her hair was messy, and she was so thin that she was almost skin and bones.

Judging from the fluctuations of spiritual power she emitted, she seemed to be in the Qi Refining Stage, but the strange thing was that she actually had divine consciousness.

Because since Hua Qingyan entered the room, she felt a divine consciousness different from Anu, which was always hovering over her.


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