Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 463 Conflict (Two in One)

On the grass not far away, six or seven people were divided into two groups and confronted each other.

A man in the middle stage of foundation building, wearing the uniform Taoist uniform of Jiuxuan Sect, was very embarrassed and sandwiched in the middle. He bowed to this side and then to the other side, looking like he had no desire to live.

In each of the two groups, there was a Jindan cultivator, and the others were either in the Qi Refining or Foundation Building stage. Judging from their positions, they were probably followers.

Both of them were in the early stage of Jindan.

One was wearing a red robe and was quite tall.

The other was wearing a black Taoist robe, with a gray goatee, and a Taoist with an immortal look.

The moment he saw the two people clearly, Mo Xun frowned slightly.

It was not that he knew these two people. On the contrary, it was the first time he saw these two unfamiliar faces.

What made him feel strange was that there were some special mana fluctuations on the faces of these two people.

This meant that they both concealed their true appearance at the same time.

This method may be a secret transformation technique, or it may be like him, using some kind of treasure.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have missed something.

This auction trip was to buy what he needed, and another important purpose was to find clues about the Wu brothers and then find out Bai Li's whereabouts.

But if most of the people who came here were disguised, how could he identify them?

At this time, Zhirou suddenly passed Mo Xun and ran forward.

"Brother Li, what's wrong?"

The man who was called Brother was the man in the crowd with a rather anxious face.

The moment he saw Zhirou, he was briefly surprised, but seemed to realize that the occasion was not right, and his face tightened immediately, and then he pulled Zhirou to the side and whispered something.

"You have used your spiritual sense to spy on me for no reason. If you don't give me an explanation today, I'm afraid even the whisk in my hand will not agree."

"Stinky Taoist, stop looking for trouble. What evidence do you have to prove that I spied on you? Besides, you are not a young girl. Even if someone takes a look at you, can you still lose your innocence?"

After Senior Brother Li left, the two immediately started a quarrel again.

However, Mo Xun heard these two short sentences.

Most likely, it was the red-robed monk who was arrogant and liked to spy on others with his spiritual sense.

In the past, when he met someone with low cultivation or good temper, he would not care about it. But today, he was unlucky and met the black-robed Taoist who was also a bit unkind, and then there was a quarrel.

In fact, this kind of thing can be big or small.

After all, some people, because they have secrets that cannot be told, are most taboo to reveal their identities. Doing so is tantamount to open provocation.

This is also the reason why Mo Xun was worried just now.

Many disguise and transformation techniques, if not too advanced, can be completely identified by spiritual consciousness.

But the problem is that if the other party discovers such open spying, the current situation will occur.

Of course, if the realm is much higher than the other party, or the spiritual consciousness is more condensed than the other party, the effect of spying can be achieved without anyone noticing.

The Taoist snorted coldly, and a bit of anger suddenly rose in his eyes.

Obviously, he was very angry about the dirty words!

The appearance of Mo Xun and others naturally attracted the attention of the two, but the other party just glanced at it and didn't pay much attention.

Behind the two, each of them brought his own disciples and followers.

Standing with the man in red was a young man in the early stage of foundation building, and his eyebrows seemed to be somewhat similar to him.

Behind the Taoist, there were two little Taoist children in the Qi Refining period.

"It seems that you, sir, are determined to fight with me!"

After saying this, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became tense, and even the disciples behind them were on guard.

When Senior Brother Li saw this, his face changed again, and he didn't bother to continue to talk to Zhirou in detail, and hurried forward to persuade them to stop fighting.

However, this existence, who was not equal to the two in terms of status or cultivation, obviously didn't play much of a role, and could only call them "seniors" one after another, with a bitter face, and bowed to both sides.

A grown man, it felt like he was about to cry!

Zhirou naturally couldn't stay out of it at this time. Although the two masters had begun to radiate the powerful pressure of the Jindan stage, she still had to bite the bullet and try to resolve the conflict.

Mo Xun held his chin with one hand, just standing there quietly, as if he was watching the fun, but in his head, he was thinking about how to find the person he was looking for under these disguises.

Just when the situation seemed to be about to explode, a strong wind suddenly blew, blowing up fallen leaves and leaves, and the hems of everyone's clothes were slightly lifted by the wind.

"Please calm down, fellow Taoists!"

As this extremely heroic voice came, a shadow came between the two of them out of thin air.

Then it gradually became clear, and not long after, a burly man appeared.

As soon as this man appeared, everyone's eyes were suddenly stern.

Especially the several Jindan cultivators present!

Because none of them sensed the approach of this person in advance, even Mo Xun only noticed this sudden abnormality when the strong wind swept by.

Mo Xun, who was far away, narrowed his eyes slightly, and a few waves of shock arose in his heart.

"Is this the strength of the peak of Jindan?"

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the male sheep was like a roundworm in his belly. At this time, he smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. If I were back then, even if I quietly appeared behind you, you would not be able to notice it."

Mo Xun knew that Gongyang's words seemed exaggerated, but maybe they were.

Once you enter the Dan Formation, you will be completely different from your previous state.

Looking back at the time when he was building the foundation, he had defeated late-stage masters several times with his early-stage cultivation.

Especially Bai Li's time, although he was extremely embarrassed and it took him several months to escape from his hands, but no matter what, the suppression of his cultivation never gave him the courage to resist. .

But the person in front of him gave him this feeling.

Just the aura that the other party exuded inadvertently made him feel as if he had gone back to the time when he was refining Qi and met a Foundation Establishment monk.

He looked up like a mountain, as if no matter what methods he used, he could not escape from the opponent's grasp.

This is the peak level of pill formation, let alone a Nascent Soul monk!

This is his heartfelt sigh at this moment!

Leaving aside everything else, the method of appearing in front of everyone silently just now was far beyond his reach.

From this point of view, it seems a bit shocking!

However, in Mo Xun's heart, instead of being depressed by this, he was filled with unprecedented expectations for the next training.

The moment this person appeared, Zhirou and the senior fellow apprentice named Li relaxed at the same time.

How could their level be able to handle the conflicts between the alchemy monks?

I'm afraid that once they start fighting, the strong energy released from the outside will be able to knock them away.

"It's because Yu's hospitality was not good enough. I would like to ask you two to take advantage of my master and turn the hostility into friendship. In order to express my apology, I have specially prepared two Chenxuan Pills and I would like you to accept them."

While speaking, the man had already taken out two opalescent jade bottles and handed them out with both hands.

This man was a good talker, and he did not use his cultivation to overwhelm others. When he came up, he did not ask the reason, and directly apologized first. Not only did he resolve the conflict immediately, but he also saved the guests' face very well.

Of course, the man in red and the Taoist priest are not ignorant of advancement and retreat.

With this step, the two of them dare not even say anything. Not to mention the other party's peak cultivation level, even the master Jiu Xuan has moved out, so what else can they say.

After the two declined, they both looked like they deserved it.

Seeing this, even Mo Xun felt a little envious.

If he remembered correctly, one pill of this Chen Xuan Dan would cost at least a thousand spiritual stones on the market, and a higher-grade pill could be sold for two to three thousand.

I really didn’t expect that even if I scolded someone for a few times, I could get some compensation.

If he had known this, he would have found a comrade and staged a show on purpose.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Gu Qingqing behind him, but in an instant, his face darkened.

This woman actually ran away!

Mo Xun snorted in his heart and quickly closed his eyes, sensing the marks he had left on the other person's body.

After seeing off the two people, the monk surnamed Yu walked towards Mo Xun again.

As for Zhirou, she naturally followed.

"This fellow Taoist is so polite!"

Mo Xun smiled and cupped his hands, but his heart felt a little gloomy.

Fortunately, he not only used ordinary marking methods before, but also used Xuanzang Tianhuo as insurance just in case. Otherwise, the woman would have really escaped at this moment.

"Brother Yu has great magical power, I really admire you!"

After the two chatted for a while, the other party said a few words to Zhirou, then turned into a rainbow light and left the place.

"Eh? Senior Mo, where is that senior Gu?"

"Brother Gu had a bad stomach before, so it's convenient to go there. Let's just go over there and look for it!"

While speaking, Mo Xun had turned around and walked quickly away.

Zhirou blinked in confusion. This was the first time she heard this statement.

After building the foundation, you can live without grains, and your body will be immune to the five poisons.

As for the golden elixir monks, they are almost separated from the mortal body, so how can there be such a thing as a bad stomach?

This senior Gu is really... really naughty!

Under the leadership of Mo Xun, the two walked through the grassland and around the stream, stopping in front of a bamboo forest.

"Miss Zhirou, Brother Gu is inside for a while. I'll go look for him. Please wait here for a moment!"

Zhirou nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. Naturally, she couldn't follow this kind of thing anymore. Although she was very curious in her heart, what did that senior eat? Even the indestructible body of Vajra gave her diarrhea. .

Mo Xun entered the bamboo forest and soon came to a towering tree.

He first circled around the big tree, and then his eyes fell on the half-person-high stone next to him.

"Xianzi Gu, do you want me to invite you to show up?"

Seeing no one responded, Mo Xun snorted coldly and prepared to make a hand gesture and recite a mantra.

But at this moment, an urgent voice suddenly came from my ears.

"Fellow Taoist, wait!"

Then, the stone in front of him began to change shape with a burst of shaking.

Gu Qingqing stood up slowly and patted the dirt off her hands. Not only did her face not show the embarrassment of being exposed in public, nor the annoyance of being caught, she instead said with a playful smile: "I just want to try my fellow Taoist skills. How about it, are you surprised or surprised?”

Mo Xun said in a deep voice: "It's very unexpected, but there is also an unexpected treasure here. I wonder if the fairy is interested?"

Gu Qingqing waved her hand quickly.

"No, no, I have never been interested in treasures!"

Mo Xun suddenly looked at her with interest, and asked in confusion: "I am really curious, who gave the fairy the courage to take such an adventurous thing?"

Gu Qingqing seemed to be really scared by Mo Xun's restriction.

She took a half step back and replied with a dry laugh: "This... If I say it is a woman named Liang Jingru, do you believe it?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? Listening to this name, it should also be a woman. If there is a chance, I really want to meet this Liang Fairy!"

"Hehe... There will be a chance, there will definitely be a chance!

Mo Xun's face changed immediately, turned his head and left.

Just now, for a moment, he really wanted to roast this person with a fire.


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