Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 504 Mo Xun comes on stage

Gu Qingqing pursed her lips, her face flushed slightly.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "Then add another five thousand!"

A flash of disappointment flashed across Guitouqi's face, but soon, he covered it up very cleverly.

The dice cup was opened, and the result was reversed from the previous one.

Twenty-seven points!

Guitouqi smiled heartily, his twisted face was slightly hideous, and coupled with the bumps on his head, he was just like a yaksha in the deep sea.

Mo Xun could see that the other party had been fishing for half a day.

Poor Fairy Gu, she thought she won by relying on her own level!

Maybe Guitouqi also won by hearing, but his level was higher than Gu Qingqing.

Watching the storage bag being taken away, Gu Qingqing felt that her heart was about to bleed.

"Come again!"

The dice cup sounded again!

Mo Xun glanced at Gu Qingqing beside him. Although he had not been to such a place much, he knew that impulsiveness was taboo at the gambling table, especially after losing money, because he was eager to win it back, he would often lose his mind.

At this time, it was also the easiest to fall into other people's traps.

As expected, the second round was a little worse again, and the stakes were even higher, and he lost 20,000 spirit stones directly.

Gu Qingqing was obviously getting carried away at this moment.

"Gong Yang, do you have any good ideas?"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Gong Yang said disdainfully: "I am a scholar!"

Mo Xun curled his lips, this old pervert!

"But... since you can't do anything with the dice cup, just think of a way with that rotten head ghost."

Mo Xun's eyes lit up: "Keep talking!"

"Don't you have the red spider lily fruit?"

"Use this thing?"

Mo Xun frowned immediately, touched his chin habitually, and looked at Guitou Qi thoughtfully.

At present, both mana and divine consciousness are useless, and it is indeed difficult to change the result in the dice cup.

Even if the Xuantian True Fire is used to infiltrate secretly, with so many eyes, unless these people are blind, it is impossible to conceal the truth.

Then the rest seems to be able to find a breakthrough in Guitouqi.


Mo Xun pondered for a while. Through the hallucinogenic effect of the fruit of the other shore flower, the other party can be temporarily dazed, but this kind of daze is completely random and cannot be controlled purposefully.

Another point, if even he falls into the illusion, who knows what the result will be.

Gong Yang seemed to see his concerns and said with a smile: "What you need to do is nothing more than to make this person misjudge. As for what he will transform into, what does it matter?"

Mo Xun nodded secretly, it makes sense!

Just when Gu Qingqing was still unwilling to admit defeat and was ready to continue the third game, Mo Xun pulled her sleeve.

"Let me try this time!"

Gu Qingqing was so eager to gamble that she was a little jealous. When she heard what Mo Xun said, she was stunned for a moment, then asked in surprise: "Don't you understand?"

"I have other ways. If it doesn't work, you can continue!"

While speaking, Mo Xun had already walked to the gambling table and pushed Gu Qingqing aside without leaving a trace.

When Gui Tou Qi saw this, he not only did not stop him, but smiled and said: "Why, this little brother also wants to play?"

Mo Xun looked at the distribution of points on the table and threw out a storage bag.

"There are 200,000 spirit stones in it. If you have the ability, you can win them all."

Two hundred thousand...

The scene was suddenly like a pot of boiling water, and everyone showed shocked expressions on their faces. Several people couldn't help but take half a step forward.

I'm afraid if it wasn't in this environment, they would have to grab it.

As for Gui Tou Qi, it was better, but the greed in his eyes was still revealed without concealment.

Such a large amount of spiritual stones, even some Jindan cultivators may not have such a fortune.

It can be seen that although these people cannot see their original cultivation, their realm should not be too high.

These spiritual stones mainly come from Bai Li, and the mysterious cultivator who bought the Golden Rainbow Halberd before. For Mo Xun, they are purely spoils of war.

Gu Qingqing was also shocked. She was not surprised that Mo Xun could take out so many spiritual stones, but she felt a little distressed. If she lost, she would be heartbroken.

It seemed that in her eyes, such wealth should belong to her.

At this moment, in the eyes of Gui Tou Qi on the opposite side, Mo Xun was like a fat lamb!

"Haha... OK, little brother has courage, and I will naturally not be stingy. No matter how much you take out later, I will sacrifice my life to accompany you!"

Mo Xun was waiting for this sentence!

Gui Tou Qi gave a look to the dealer: "Start!"

But as soon as the voice fell, Mo Xun interrupted hurriedly!


"What else do you want, little brother?" Facing the God of Wealth in front of him, how could Gui Tou Qi be negligent?

Mo Xun pointed to the dice cup beside him and said, "To be honest with you, this is my first time playing, and I don't have enough experience, so I'll use three dice!"

Gui Tou Qi frowned, and the two looked at each other, as if trying to see the intention of these words from each other's eyes.

By now, everyone actually knew it well.

Gu Qingqing could hear the movement of the three dice, but why couldn't Gui Tou Qi?

If only three dice were used, it would be a stalemate.

No matter how everyone guesses, the result every time must be a tie. What's the point?

After a moment of silence, Guitou Qi thought carefully and said: "What if the points you and I bet are the same?"

The corners of Mo Xun's mouth curled up.

"Isn't there a banker? If there's a draw, all the bets go to him!"

Guitou Qi followed Mo Xun's finger and glanced at the short, fat man who looked a little innocent. He probably didn't even expect that such a good thing would happen to him.

"Okay, just follow these rules!"

With almost no hesitation, Guitou Qi agreed.

Mo Xun smiled slightly, and Gu Qingqing's anxious reminder suddenly came to his ears.

"You are crazy. There must be something dirty between this person and the banker in private. Isn't this equivalent to giving money to others for free?"

"Fairy, there is no need to say anything. I have my own sense of discretion. Later, you can use magic power to seal your nose, tongue, and body... It is best to close your eyes again, and then listen carefully to the movement in the dice cup." , waiting for my orders."

Judging from the last experience, the flowers and fruits of the other side are not effective for the male sheep, which means that it is a hallucinogenic pathway, not "consciousness".

As for the two senses of ears and eyes, the probability is not high.

As long as the other three consciousnesses are closed tightly, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Hearing these inexplicable words, Gu Qingqing was obviously even more confused.

"What do you want to do?"

"Fairy, there is no need to say anything. Just do as I say!"

Mo Xun stopped talking to her, not because he didn't have time to elaborate, but because he didn't want to explain at all.

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