Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 508 Returning Home

Mo Xun instinctively turned around and circled in the air, leaving a long rainbow trail.

Before leaving, he turned his head and looked behind him.

The three people who had caught up with him were trapped by a circle of pale yellow formations, trying to break out of the formation!

Mo Xun muttered to himself, this person actually has such a powerful formation!

After walking about five or six miles, he heard another voice.

"Come down!"

Mo Xun hurriedly stopped and looked down. In the small valley under his feet, a figure was waving to him anxiously.

If this person is not Gu Qingqing, who else could it be?

Before Mo Xun landed, he asked, "Why are you here?"

Gu Qingqing tore off his sleeves without saying anything.

Mo Xun was shocked. What was he doing in broad daylight?

Gu Qingqing obviously didn't have time to explain to him. She patted the storage bag on her waist, took out a talisman, and quickly made a few seals on her chest. Then she tied the sleeve cloth and the talisman together, threw it into the air, and it immediately turned into a stream of light and flew towards the end of the sky.

At this moment, how could Mo Xun not understand the other party's intention?

It seems that this woman is not inferior to him in escape experience.

After doing this, Gu Qingqing hurriedly pulled Mo Xun to squat down, and at the same time her palm passed over her head, and the fluorescent light flashed. The two of them were gradually covered with a layer of gray-green. After three or two breaths, from a distance, their bodies seemed to have turned into a piece of stone, connected with the rocks next to them, and there was no trace of falsehood at all.

"Fairy Gu..."

In the dim light, Mo Xun had just sent a voice message, and Gu Qingqing made a gesture to keep silent.

He almost forgot that this Fairy Gu was very good at hiding!

Last time on Bixia Island, if it weren't for the Xuantian True Fire mark, even he would have been almost fooled by it.

At the same time, several rainbow lights flew in the air, seemingly hovering above the two people's heads, and then quickly chased in one direction.

After half an hour, Gu Qingqing removed the disguise on her head, looked into the distance, patted her chest with a bit of shock, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, with a smile, she looked at Mo Xun.

"How are you going to repay your life-saving grace this time?"

Mo Xun was also in shock, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. This time he almost capsized in the gutter.

He did not directly answer Gu Qingqing's question, but asked with a little doubt: "How do you know I'm here?"

"This girl has been in the martial arts world for many years, so she has some skills. But how come you have become a monk after such a short time?"

Mo Xun ignored the ridicule. He looked up and looked around. The area nearby was hilly, with no vegetation, only rugged rocks, and it felt a bit desolate.

Perhaps it was based on this point that the two of them were able to disguise themselves successfully.

"Let's leave first!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Xun had already soared into the sky. This kind of place is not a place to stay for a long time!


In Xuanyuan City, back to the cave that had been away for a long time!

As soon as Mo Xun and Gu Qingqing entered the door, Ye Ping hurriedly came to greet them. When he saw Mo Xun's new look, he was also stunned.

Did the master become a monk?

No, if he became a monk, why did he bring a girl back?

"Disciple welcomes Master!"

While paying respects, Ye Ping also quietly looked at the charming woman in front of him. Whether it was her appearance or her figure, it seemed that even his bones were numb after seeing her.

A master is a master, and his vision is really good!

Mo Xun nodded gently, and then introduced: "This is... Senior Gu, you can call him Uncle Master!"

Uncle Master...

Ye Ping let out a light "huh" in his heart. He was just busy looking at the other person's appearance, and only now he noticed that the cultivation level of this Senior Gu was the same as his master, and he couldn't see through it at all!

"Uncle Master Gu!"

Ye Ping bowed again and saluted. This time, there was no disrespect on his face.

However, in his heart, he admired his master even more.

He could bring back a Jindan Dao companion when he went out!

He still had a lot of skills to learn!

"Pack up first and wait for me in the training room. I have something to ask you!"

Mo Xun saw at a glance that Ye Ping had obviously interrupted his practice in a hurry to see him come back, and his breath was still a little unstable.

But in two months, his cultivation has improved a little.


Looking at the backs of the two people leaving, Ye Ping once again thanked his foresight. With such an extraordinary master, is he still afraid that his revenge is hopeless?

Although the two had three rules before becoming his disciples, and Mo Xun would not be involved in his family feud, once his life was in danger, could the other party still stand by and watch?

Thinking of this, Ye Ping's mouth curled up quietly.

"Hey, your little disciple is much more handsome than you!"

Mo Xun blurted out lightly: "Looks good but useless!"

"You are jealous of others. No matter what, having a good-looking appearance is never bad. Just like me, no matter where I go, I will be treated as a guest of honor by those stinky men!"

Mo Xun stopped suddenly after walking across a corridor bridge. Gu Qingqing was looking around and bumped into him again without warning.

"Hey, isn't this a bad habit of yours?"

Looking at Gu Qingqing who was stroking his forehead, Mo Xun was speechless. Is this girl a decoration?

"You go sit inside first, I'll go change my clothes!"

While speaking, Mo Xun's fingers gently swiped through the air, and the stone door beside him opened with a bang, revealing a secret room inside.

After that, he turned and went to another secret room!

Gu Qingqing stared at the disappearing back in anger, snorted coldly, and then followed Mo Xun's example, put his hands behind his back, and looked around and entered the secret room.

In the small stone room, there was a circle of bookshelves around the walls.

There were all kinds of books and jade slips on them. If you didn't know, you would think you had entered a study!

"I didn't expect this guy to be a scholar!"

Gu Qingqing walked over curiously and picked up an ancient book at random.

"The Source of Eight Trigrams and Yi Li"!

After flipping through two pages, he put it back and picked up another jade slip, sticking it on his forehead.

"Twelve Judgments of the Sky Plate and Stars"!

"It's about formations again. Could this guy be a formation master!"

While talking to himself, Gu Qingqing came to the bookshelf on the other wall.

"Outline of the Three Thousand Spiritual Herbs of Xuanhuang"!

The next book, "The Art of Furnace Fire Transformation"!

The next jade slip is actually related to the alchemy!

Gu Qingqing's face showed some surprise. Could it be that this person is also an alchemist?

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