Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 519 Xianmiao Garden

For now, he can only take it one step at a time.

Fortunately, the mountain gate is open now, and there are no high-level cultivators in the Five Elements Sect, which undoubtedly creates a great opportunity for him.

As for today's incident, it will probably spread in Xuanyuan City in less than two days.

"The holy light of the God's Tomb quietly appeared in the world, and the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch gave up his wife!"

Mo Xun could almost imagine the sensation this incident would cause.

Immortal cultivators are also human beings. Although they have left the five grains and cereals, they cannot avoid losing their tongues.

The key is that the people who are getting married are of extraordinary status. One is the supreme elder of the Eight-Star Sect, and the other is the newly promoted female palace master. No matter which one of them is, they can tremble with a stomp of their feet.

Especially for the Baiyu Palace, they finally married a palace master, and when they were about to get married, the groom resigned and left.

No matter what the reason is, it is undoubtedly a great shame for a woman.

If there is a great opportunity this time, it would be fine. If it is a false alarm, I believe that this Palace Master Xia will soon become a laughing stock in the world of immortal cultivation.

Of course, these are all later stories, and they have little to do with Mo Xun.

What he needs to consider now is how to find what he wants in this heavily guarded sect.

Treasures such as the Soul-Cleansing Umbrella must be placed in an extremely safe place.

It is even possible that it is directly kept by the two supreme elders.

If so, it will be a bit troublesome!

Even if the person is not in the sect now, he would not dare to break into the residence of the Yuanying cultivator if he has the courage.

But he has to give it a try, even if it is not for anything else, just to give Gong Yang an explanation.

With this thought, Mo Xun has closed his eyes and began to recall the terrain and location of the entire sect.

The Five Elements Hall is roughly located in the center of the sect. Not far from here is the "Jinjian Palace", where the martial arts books are stored, and it is also one of the exchange places that the Five Elements Order can enter and exit.

However, the chances of treasures being hidden inside are really low.

In addition, there is the "Five Elements Cave Heaven", which is said to contain many treasures, so you can go and take a look first.

The Five Elements Sect is known for its nine palaces, twelve palaces, three blessed lands, two cave heavens, and several cloud peaks.

According to Mo Xun's speculation, there are at least seven or eight places where treasures can be hidden, and it is harder to find them than to climb to the sky!

And there are only three days!

His current plan is nothing more than to do his best and leave it to fate!

There was no conversation overnight, and after a few weeks, the morning sun jumped out of the sky again.

It's not that the two of them didn't really communicate that night, but no matter how Mo Xun tried to talk, Gu Qingqing never responded. In the end, Fairy Gu had to be depressed all night.


Just as the sky was getting light and Mo Xun was about to go out, Wei Qian came to the door.

"Two seniors, this is something that we sent here to express our apology!"

Mo Xun lifted the red cloth covering the tray, and inside were two Qianyuan fruits, with juice still flowing from the roots, which were obviously picked not long ago.

It seems that the gift that the green-clothed elder mentioned last night was this thing!

"Then thank the elders for the two of us!"

Mo Xun nodded lightly, took out one from the tray, and this time he didn't take it directly, but put it in the storage bag.

Gu Qingqing was naturally not slow to act.

She never hesitated to take advantage of others.

Seeing the two of them ready to go, Wei Qian asked curiously, "Are you two going down the mountain?"

Mo Xun took out a token from his sleeve and said with a smile, "I'm afraid I'll have to stay here for a few more days!"

Wei Qian understood immediately when he saw the Five Elements Token, and asked enthusiastically, "Do you need a junior to accompany you?"

"No, we can walk on our own."

"Then I'm here to wish you two seniors a good harvest!"

Wei Qian bowed and was about to turn around and leave when suddenly a strange fragrance came. Before he had time to think about it, his head suddenly felt heavy, and then his body fell down.

Gu Qingqing rushed out at the first moment and stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms.

Mo Xun was stunned when he saw this scene.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Qingqing helped Wei Qian lean against the corner of the wall, and then took off her coat in a few seconds.

Then a delicate jade body wearing only underwear and panties, half covered and half exposed, appeared in front of the two of them.

Without further ado, Gu Qingqing pulled the storage bag and a disciple token from his waist and put them away.

After doing this, he patted the dust on his hands and said, "Nothing, just a little punishment for this little girl who was disrespectful to me before!"

Mo Xun frowned immediately.

At this moment, he didn't want to cause any trouble!

Seeing his gloomy face, Gu Qingqing felt more and more satisfied, and asked with a bit of joking, "Nice figure, right?"

Mo Xun snorted coldly, and then left without even looking at him. He felt that he would be killed by this woman sooner or later.

The two of them left the cave one after another. Perhaps it was because the Five Elements Sect was too big, or because of the strange phenomenon yesterday, most of the disciples ran to find opportunities. At this moment, the whole sect seemed empty.

Gu Qingqing caught up with her in three or two steps, and said indifferently, "Just let her sleep for a few days. Anyway, by then, you and I will leave this place, and don't worry, I've hidden her somewhere else."

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. At this moment, he could only hope that nothing would happen because of such a small matter.

On the way to the "Five Elements Cave Heaven", they did meet several patrolling disciples, but with the Five Elements Order in hand, the two of them naturally had no obstacles.

When passing a half-open arched doorway with the words "Xian Miao Garden" written on it, Gu Qingqing suddenly grabbed Mo Xun.

"Go inside and take a look!"

Mo Xun knew that this was the sect's orchard, where all kinds of spiritual fruits were planted.

However, the range of the Five Elements Order did not include this place.

Seeing Mo Xun's frowning eyebrows, Gu Qingqing continued: "Anyway, there is no one guarding it now, so why not take a look? If you really meet someone, just say you are in the wrong place!"

Speaking of guarding, Mo Xun was somewhat murmured in his heart.

According to the importance of this place, even if it is not as important as the spiritual herb garden, it should not be so lax that even the garden gate is not closed.

The entire Xian Miao Garden is separated by a circle of red walls.

Don't underestimate this kind of brick and stone wall. It is made of special materials. Even the divine sense cannot penetrate it. Moreover, there are restrictions on the wall.

In fact, when it comes to the things inside, Mo Xun's interest is no less than Gu Qingqing's.

If he can find the Qianyuan fruit tree in it...

Thinking of this, Mo Xun said with a determined heart: "Go in and take a look!"

After the two looked around, they stepped in like thieves.

As soon as he entered, Mo Xun finally understood why the gate of the garden was half open and unguarded.

It turned out that it was divided into different areas of different sizes, and there were formations on it, forming a barrier. Not to mention going in, it was difficult to check with divine sense. Ordinary people could not cross it at all.

In other words, the previous wall and garden gate were just a defense on the surface!

He said, how could such an important place be shown to others so easily?

The two walked around in it for a while. Although they didn't meet anyone, they didn't gain anything.

Just as they were about to return the same way, they both said "Huh" at the same time, and then looked at each other in tacit understanding.

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