Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 522 Five Elements Cave Heaven

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun quickly shouted behind him.

"Do it quickly!"

At this moment, he didn't know whether to feel lucky or regretful.

Fortunately, facing hundreds of Qianyuan fruit trees, there is no one to stop them now, but what the two of them did has obviously alarmed the entire mountain gate, and I am afraid that it won't be long before patrolling disciples are attracted.

There is also the barrier that is about to be closed, and the time left for them is obviously running out.

Mo Xun had taken out the Golden Rainbow Halberd in his hand and walked to the nearest fruit tree. As the soil flew around, he had dug out the entire fruit tree, including the roots and soil.

Perhaps the owner of this golden halberd never thought until his death that his natal magic weapon would one day be used as a shovel.

He then played a few Taoist formulas and silently recited the incantation, and the entire fruit tree was collected.

After such a short delay, the entrance to the barrier shrank again.

Mo Xun quickly took out a large jade box and prepared to go up the tree to pick spiritual fruits, but an unintentional glance really surprised him.

I saw a bag floating in the sky in the distance. Under the control of Gu Qingqing, a strong suction force came from the bag. It flew to the top of a tree, and with a huff, the entire tree was swept away. All the spiritual fruits are taken into it.

The whole process only takes one or two breaths.

Mo Xun swallowed secretly, why did he do this?

He can guarantee that this is definitely not the first time this woman has done this kind of thing. Otherwise, why would she even have such a magical weapon?

While Mo Xun was digging the fruit trees, the other party had already harvested the spiritual fruits from five or six trees.

No one else has this kind of efficiency!

After imitating the example, Mo Xun suddenly jumped up and slapped out with one palm. Dozens of red Qianyuan Fruits fell down with a clatter. He then flicked his robe sleeves, and before they even landed on the ground, they all Tuck it into your sleeve.

Next, they began to race against time. In just three strokes, five divided by two, most of the fruit trees in the orchard were swept away like autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

What the two of them did was simply swallowing the fruits wholeheartedly. Regardless of whether they were ripe or not, or whether the fruit trees were damaged or not, they all took it into their pockets.

Seeing that the barrier at the door was about to be closed, Mo Xun quickly shouted: "Go!"

Then it turned into a ray of rainbow light and emerged from the opening that was only about a foot in size.

When passing by the corpse of the guarding disciple, he conveniently collected the account books on the ground and burned the corpse with a fire.

It was only on Gu Qingqing's side that she escaped from inside after two or three breaths.

And not long after she came out, the entire gap in the barrier was immediately closed.

Maybe for just a few moments at night, I would have to be completely trapped inside.

Mo Xun secretly wiped his hands with cold sweat, this woman really wants money rather than her life!

But at this moment, it was obviously not the time to care about this. The two of them looked at each other and immediately disappeared from the place like a gust of wind.

Fortunately, during this period, no other monks passed by near the Immortal Miao Garden. After leaving the garden gate, they chose a random direction and left quickly.

After climbing over a hill, the pace of the two gradually slowed down.

Just as they lowered their heads and hurried on, a ray of light suddenly fell in the distance.

Gu Qingqing's heart tightened, and she quickly sent a message: "You're not targeting us, are you?"

Mo Xun frowned slightly, and wanted to ask in his heart, when you stole someone else's spiritual fruit, where was that desperate energy you had?

Now I know I am panicking!

"Don't get confused!"

The two of them stopped immediately, and when the light fell, it turned out to be a bearded man in the late stage of pill formation.

"Who are you, and why are you walking freely in this sect?"

Mo Xun stepped forward, smiled and cupped his hands.

"The two of us are from the Wenyuan Qian family. We came here yesterday to celebrate the ceremony and were about to exchange exercises with the disciples of your noble sect. This is the Five Elements Order. I wonder which sect elder you are?"

While talking, Mo Xun had already taken off the sign and showed it to the other party.

The man looked at them with a gloomy expression. Although he had the Five Elements Order in his hand, he still had no doubts in his heart.

Especially Gu Qingqing's outfit, considering the other party's cultivation level, it was natural that at first glance, she could tell that a woman was disguised as a man.

Such concealment will inevitably arouse suspicion!

However, under Mo Xun's instructions, the two of them stayed as calm as possible without showing any signs of anything unusual.

After a moment, the other party said a little stiffly: "I am the law enforcement elder of Tiangang Palace. I heard that not long ago, a Xiao Xiao disciple appeared in the door. If nothing happens to you two, it is best to rest in the cave first. Don't do anything. Running around."

Mo Xun immediately showed a bit of surprise and asked curiously: "Xiao Xiao's disciple?"

"Yes, our sect is in troubled times now. After the two of you have finished your exchange, please come down as soon as possible!"

Mo Xun nodded thoughtfully, and after the other party finished speaking, he clasped his fists and left.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Mo Xun felt a layer of cold sweat break out on his back.

"Hey, what should we do now? Do we want to go down the mountain directly?"

Mo Xun knew that this woman had received such great benefits and was eager to leave this place immediately!

Although he didn't count them in detail, depending on the opponent's speed, he would have obtained at least nearly a thousand Qianyuan Fruits.

Excluding the immature ones, this trip could fetch at least seven to eight million spiritual stones.

As for Mo Xun, even if it is a little slower, there should still be five to six hundred spirit fruits.

Of course, what he values ​​​​is the Qianyuan Fruit Tree.

This thing was the main reason why he was willing to take this risk.

After Mo Xun thought for a while, he said seriously: "Xianzi Gu, you'd better leave now. Mo has some things to do and can't get away for the time being."

"No, we have to go together!"

Mo Xun shook his head gently.

"This matter is too important to me. Without me, I can't leave!"

To be honest, Gu Qingqing couldn't stay any longer.

Although I felt quite happy when I stole it, I felt a little scared afterwards when I thought about still being in another sect.

This time, she really showed her unprecedented courage, and of course, the rewards she gained were also unprecedented!

At this moment, while my heart was agitated, I was also secretly anxious.

If she had followed her past personality, she would have run away long ago, but after hearing Mo Xun's words, there was a rare hesitation.

I don’t know what I was thinking, but I blurted out: “If you don’t leave, I won’t leave either!”

She has experienced a lot of crazy things in her life, but it seems she has never done anything crazy for others.

Mo Xun looked at her firm gaze, and for a moment he didn't know how to persuade her.

Furthermore, leaving now may not necessarily be a good thing.

Maybe there is a dragnet waiting for them in front of the mountain gate!

"Okay, then you can come with me!"


Near the Five Elements Cave, the two of them looked like tourists, looking as usual along the way. Occasionally they met some people who asked questions, and they answered questions fluently.

This trip, thanks to having the Five Elements Order in hand, a lot of trouble was avoided.

However, they could clearly feel that after the incident in the Immortal Miao Garden just now, the atmosphere in the entire sect suddenly became extremely tense.

Both patrols and guard vigilance have been strengthened several times compared to before.

In this case, it is really a test for psychological endurance!

The so-called Five Elements Cave was built against the mountain. It was originally a huge natural cave. After the Five Elements Sect transformed it, a series of palaces were built outside based on the terrain, but the inside was still connected to the mountain.

The smaller half of the mountain is covered by formations, and guards can be seen everywhere.

However, this confirms the importance of this place from the side.

Based on this assumption, the probability of a unique treasure hidden inside is still very high.

Now the key is, how can we get access to these treasures?

One of the uses of the Five Elements Order is to exchange treasures with the sect, but no matter how generous the Five Elements Sect is, they will not exchange spiritual weapons, right?

Mo Xun led Gu Qingqing and first walked around the Five Elements Cave.

Of course, he didn't want to step on the spot, he just didn't think about how to solve it next.

Even if he was extremely brave, he would not dare to steal directly from inside like he did just now.

"Hey, what on earth are you going to do?"

Although everything went smoothly along the way, Gu Qingqing's heart was never at ease.

She felt like she was carrying a barrel of gunpowder that could explode at any time.

"Didn't I tell you a long time ago that I need to borrow the Five Elements Sect's mountain-holding treasure!"

Gu Qingqing rolled her eyes again. She regretted her impulsiveness just now. She should have gone down the mountain early if she had known, and now she didn't have to worry about not knowing what was going on.

While the two were whispering, a creepy voice sounded in their ears at the same time.

This voice was hoarse, like nails scratching on pig iron, harsh and unpleasant!

The sound was not loud, but it was like thunder exploding in my ears.

"What are the two fellow Taoists talking about? You might as well come and sit at Laoshen's residence!"

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