Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 538 Monster Skeleton

Just behind a piece of lightning, the entire stone was not only untouched, but not even a mark was left.

Seeing this, not only was he not discouraged, but he became even more interested.

The power of his blow was more than enough to cut mountains and rocks, but it was unable to shake this object, which proved the specialness of its material.

Since we can't shovel down the stone monument, we can only collect the whole stone!

After thinking about it, he immediately took out the storage bag, but no matter how he cast the spell, it had no effect.

He tried his best to move it, but the thing seemed to weigh more than 10,000 pounds and didn't even move.

"If you have this strength, you might as well find a way out early. Why bother with a stone?"

In fact, even if Gongyang didn't say anything, Mo Xun already had the idea of ​​giving up in his heart.

He is not a person who likes to force things. Many times, if something cannot be done, he will not have too much obsession.

Maybe he had no chance to meet this opportunity in the first place!

Then, he searched the surroundings carefully again, and after seeing no other abnormalities, he was ready to leave.

Just when I passed by the stone monument, I couldn't help but take a second look.

But just this glance made him stop again.

Could it be that underneath this thing is the exit?

As the saying goes, the most dangerous places are often the safest. If we follow this logic, maybe the place that looks least like an exit may actually be it.

Generally speaking, the more bizarre a place is, the less likely it is to be judged by common sense.

When he expressed this idea, the male sheep just said lightly: "You will know if you try it!"

But then again, how do you try this thing?

Is it possible that we have to dig deeper again?

In this case, the project would be huge and aimless.

The key is, after scanning with his spiritual consciousness, there doesn't seem to be anything weird down there.

Seeing that he was silent, the male sheep naturally guessed a bit, and then said with a smile: "Dig a circle around this stone and expose it completely!"

Mo Xun nodded slightly, it seemed that was all he could do.

Anyway, it’s just a try, it’s just a waste of time!

This time, he did not use his incarnation, but took a few steps back and threw a flying sword.

Suddenly, with the stone tablet as the center, smoke and dust filled the air, and gravel flew everywhere.

Although this strange rock was hard, other rocks were like mud to him.

In just one stick of incense, the ground had been dug seven or eight feet, completely exposing the entire stone tablet.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Mo Xun couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the green stone that was nearly ten feet high.

What surprised him came from two aspects.

First of all, after the gravel underneath it was cleared and its support was completely lost, the object did not fall down, but was suspended in the air.

It was as if some force was holding it up in the air.

Secondly, the surface of the stone tablet buried underground was engraved with various runes and shone with a faint green light.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, it seemed like this thing was really quite famous.

But why does it look like a tombstone?

A tombstone with a map engraved on it is really incredible!

Mo Xun held his chin in his hand and walked around it a few times, trying to get some clues from the runes.

But based on his knowledge, it was obviously just in vain, and even the ram was a little confused.

At some point, Bai Ze suddenly jumped onto his shoulder, seemingly equally interested in the weird thing in front of him.

Mo Xun's heart couldn't help but move.

"Do you know this thing?"

Bai Ze stared at the runes with burning eyes, and suddenly jumped up without any warning and rushed towards the stone tablet.

Mo Xun was startled and quickly reached out to grab it.

The moment Bai Ze's body touched the stone tablet, a green light suddenly flashed and disappeared.

Mo Xun grabbed its tail. Before he could react, his body seemed to be attracted by a powerful force. He followed Bai Ze and disappeared together.

The sudden change made Mo Xun shocked and horrified.

After a brief period of dizziness, he finally regained his footing and stepped on solid ground again.

When the haziness in front of his eyes disappeared, Mo Xun hurriedly looked around with a wary expression.

The place where he was at this time was a wide enclosed space.

Surrounding it is a vague green barrier.

The top of the head is three to four feet high, and the entire space is no less than ten feet.

When he saw something lying on the ground not far away, Mo Xun opened his eyes in surprise.

I saw an extremely large demonic beast skeleton, occupying half of the space. Four thick iron chains like buckets were wrapped around the skeleton of its limbs.

Although the thing had turned into bones, it still maintained its struggle before death.

In his surprise, he didn't notice for a moment that Bai Ze kept screaming in his hand, and the little guy even fluttered, trying to get out of his control.

How come there are monster bones in this place?

Could it be that the stone tablet outside was used to confine this thing?

Question marks were lingering in Mo Xun's mind.

After a long time, he finally set his eyes on the excited Bai Ze.

Then his hand loosened, and the little guy immediately ran towards the skeleton without looking back.

Although Mo Xun was slightly worried, he did not stop him.

Since Bai Ze was able to lure him here, he must have discovered something unusual.


Is this huge skeleton in front of me the same kind?

But judging from the appearance, it doesn't seem like it!

While he was thinking, Bai Ze had already run to the skeleton, then jumped up and jumped into the skeleton's body.

Mo Xun's spiritual sense swept over and found that where the little guy went, there was a dull bead that had almost lost its luster.

"It's the inner elixir!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Ze rolled his tongue and swallowed it into his stomach.

This scene almost made Mo Xun drop his jaw.

Because the inner elixir was three feet in diameter, and in terms of size, it was almost the same size as Bai Ze.

But such a little guy could swallow it in one bite.

It seems that the title of this divine beast is indeed a bit famous. I'm afraid that there is also a world inside its body.

After swallowing the inner elixir, the little guy did not forget to lick his tongue with satisfaction, and then slowly jumped off the skeleton, but his steps were a little weak and swaying while walking.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly collapsed to the ground, motionless, as if drunk!

Is this... bored?

Mo Xun was about to go forward to check, but the skeleton in the distance suddenly cracked with a series of crisp sounds, and in a few breaths, it turned into powder and scattered all over the ground.

Mo Xun looked at Bai Ze who had fallen asleep, and then looked at the four bare iron chains, and didn't know what to do for a moment.


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