Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 552 Golden Boundary

Just as this thought arose, two extremely powerful forces came like a violent storm.

He was like a leaf drifting in the wind and rain, being swept into the air without any control. The two forces, as powerful as fire and water, entangled together, almost tore him apart.

The internal organs in his body seemed to be mixed into a ball because of this tearing.

Before he landed, he spit out a mouthful of thick blood, and the heart-wrenching pain almost made him faint.

Enduring the severe pain in his abdomen, he hurriedly offered a yellow talisman, silently chanting a spell, and then the whole person disappeared on the spot.

When he reappeared, he was already hundreds of feet away, but as soon as he touched the ground, his legs and feet softened and fell down.

The light shield formed by the spiritual power had long been shattered, and the protective divine light released by the exquisite ring was dim and almost disappeared. His whole body was like being hit hard by a huge rock.

He took a few deep breaths and coughed up a large amount of bloody phlegm.

His head was dizzy and there was a large golden light in front of his eyes.

Fortunately, the Buddha's bone relic was not lost, otherwise he would be taken advantage of by those ghosts at this moment.

Speaking of ghosts, he suddenly felt strange.

The yin energy in this place seemed to be much weaker, and there were not many evil spirits nearby.

As his vision gradually became clear, he noticed that the golden light in front of him was not due to dizziness caused by the dizziness of his head, but there was really a golden thing.

It seemed to be a barrier.

The range was not large, about ten feet square, forming a golden area wrapped in golden light.

The place where the golden light shone completely isolated the black ghost energy.

Looking in from the outside, he could only see some dark shadows inside vaguely, but he could not identify them.

How could there be a barrier in this place?

The first thing he thought of was the Fusang sacred tree!

But in a second thought, he felt that it was unlikely. From the current point of view, the entire barrier obviously has the function of resisting ghost energy. If there is a Fusang tree inside, how can these ghosts escape?

It is strange to say that he has traveled almost half of the secret realm, and only here did he find traces of the formation tens of thousands of years ago.

The screams of ghosts and wolves are still heard all around, and intermittently, some fighting sounds can be heard.

It seems that many cultivators have come here.

If there are no evil ghosts, this is naturally good news, but now, I am afraid that other people are still busy with their own affairs, so who can take care of him?

He touched the storage bag on his waist and took out a healing medicine. Just as he was about to put it into his mouth, his hand raised in the air stopped again.

Speaking of which, isn’t the Huntian Divine Liquid the best healing holy medicine?

Such a good opportunity, just try the medicinal properties!

He took out the jade pot, but didn't dare to use it too much, for fear that the old man Gongyang would make a mistake and take the poison as a wound medicine, which would be really ridiculous!

When the white liquid medicine entered his mouth, Mo Xun smacked his lips.

Why is it a bit fishy and bitter?

Is it expired?

That shouldn't be the case. This thing takes a hundred years to become a drop. How can it be expired?

Before he could react, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then a ball of fire gradually rose from his lower abdomen. The scorching heat spread to his whole body, and Mo Xun's whole face was flushed in an instant.

He seemed to be thrown into boiling water all of a sudden, and the pores all over his body opened at the same time.

The clothes on his body were soon wet with sweat.

Then, he heard bursts of bone crispness, and he could really feel that the injured bones and flesh in his limbs seemed to be healing and growing little by little.


At this moment, Mo Xun was amazed at the magic of this thing, but on the other hand, he was enduring the pain of being eaten by thousands of ants.

Apart from this pain, it seems that he really picked up a treasure this time!

You know, since he embarked on the road of cultivation, how many injuries have he suffered?

It is no exaggeration to say that the blood flowing out of his body alone is probably in buckets!

For a casual cultivator like him who lives on the edge of a knife all day long, this thing is no less than a good medicine for advancement and breakthrough.

After a while, Mo Xun clenched his fist hard, and he could no longer feel any signs of pain.

He suddenly jumped up. If he could get out of this unscathed, it would be considered that he did not take the risk in vain.

After carefully putting away the jade pot, he looked back at the barrier in front of him.

He first circled the barrier and did not find the existence of the eye of the formation.

Maybe this thing was stimulated by some treasure, or his attainments in the art of formation were too shallow, so he could not see it for a while.

Then he swung his long sleeves and shot out several sword qi.

The sword qi transformed from spiritual power was completely absorbed like mud entering the sea the moment it touched the golden light.

He swung the wind and thunder stick and attacked twice, but the results were similar.

Although he did not shake it at all after using the means, it at least proved that this barrier only had defensive capabilities and would not backfire.

He pressed his palm slightly, and the surface of the barrier, like a soft sponge, actually deformed.

In fact, he had a lot of ways to break the barrier.

But in that case, the momentum would be too loud.

And he still had some doubts about whether to go in.

If there is some terrifying existence sealed inside, he would be digging his own grave.

After seeking Gong Yang's opinion, he was moved by what he said.

Even if it gets worse, how bad can it get?

Anyway, the current situation is bad enough. Maybe there will be clues to leave this place.

After hearing this, Mo Xun immediately took out the broken boundary worm that he had not used for a long time. Since the little guy exhausted his vitality, he has been drooping. Mo Xun thought he could not keep it alive, but who knew that after sleeping for a while, he woke up again.

After a cup of tea, a green light flashed, and Mo Xun's figure disappeared on the spot.

When his feet were stable and he stepped on the ground again, before he could celebrate the little thing's amazing achievement, he was already on full alert.

Once there is any danger, he can react immediately!

When he saw the object in front of him clearly, he was stunned for a short time, and then a touch of ecstasy immediately arose in his heart.

Because what appeared in front of him was a emerald jade coffin!

Through the translucent jade coffin, he could vaguely see a beautifully dressed woman lying inside.

The first thing that came to his mind was the female disciple in the mural.

If his previous interpretation was correct, it meant that this woman was hiding the secret of leaving this place.


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