"If there is any opportunity, Brother Mo, don't be stingy. You also know that I have been stuck in this realm for decades and have never been able to make any progress. Just because I have helped you before , can you give me some guidance?"

As he spoke, those bright and affectionate eyes flashed.

Only then did Mo Xun realize that he was waiting for him here!

Speaking of opportunities, he really got it, but the key is that he can't share it with others!

If it was elixirs or spiritual herbs, he wouldn't mind giving some to the other party. No matter what, the two of them had a bit of a bond of sharing weal and woe.

Is it possible to say that it is a dual cultivation?

If this woman is still a virgin, this method may still have some effect, but it must be very limited, and it will definitely not be as much as what he got from Nalan.

Besides, with how coquettish this woman is, if she were still a virgin, there would be no brothel in the world!

"There are some opportunities, but I'm afraid it may not be suitable for fairies."

Gu Qingqing's eyes lit up and she quickly asked: "Take it out first and take a look!"

Being teased like this by her just now almost made her blush. Mo Xun couldn't help but have some thoughts of revenge in his heart.

Then a green light flashed in his hand, and an emerald green jade bottle appeared.

Just when he was about to hand it to Gu Qingqing, Mo Xun suddenly asked: "By the way, has the fairy ever raised a spiritual beast?"

The moment Gu Qingqing saw the jade bottle, her heart skipped a beat, and she was a little confused when she was suddenly asked such an irrelevant question.

"No, what's wrong?"

"Oh, that's okay then!"

Mo Xun placed the jade bottle on the stone table aside and said with a smile: "There were originally some pills in it. I have used more than half of them. There should be a few left. Fairy, if you want it, just take it!"

Gu Qingqing picked up the jade bottle, opened the cap without any explanation, put it to the tip of her nose and smelled it.

The originally surprised face suddenly frowned, and at the same time he murmured in a low voice: "Why does it smell so weird, and it seems that the spiritual energy is not very strong!"

Mo Xun said calmly: "It must have been too long and most of the spirituality has been lost!"

Gu Qingqing looked at him doubtfully, and after studying it carefully for a while, she said with a smile: "Thank you so much, Brother Mo!"

Looking at her happily leaving, Mo Xun wiped his forehead secretly.

I hope that after taking this spirit beast pill, the next time we meet, we won’t grow a pair of fangs!


Time passed like this in an ordinary way, and another year passed, until this day, a transmission talisman flew into the cave.

Half a day later, a dusty young man stood in front of Mo Xun.

This person is none other than Ye Ping, who traveled across mountains and rivers and came here at starry night!

To say that Ye Ping could arrive so quickly was beyond his expectation. After all, this person had not yet established a foundation and could not fly.

After arranging for him to rest for two days, Mo Xun asked him in detail about his journey in the secret room.

It turned out that Ye Ping met a group of caravans on the way and took their spaceship.

Mo Xun motioned for him to sit down first, and then asked: "Did you encounter any trouble or hear any rumors when you came out of Xuanyuan City?"

Ye Ping was so smart. As soon as he heard this, he immediately connected the encounter with bandits in the Five Elements Sect and the rumors of the secret realm in the jungle of the God's Tomb with Mo Xun.

Otherwise, why would he be suddenly asked to leave the city without any warning?

But no matter what, he could not guess that the so-called robber was his master. He thought that the master was a witness, and left in a hurry because he was afraid of causing any trouble.

"As soon as the disciple received the message from Master, he immediately packed his bags and left the city overnight. As for the rumors, I only heard some before. It is said that the Holy Light of the God's Tomb has appeared again, and many people have rushed to grab the opportunity. But How exactly that will happen is unknown.”

Mo Xun nodded understandingly and smiled happily: "You did a good job in not being tempted by the small gains in front of you. And judging from your current cultivation level, although it was hard along the way, it was not Don’t delay your practice!”

"Master is so complimentary!"

Ye Ping bowed respectfully. In fact, he was not moved at all. He just knew it was a little late. If Mo Xun's message was delayed for another half day, he might have already left.

Thanks to his hindsight, along the way here, he heard that most of the people who entered were trapped and died inside.

It’s chilling to think about!

"Master, are we going to practice here next?"

He still didn't understand why Mo Xun wanted to settle in this desolate place, but he didn't dare to ask directly, so he could only make insinuations.

In his opinion, every time his master acts, he must have deep meaning.

Could it be that there is another opportunity here?

But this time, he really made the problem complicated. The reason why Mo Xun settled here was because of its remoteness!

"Yes, you can open another secret room in the cave as a place for cultivation."


While the two were talking, Gu Qingqing heard the noise and ran over.

After some greetings, Ye Ping already regarded the charming woman in front of him as his future master wife.

Otherwise, why would the master take her with him wherever he goes?

Thinking of this, Ye Ping not only behaved more respectfully with every word and every line, but also spoke like honey. He always flattered Gu Qingqing intentionally or unintentionally, making Gu Qingqing feel happy.

After Gu Qingqing left, Mo Xun suddenly became serious.

"Master has something to ask for your opinion."

Ye Ping was also startled and stood up quickly. It was the first time he heard the word "ask" from Mo Xun.

It seems that he had guessed right before. The master must have other purposes for coming here, and he would probably need to use him.

As a disciple, it is natural for him to help the master a little, and he also believes that with the master's usual generosity, he will never treat him badly afterwards.

But everyone has his own little thoughts after all.

If this matter is too deadly, he will have to consider how to deal with it.

Although the two seem to be master and apprentice, it is just a transaction at the beginning. After all, his purpose is revenge, not working for the other party.

After Mo Xun pondered for a long time, he told the promise he made with Gu Yutian in detail.

But the background of this matter was placed somewhere else.

After hearing this, Ye Ping was shocked and fell into a long period of contemplation.

Just as Mo Xun said, this matter has both advantages and disadvantages. It is a great opportunity, but it also requires a lot of burdens.

This burden may take him the rest of his life to complete!

However, the temptation here is too great.

The secret technique of a Yuanying cultivator contains a treasure trove of resources for building a sect, plus a treasure that even a Yuanying cultivator would covet!

No matter which one, it is something that he, with his status, will never be able to touch in his lifetime.

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