Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 599 Broken Magical Instrument

Outside Mengtian City, Mo Xun suppressed his cultivation to the late stage of foundation building.

His current realm, in this world, can barely enter the upper level. If there is no one from the Demon-killing Alliance in the city this time, it will be exposed, but now, he has to think about it.

Mo Xun knocked on Bai Ze's head next to him.

"Remember, after entering the city later, hide your breath and don't cause me any trouble. And the Qianyuan Fruit, put it away first. After the business is done, I will find you something good."

Seeing people coming and going in the city, the little girl couldn't wait, so there was no reason not to respond.

Mo Xun shook his head and smiled, and threw two magic weapons to her. After changing his appearance slightly, he walked into the city.

Perhaps because of the rampage of the demon king not long ago, the entire Mengtian City is less prosperous than before, and the street scene on the road seems a little deserted. Every cultivator passing by is in a hurry, and there are many more patrolling guards on the surrounding streets.

Generally speaking, those who can be called demon kings are at least above level eight, reaching the level of transformation. In terms of combat power, they are at least equal to cultivators in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

He has been wandering in the boundless sea of ​​demons for fifty years, and has seen a few of them more or less.

But because of the previous incident with Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, he did not dare to observe this level of strong men closely even in the second illusion.

As soon as he stepped into Mengtian City, he went straight to Ye Ping's residence in the past.

He had left several spiritual marks on Ye Ping, but he had lost the sense. In addition, after decades, the city had changed a lot. Now looking for someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Before coming here, he was more of a try-and-seek attitude. If there was no clue, he would not force it.

This place is now full of masters, and it is definitely not a place to stay for a long time!

While thinking, Bai Ze beside him suddenly disappeared.

Mo Xun turned around and found that the little guy was standing in front of a pancake stall, drooling to his feet.

In Mengtian City, because there are a large number of low-level cultivators, the street shops, in addition to selling cultivation resources, also operate wine shops and teahouses like in the secular world.

Mo Xun walked over slowly and patted her shoulder.

"Want to eat?"

Bai Ze nodded vigorously, with a pair of big watery eyes full of expectation.

Mo Xun casually threw her a storage bag.

"Go buy whatever you want to eat, I'll wait for you for an incense stick, hurry up!"

After saying that, Mo Xun turned and walked into a street, where there were dozens of casual cultivators setting up stalls, most of whom were Qi Refining cultivators, and the things placed in front of them were also varied, from small elixirs and spiritual herbs to large magic weapons and formation flags, everything was available.

However, here, it can be said that the real and fake are mixed, and the quality is also poor.

Thinking back to when he was at this level, he liked to visit this kind of casual cultivator stalls the most, because they were cheap, and he fantasized about picking up bargains.

Thinking about it now, it is nostalgic!

But just when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly stopped. When he glanced at a stall, his brows frowned.

It's not that he found any treasure, but he saw something familiar.

This is a token-shaped magic weapon, about the size of a palm.

But looking closely, the spirituality has been somewhat lost, and there is a shallow crack on the surface. Maybe it will be scrapped after a few more uses!

The reason why I say familiar is that this thing seems to be made by him!

This thing is one of the self-defense items that Ye Ping gave to the other party before he left.

Could it be that... Ye Ping really had an accident?

"Girl, how much is this thing?"

The owner of the stall was sitting cross-legged against the wall at this moment. She was a young woman in her twenties. Her cultivation was close to the peak of Qi Refining. She was petite and thin, with a slightly dark complexion. At first glance, she was the kind of person who traveled outside all year round, looking for opportunities to practice.

The woman felt Mo Xun's foundation-building aura, and dared not be arrogant, so she stood up and bowed.

"Hello, senior!"

Mo Xun smiled and waved his hand, and took the token in his hand.

The stall owners around had actually noticed Mo Xun's arrival a long time ago, but because they couldn't see through his cultivation, no one dared to come forward to talk to him.

At this moment, seeing Mo Xun speak, a pair of curious and vigilant eyes all looked over.

Although this place is crowded with people, most of them are Qi-refining practitioners. There are usually relatively few foundation-building seniors like Mo Xun.

The girl's expression was somewhat nervous.

Mo Xun stroked the token in his hand and looked at it carefully. It was really from his hand.

"This should be a defensive magic weapon, right?"

"Senior, you have a keen eye. This item is called Fang Tian Shield. It is a good mid-level magic weapon. After injecting spiritual power, it can be transformed into a protective spiritual shield in a short period of time. It can at least withstand a blow from a foundation-building cultivator, but..."

Speaking of this, the female cultivator paused for a moment, and after a brief thought, she continued: "It's just a little damaged, so the power will be discounted!"

Mo Xun looked up at the other party. This woman is quite honest.

Of course, as to whether this is her nature, that is not certain. After all, his cultivation is here. Even if the other party wants to fool him, he must think twice.

"How much?"

"Five...five hundred spiritual stones!"

The female cultivator tentatively transmitted a price, but she was a little nervous in her heart.

Her price was obviously a bit high. After all, a brand new thing with the same performance would only cost about a few thousand spiritual stones.

And this item is not only second-hand, but also a broken item!

The woman actually had some gambling ideas in her mind.

Hundreds of spirit stones may be a lot for her, but for a foundation-building cultivator, it is the price of a few pills.

She was betting that Mo Xun was a sucker and would not bother with her.

Besides, this was just a quote, and there was no rule that no bargaining was allowed!

But she obviously made a wrong bet. After hearing the price, Mo Xun seemed to have no hesitation and put the token back, and there was no regret on his face.

The female cultivator's heart sank. She was too greedy!

In fact, it was not a big deal if the deal failed. The key was that she was careless and might have offended this senior.

Just when she was about to open her mouth to make peace, Mo Xun sent a voice message.

"Miss, if you can tell me the origin of this item, I will give you a foundation-building pill!"

The female cultivator was shocked and her eyes widened immediately.

Mo Xun knew that no matter how many spiritual stones there were, they might not be as attractive as a foundation-building pill to the woman in front of him!

"Senior, are you serious?"


Mo Xun still had a serious look on his face after coming out of the alley.

But Bai Ze had already swept through the crowd like a gust of wind, sweeping all kinds of street stalls.

Not long after, the news spread all around that a generous and beautiful girl had come to the street, buying everything she saw and never bargaining. The vendor who could only receive copper coins on weekdays actually exchanged a candied haws for a spiritual stone used by immortals for cultivation.

Then, this crazy move quickly spread to most of the street.

When Mo Xun saw this scene, he quickly squeezed into the crowd, directly lifted the little girl by the collar, and quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

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