Seeing this scene, Mo Xun felt a little relieved.

He originally doubted whether Bai Ze would lose his natal magical powers after the last mutation, but now it seems that he is overly worried.

Seeing that the little one was about to rush in with excitement, Mo Xun grabbed her back.

"Don't be anxious now. I'll let you absorb it after the matter is finished!"

For Bai Ze, these ghosts were obviously a great tonic, but at this juncture, Mo Xun would not indulge her in such a way.

After all, this little thing has a tradition of falling asleep after eating a full meal.

Maybe next, he will have to use the help of the little guy!


Bai Ze was dragged by Mo Xun's collar like that, with one hand in the air and his feet thrashing hard, obviously trying to break free.

Mo Xun didn't answer, and directly patted his waist. In the flash of sunlight, several red spiritual fruits floated around the two of them.

It’s Qian Yuan Fruit!

It's just that these few, both in color and size, are obviously several levels higher than those given to Bai Ze before.

You know, every one of them has been growing in a green gourd for sixty years, reaching a medicinal age of nearly five thousand years.

If you get it to the outside world, any one of them can be sold for a sky-high price!

I dare not say that there are more than one or two hundred thousand spirit stones, but there should still be some.

"If you agree, these will be the compensation!"

Feeling the scent of spiritual fruit coming from the tip of his nose, Bai Ze's eyes suddenly lit up and he reached out to grab it.

But Mo Xun waved his sleeves and put them all away.


The little guy jumped in the air, then pretended to think for a while, and then said in a milky voice: "Give me a taste first!"

Mo Xun smiled slightly.

Immediately, he put Bai Ze back on the ground, took out a fresh Qianyuan Fruit, and threw it to her.

Seeing that the little guy couldn't wait, he bit into the Qianyuan Fruit that he couldn't hold with his two little hands, and the bright red juice flowed out from the corner of his mouth. Mo Xun then smiled and said: "I just want you to wait for a while. After everything is done, You’ll definitely be able to eat to your heart’s content!”

This is obviously a greedy guy with little intelligence.

After a few moments, Mo Xun was fooled into resisting the desire to continue devouring the ghosts.

Of course, if everything goes well, Mo Xunzi won't mind fulfilling his promise. He also wants to see if Bai Ze will mutate again after absorbing a large number of ghosts.

To be honest, he is becoming more and more curious about this magical beast now.

After the two made a simple agreement, Bai Ze once again held a Qianyuan Fruit in his hands and started biting it.

After a period of teaching, the little girl now eats more gracefully, and no longer swallows jujube like she did at first.

Mo Xun was obviously immune to this prodigal beast.

However, if a knowledgeable person saw the spiritual fruit in Bai Ze's hand, they would probably secretly curse it for wasting it.

This one bite is almost a thousand spiritual stones.

Even the Eight Star Sect would not dare to be so wealthy!

But looking at it from another angle, it seems that it is just that. No matter how precious the Qianyuan Fruit is in the outside world, to Mo Xun, it is just a spiritual fruit that has been around for a few days.

Moreover, his physical training has now reached a bottleneck. Without breakthrough techniques, no matter how much Qianyuan Holy Fruit he has, it will only fill his stomach and be of little use.

Despite being banned by Mo Xun, the little guy still followed behind, taking a sip secretly to the side from time to time to swallow up the lonely ghosts.

With the Buddha's bones to open the way, and Bai Ze's terrifying ability to swallow souls, wherever the two of them passed, they were invulnerable to all ghosts.

Of course, this was also the reason why Mo Xun deliberately avoided those ghosts living in groups.

After all, he was just looking for someone this time, not a soul hunter!

Although he also encountered sneak attacks from some shady ghosts, Mo Xun didn't even have to take action.

Often before they get close, they are killed by the golden light, or Bai Ze is swallowed up.

During this period, I also encountered a ghost that was in the pill-forming stage, but it only fought Mo Xun for a dozen rounds before it fled and disappeared.

The moment Bai Ze saw this soul, his eyes turned green.

Before Mo Xun could react, he chased after him like a gust of wind. He had already forgotten everything he had promised!

Mo Xun had no choice but to follow suit.

He clearly knew that ghosts of this level had actually broken away from the category of wandering souls, and had even transformed into soul cultivators. They had spiritual intelligence that was not inferior to that of ordinary people, and could not be killed so easily.

Fortunately, so far, I have not encountered any Nascent Soul Soul Cultivator.

Perhaps there is no such level in the Valley of the Wind!

The further you walked in, the thicker the ghosts became. Without the golden light of the relics, it would have been almost dark to the point where you couldn't even see your fingers.

There were many forks in the cave, and Mo Xun followed them cautiously while leaving a mark of his spiritual consciousness.

This was not the first time he had experienced such a maze-like natural cave.

When he came to a place that was emitting a faint light, Mo Xun's brows instantly became serious.

Making a decisive decision, he no longer retained his strength. The wind control technique under his feet suddenly accelerated, several times faster, and he was able to drag Bai Ze back to him before he could rush forward.

I saw nothing in the darkness not far away, except for an ice coffin glowing with blue light suspended in the middle, which was extremely conspicuous!

The four corners of the ice coffin were hung by chains made of condensed ice. They extended straight into the top of the head, and it was unknown where they were connected.

The whole ice coffin was half a foot off the ground, floating quietly in the same place.

From the outside, you can see almost everything inside clearly.

In the coffin, there was a corpse lying. Judging from the body shape and appearance, it should be a man.

However, the corpse was a little special. It was actually a charming green color all over. Even the head, neck, and hands exposed outside were all green.

And this was not just ordinary green. It was a bit like the ghost fire in the cemetery.

How could there be a coffin here?

Who was the person in the coffin?

Since he was dead, why was his essence, blood, and flesh not devoured by other ghosts?

Could it be that this ice coffin was sealed too tightly, or there was a restriction or something like that, so even ghosts could not enter it.

Speaking of ghosts, Mo Xun suddenly found something unusual.

The various ghost sounds that were endless before seemed to be much smaller here, and there were no wandering ghosts around.

Opposite the ice coffin, a ghost was half-kneeling, with his head lowered, and seemed to be muttering something.

This ghost was the one Bai Ze had been chasing before.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun's heart skipped a beat for no reason. Could this be asking for help?

Then who was the helper?

Could it be the corpse in the ice coffin?

In this case, could this corpse be a sleeping corpse puppet, or the evil corpse mentioned by Qin Sirong?

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