Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 622 My uncle wins

Mo Xun glanced around, originally hoping to find traces of Bai Ze and Chili.

On the one hand, he wanted to see if the little girl could resist the soul for a short period of time. On the other hand, he deliberately summoned the red beetle to melt everything from the surrounding ice with the power of Xuantian True Fire. Create a channel.

Since there is no way to fight, we can only escape first!

But when he saw the fire clearly in the darkness, he couldn't help but twitch his lips.

This burning flame is naturally Chili!

At this moment, Chili did not participate in the fight besieging the Dan-level soul at all, but turned into a ball of fire, burning an ice wall.

The effect seems to be good, the hard ice layer turns directly into mist before it has time to melt into water.

But in the blink of an eye, the water mist condensed into ice again on the spot, blocking Chili's steps.

Although it took such a long time, the ice wall seemed to be burned into a dent, but it was limited and pitiful.

Between burning and condensation, a delicate balance seems to be formed!

If we continue at this rate, I'm afraid we won't even be able to leave until tomorrow!

Here, there is a lack of strength in Chiwei, and there is also a strong Yin Qi here. The seemingly ordinary ice is actually blessed by Yin Qi.

In other words, what the Xuantian Fire needs to burn is not ice, but Yin Qi!

Logically speaking, Xuan Tianhuo can be regarded as the most powerful thing in the world, but since the little guy followed him, except for the bit of Kirin liquid he absorbed before, which gave his body a little more thunder and lightning power, he has hardly gained any advancement.

Such heavenly and earthly spiritual beings are no different from humans and beasts, and they also need to be improved by heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

But for more than two hundred years, apart from using red beetles to fight enemies to make elixirs, he didn't think much about this issue at all.

This is also the reason why when building the foundation, the red beetle can be used as a means of suppressing the bottom of the box, often helping him overcome difficulties, but since forming the pill, he rarely uses this thing again.

He is in such a situation now.

There are many treasures on his body, but before that, the power of these treasures was all superior to his. Even if he encounters an opponent who is slightly stronger than him, he can still suppress it through many treasures, and sometimes it can even be said to be crushed.

But after that, he quickly improved, surpassing the level of most treasures.

To put it simply, in the past, he was often not good enough to control treasures, but now, the level of those treasures could not keep up with his realm needs, causing him to have to look for higher-level substitutes.

Such as the Black Heron Nebula Disk or the Jade Sky Sword.

There seems to be no problem with this, or most people do this.

But if you think about it carefully, the time and financial cost of doing so are a bit too high.

In fact, from another perspective, if you can improve the level of the treasure, it would be a better shortcut!

Just like Xuantian Tianhuo, once he finds a suitable advanced talent, he will definitely be able to give him an unexpected surprise.

Of course, these are all things for later. What he needs to consider now is how to leave this place.

What made him feel dumbfounded was that under the red firelight, there were two figures squatting next to them, looking at this place with interest. If a table was placed in front of each person and a few plates of fruits were placed, it would look like... Spectators at the stage.

Of these two, one is a soul body at the level of pill formation, and the other is naturally Bai Ze.

The most speechless thing is that instead of making any move, these two guys actually started chatting for a while, as if they were judging the battle between him and Yin Linghuan, just to decide who would win. Lost.

For some reason, a funny picture suddenly appeared in Mo Xun's mind.

In the picture, Bai Ze is shouting: "My uncle wins!"

But the soul retorted: "My lord wins!"

In this world of souls and beasts, you are very gentleman-like, you speak to me, but you don't take action!

On the one hand, Mo Xun was running around, continuing to avoid the green silk offensive. On the other hand, he had stopped his movements and was quickly thinking of restraint methods.

A strange scene suddenly appeared in the field.

On the huge green pom-pom, dim light shone all around, spreading out countless densely packed green threads that were as thick as hair.

These green threads were twisting and erratic in the air, constantly chasing a lightning-like figure.

Fortunately, although the green threads were dense and endless, Yin Linghuan seemed to have nothing to do with Mo Xun for a while.

But Mo Xun didn't want to delay, not because he couldn't afford it, but because he was worried that something might change if it was too late.

After all, it is a strange beast at the level of Nascent Soul. Even if it is injured again, if it does not hesitate to spend the essence, it may not be able to use some killer moves!

Of course, he doesn't have any trump cards.

But any trump card also requires an excellent opportunity, or between life and death with great disparity in strength. Once exposed too early, if you can defeat the enemy with one move, it will be easier to say, but if you are still restrained, then you can only remain Passive.

Just as he was hesitating, something happened again!

The green pom-pom transformed by Yin Linghuan in the distance suddenly began to shake violently.

The green threads distributed on it stopped chasing Mo Xun with the shaking.

Like countless slender tentacles, they were floating in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of green smoke emitted from the inside of the pom-pom, and in an instant, it filled half of the cave, covering the entire area where the Yin Linghuan was.

Mo Xun hurriedly sealed the seven orifices and stepped aside.

He had suffered more than one or two losses from this kind of poisonous fog attack. Before he officially set foot on the road, he was tricked by the strange bronze toad.

Mo Xun frowned unconsciously, and his vigilance in his heart increased a bit.

Although he didn't know what tricks the other party was playing, it was definitely not a good thing!

Sure enough, just as he tried to use his spiritual sense to penetrate this layer of green fog, an extremely dangerous breath quickly attacked him.

Mo Xun's heart trembled, and he quickly formed a seal with his hands in front of his chest, and then shouted.


Then, a silver light flew out from his fingers, quickly grew larger in the air, and then turned into a silver elk, rushing forward with a low hum.

This elk was not something else, but the exquisite ring that Fairy Yuehua gave him back then!

Since Mo Xun advanced to the late stage of Jindan, he accidentally sensed a trace of breath left in it.

At first, he thought that this breath was left by Fairy Yuehua.

But after a period of research, he denied this guess.

Then, a bold idea emerged in his mind.

Could this thing have once possessed a spirit?

According to the classification of treasures, once a spirit is contained in it, it can be separated from the level of magic weapon and become a treasure weapon!

Could it be that this thing was originally a treasure weapon?

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