Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 660: Fighting for Haimen

But just as he stepped onto the island, he felt several unfamiliar divine senses sweeping over him one after another.

These divine senses were extremely complex, but each one was quite powerful!

Mo Xun paused slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards the island with a normal look.

He had the inner elixir of the silver leech in his body, so if he hadn't carefully identified it, he wouldn't have been afraid of revealing his identity.

In those divine senses just now, in addition to feeling a lot of demonic energy, he seemed to have faintly sensed a trace of human breath.

However, everyone tacitly did not expose it, but hid in the dark, waiting for the ruins palace to open.

This seems strange, but it is easy to understand.

Every time the ruins palace opens, it will attract a large number of high-level cultivators.

Even if the human race only accounts for a small part of them, it can gather a powerful force.

If the matter is really made clear, I am afraid that the entire Jinsheng Island will not be at peace, and it may delay the opportunity to enter the ruins palace.

In fact, from another perspective, it also shows the attraction of the Wan Yao Ruins Palace.

There must be treasures inside that are enough to make countless cultivators excited!

Mo Xun found a huge old tree, cast a simple sleight of hand, and then escaped into the tree.

The only thing he can do now is to wait!

It is said that the opening time is extremely uncertain. Once, the cultivators on the island waited for two or three years.

So many people lost their patience and left the island before the opening.

But the opening process is very short, only half a day.

This will lead to a situation, fighting for the sea gate!

The appearance of each sea gate will attract many people and demons. If you are lucky, you can enter it effortlessly, but if you meet some people with bad intentions, it is another matter.

In this matter, Chi Yan only mentioned some at the time, but did not say it clearly.

If I guess correctly, there should be some special means in the process of fighting for the sea gate.

After all, the two have only known each other for a short time, and it is not unreasonable for others to guard against him.

In Mo Xun's heart, he was actually thinking about whether to contact Chi Yan.

But just as he was hesitating, a thunderclap suddenly sounded in the sky.

He hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that the originally calm sea surface was now raging with strong winds and rolling up huge waves.

The waves kept hitting the reefs and beaches, and the entire deep seabed seemed to be boiling.

Then, dark clouds began to cover the sky.

A few breaths ago, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was blue, but in a flash, the sky became extremely dark.

Mo Xun muttered in his heart, is this a sign before the opening of the ruins palace?

If so, his luck is too good.

It has only been less than half an hour since he landed on the island.

If he was slightly delayed in the previous trip, wouldn’t he miss the opportunity to open this time?

But now, he can’t afford to have extra time to think.

The gloomy dark clouds kept rolling until the end of the sky, and the whole island seemed to be covered with a huge black cloth.

In the black cloth, thick and dazzling electric light flashed continuously, like a heavenly punishment and thunder tribulation!

The surrounding sea water was like being stirred vigorously by a giant, and the waves were surging!

Then, a faint strange wave rose from the depths of the seabed and quickly spread to every corner around the island.

Mo Xun's heart moved. This wave was really special.

It seemed to be extremely rich spiritual energy, mixed with some breath that was not in this world, but very refreshing.


This was the first reaction in Mo Xun's mind!

He jumped out of the tree without thinking.

As soon as he appeared, he saw several rainbow lights passing by. Before he could see clearly, he flew into the sea in the distance like a sharp arrow.

Then, the sea surface was like dumplings, and the human race or monsters that were hiding in the dark all rushed into the sea.

Mo Xun didn't care about anything at this moment. He moved his feet and joined in.

Before entering the sea, he did not forget to perform a water avoidance spell.

As soon as he jumped into the sea, the strange breath fluctuations became stronger.

Mo Xun hurriedly spread out his spiritual sense, on the one hand to observe the surrounding movements, on the other hand, to find the source of the breath.

As he went deeper into the sea, the light became dimmer.

Until he could hardly see his hand in front of his face, he could only rely on his spiritual sense to capture and roughly judge the direction he was going.

From time to time, there were strong breaths swimming quickly around him, but at this time, everyone was looking for the critical moment of the sea gate, and no one paid special attention to anyone.

However, after a while, Mo Xun was still a little frightened.

On the one hand, this sea area was too deep.

On the other hand, in this short period of time, he actually sensed the breath of several demon spirits.

What Mo Xun didn't know was that the local place was called Wan Yaoxu because there was a circle of extremely deep trenches around Jinsheng Island, which was once the territory of a deep-sea golden-eyed beast.

Although this sea beast is not strong in combat, its reproduction ability is first-rate.

When it was at its peak, the entire trench was filled with this beast, no less than a million.

The word "Wan Yao" came from this.

But later, all the golden-eyed beasts died at the same time overnight, and this incident has been spread throughout the entire Jinsheng Sea until now.

Some people speculate that the appearance of Wan Yao Ruins Palace led to the extinction of this beast.

Because not long after the beast disappeared, the first ruins palace opened.

Mo Xun swam underwater for half an incense stick before he stepped firmly on the seabed.

The entire deep seabed was completely covered with bones. Perhaps because of the long time, many bones had turned into residues.

Countless unknown tiny creatures kept shuttling and wandering in the seabed paved with broken bones.

The entire seabed was not flat, but undulating all around, a bit like the hilly terrain on land.

The diffuse seaweed and corals were like the grass, trees and vines growing here.

Soon, Mo Xun caught a strong wave of breath nearby.

His feet were like the wind, and his figure flashed. Even in the deep sea, his speed was not slow.

But before he walked far, a bloody smell filled the water.

Then, he stopped.

Even without using spiritual consciousness to scan, the naked eye could see the glow of light flashing in the darkness in the distance, and it was obvious that someone was performing magical powers.

Without even a careful sense, one could detect the undercurrents flowing around.

Just a thousand feet ahead, dozens of various monsters were gathering and fighting each other.

Most of these monsters were level six, but a few had already transformed.

In the middle of them, there was a white light door, which seemed to be slowly opened from the inside.

The light door was less than a foot high, and at the moment, only a half-foot wide gap was opened.

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