What Mo Xun said was true.

This barrier restricts cultivation and spiritual awareness. Even if the opponent has the ability to reach the sky, he may not be able to display it.

It's a pity that the formation flags on his body have been almost consumed, otherwise he can catch the turtle in the jar.

The reason why Zi Sheng Tianjun was able to catch up is probably because he marked the two people.

In fact, he searched carefully before and even changed his clothes.

I don't know if it's me or Xia Muyao who has a problem.

However, it doesn't make much sense to discuss these now.

Seeing Zi Sheng Tianjun attacking randomly outside the barrier, Mo Xun smiled coldly.

It seems that the opponent doesn't understand the formation!

But we can't take it lightly. According to Sanqing, the existence of Yuanqi can be initially felt in the late Yuanying period.

Even if this person doesn't understand the formation, he will sooner or later find the weak point of the palace protection formation through the fluctuation of Yuanqi.

Mo Xun frowned and pondered for a moment, then suddenly said, "Fairy Xia, this person wants to come in so madly. In addition to wanting to get rid of the two of us, I'm afraid he is also very eager for the treasures inside."

Mo Xun's words were somewhat thoughtful.

He was destined to kill the old man Zisheng Tianjun, but at the moment, he was more concerned about the things in the palace.

Xia Muyao looked at Zisheng Tianjun outside the barrier with hatred, clenched her fists, gritted her teeth and said, "Let's go!"

Then she turned back to the Tiansheng Palace.

For the next period of time, the two did not dare to delay any longer, and almost broke the remaining restrictions with all their strength.

Fortunately, Mo Xun had nothing else on him, just a lot of pills to restore his mana.

But his luck was a bit bad afterwards. The several secret rooms he opened in succession were all empty.

But Mo Xun was not idle either, but set up a few small traps inside.

Anyway, the divine consciousness was useless here, and the other party had no way to sense it in advance.

Of course, he also understood that these could only disgust Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch at most, and could not cause any substantial harm at all.

After hearing this suggestion, Xia Muyao was quite interested.

Mo Xun had already experienced the perverted revenge methods of this woman.

It seemed that Xia Muyao would not let go of any method that could torture Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch.

Fortunately, in the last secret room, the two finally got something.

After entering, this was another independent space isolated from the outside world.

What surprised the two was that this place was not a treasure place, but a prison cell for prisoners.

The reason for this was that there were two broken thick iron chains thrown in it.

Each one was as thick as a thigh.

The iron chain was obviously torn off from the wall, and there were still broken marks at the base of the wall.

But what was quite strange was that there were four broken marks on the wall, but there were only two iron chains on the ground.

Did the fugitive take the other two away when he ran away?

Why was half left?

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. He seemed to have seen a chain-like thing somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

It was very dark inside, and the walls seemed to be cast into one piece of copper and iron.

After searching for a while, the two of them didn't find anything valuable, so they prepared to leave.

However, in accordance with the principle that thieves never leave empty-handed, Mo Xun naturally wanted to take the two chains away.

But when he bent down to pick them up, he was a little stunned on the spot!

Because he couldn't pick them up at all.

Mo Xun took it again with his magic power running, but the thing seemed to grow on the ground and didn't move at all.

Xia Muyao frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mo Xun pondered and answered, "This seems to be an extremely heavy treasure!"


Xia Muyao was puzzled and reached out to take it, but encountered the same situation as Mo Xun.

Both of them became interested now. From the perspective of heaviness alone, this thing is indeed worthy of the word "treasure".

After all, "heavy" is also a kind of magical power!

Of course, they couldn't measure how heavy this thing was.

After all, the two of them had their mana restricted by 80% to 90%, so they were naturally not as strong as before.

Mo Xun then took out the storage bag. Since he couldn't move it, he would take it away first.

But then, he was dumbfounded again!

The storage bag couldn't be taken away either.

He couldn't help but look down at the place where the iron chain touched the ground. Could it really grow on the ground?

Xia Muyao said at this time: "Don't try it. This iron chain either has some special materials added to it, or it has restrictions. Your storage bag is too low-level. Even if you put it in, it may cause space collapse."

After that, Xia Muyao turned and left the secret room.

Mo Xun shook his head with a little disappointment, but when he turned around, an idea flashed in his mind.

Since the storage space is low-level, what about the green gourd?

Thinking of this, he secretly took out the gourd from his sleeve, and a green light flashed in his hand, and the whole iron chain disappeared instantly.

Mo Xun was delighted and quickly put away the second chain.

But just as he was putting away the chain, Sanqing's voice suddenly came from his sea of ​​consciousness.

"What kind of treasure is this, Daoist friend? I have often seen green light passing through Daoist friends, but I have never had the honor to see it."

Upon hearing this, Mo Xun's eyebrows immediately frowned.

During this period, he frequently used the green gourd. It was not that he had not thought about avoiding Sanqing, but many times he simply did not have time.

Another thing is that if you cover it up too much, it will seem a bit deliberate.

So he was always cautious, but he didn't expect that he would be discovered after all.

"Nothing, just a strange storage magic weapon!"

Seeing that Mo Xun didn't respond, Sanqing knew what to do and didn't ask any more questions.

"I helped you find the secret treasure of the Tianfu clan before. I wonder how you are going to repay me?"

Mo Xun blurted out without thinking: "How about ten pieces of soul-nourishing wood?"

"Not enough, far from enough. You should understand the value of this thing, and you should know that in your world, except me, no one can understand the heavenly runes."

Mo Xun suddenly fell silent. What the other party said was indeed true.

But he also had a limited amount of soul-nourishing wood on him. Could he give it all away?

Besides, he also promised the other party that he would provide one piece every once in a while.

"What do you mean?"

Sanqing smiled.

"How about this? If you get any treasures next time, as long as I think it's useful, you must give it to me first. Is this reasonable?"

Mo Xun thought about it and nodded: "Reasonable!"

First of all, this place was discovered by Sanqing.

Secondly, Sanqing contributed a lot to getting here, so even if he gave half of it to the other party, it would be reasonable.

But Mo Xun always felt that this guy seemed to be setting a trap for him!

Could it be that he found something good?

Not to mention, only Sanqing could sense the vitality of this place, so even if he found something, it was not impossible.

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