On the one hand, he wanted to find out the secrets of this world.

On the other hand, the long-lost compass of the Chiyu Sect was very likely in the City Lord's Mansion.

Although he thought so in his heart, he would not easily reveal it.

"Master Huangfu, do you know what you are talking about?"

In fact, Mo Xun's ability to sit back again was more or less a tacit agreement on the matter of the Chiyu Sect, but since the conversation had come to this point, if the two continued to be suspicious, this conversation would be meaningless.

"Master Mo, you are a smart man. I don't know where you are from, and I don't know why you suddenly appeared in Shangwu City, but I know that you are in great need of beast cores now, otherwise you wouldn't dare to blackmail even someone like Qin Laoguai."

Mo Xun tapped the armrest next to him calmly.

The entire Shangwu City is not big, nor is it small. He knew that if there was any disturbance, it would soon flow into the ears of some people, but he never thought that even such a small matter could be investigated by the other party.

It seems that this Master Huangfu is really paying attention to him in detail.

At the same time, it also shows that this person has a lot of power.

"Master Mo, you can think about it carefully. With just one transaction, you don't have to run your weapon pavilion anymore. Such a price can be considered a big deal even if it is placed in the entire Shangwu City. But I am curious. For a realm like yours, even high-level beast cores are not very useful. Why do you go to such great lengths to earn those low-level beast cores?"

After Huangfu Xin finished speaking, he stopped talking and picked up the teacup and waited slowly.

Logically speaking, the other party's request was exactly what Mo Xun wanted.

But if the matter was so simple, he would not have come to him.

How much would the things that fifty high-level beast cores were worth?

Even the most powerful magic weapon in this world would probably be no more than this.

"Master Huangfu, can you tell me what that is?"

"It's just a stone, but...it may be a little big, but Master Mo, please rest assured that once you can bring it out, in addition to the fifty beast cores I promised, I will give you some extra rewards."


Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"How big?"


Huangfu Xin showed a little hesitation on his face. After a pause, he said: "In fact, it's not very big, just two or three feet!"

Mo Xun almost spit out a mouthful of blood. This is not a stone, it's a small mountain.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would curse at this moment.

After a moment of hesitation, Mo Xun laughed directly.

"Master Huangfu, are you asking me to move the mountain for you?"

Perhaps he felt that his request was a bit too much, even a shameless person like Huangfu Xin couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Master Mo, this depends on your ability. I just offer a price. It's up to you to decide whether to accept it or not. In addition, I can pay a deposit in advance. No matter whether this is successful or not, you don't have to return it to me in the end. How about this?"

Mo Xun fell silent immediately.

After a brief thought, he immediately thought of two possibilities.

Either the stone is extremely precious, so this old guy is willing to spend a lot of money.

Or this is a trap!

Mo Xun has been in the world of immortal cultivation for many years. He has fallen into countless traps and drilled countless traps. When he encounters something, he always develops the habit of considering the dark side first.

If this is a trap, what is the other party's intention?

Soon, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and stared at Huangfu Xin.

He has been using magic for a long time and almost overlooked a big problem.

How can an ordinary person carry out a stone of two or three feet?

Even a master who can shake mountains can hardly conceal his presence. In the entire Tiankui world, except for him who can do it silently, it can be said that no one has this ability.

If that's the case, why would the other party ask him such an impossible task?

There is only one reason, this person knows that he has a storage bag!

It's also because he made a lot of noise at the Chiyu Gate last time. He moved dozens of boxes of things quietly.

But there is no way, you can't just leave the treasure alone, right?

This is so strange that it will definitely be noticed by someone with a purpose. I think the owner of the Huangfu Tower in front of him is one of them.

At this time, Huangfu Xin continued to tempt: "Master Mo, you must know that in addition to my reward, there are also many unparalleled treasures in the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion. Since you have such a skill, if you don't make good use of it, wouldn't it delay this craft?"

Mo Xun cursed the old fox in his heart, but on the surface, he still pretended to be moved and nodded.

"To be honest with Master Huangfu, I am indeed interested in this business, but the City Lord's Mansion is so heavily guarded. You let me break in so blatantly, what's the difference between this and sending myself to death?"

Huangfu Xin suddenly laughed out loud, and then lowered his voice.

"As long as Master Mo takes over this business, I am willing to lend a hand."

"What do you mean?"

Huangfu Xin then took out a piece of yellow cloth from his sleeve, and after opening it, it turned out to be a densely packed complete map.

"All the guards of the City Lord's Mansion are marked here, even a drainage ditch is clearly marked. The C-shaped treasure pavilion is your goal this time. How to enter, how many people are guarding it, and what mechanisms are inside are all annotated on it. It's just that how to take that thing out is your ability. At the same time, in order to cooperate with your actions, I will stage a good show outside. At that time, I will lead out the city lord and several masters and elders, so as to create some time for you. As for how long it can be delayed, it is uncertain. I wonder what Pavilion Master Mo thinks of this arrangement?"

Mo Xun pursed his lips and nodded.

The only thing he was worried about was the masters in the City Lord's Mansion.

As long as they could be led out for a short time, no matter how complicated the mechanism was, it would be a decoration in front of him.

After thinking for a moment, Mo Xun suddenly said decisively: "Okay, I'll take this, but before that, I need a small favor from Master Huangfu."

"Please speak!"

"I need the information of all the masters and above in this city, including their appearance, personality, famous skills, and life stories. The more detailed the better. Of course, there are more than just those in the City Lord's Mansion."

Huangfu Xin smiled slightly.

"This is easy. I can deliver the things to you tomorrow. As for the specific time, it is up to you. But after getting the things, Master must help me deliver them to a designated place."

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