Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 792 One Hundred Thousand

As Mo Xun guessed, there were not many people in the auction hall, not even half of the seats were full.

This might be a newly opened store, and its reputation has not yet spread.

Including Bai Ze, the six of them directly asked for a private room.

Mo Xun leaned back in his chair bored, but Huangfu Xin and Qi Ruyan were quite interested.

After coming to the world of cultivation, it was the first time for the two to participate in such a commercial auction. They really wanted to see what the market conditions of those cultivation resources were like. After all, they would make a living from this in the future.

"Hey, you seem to be worried?"

Gu Qingqing was sitting next to Mo Xun and came over at this time.

After a year or two of bargaining, the wealth of Luoying Mountain was almost divided up.

Gu Qingqing's current wealth was almost close to that of a small sect.

Occasionally, when she was happy, she would generously reward Mo Xun's two disciples with small things.

As for the little girl Bai Ze, she also got a lot of benefits.

Cheng Mu sometimes saw this and was envious, but he couldn't bring himself to ask for it.

After all, he was a Jindan cultivator, so he still had some self-esteem.

But his Jindan was so poor that he was almost worth his pants. The most valuable thing on him was the life treasure in his body.

If he hadn't followed Mo Xun, he wouldn't even dare to enter a decent shop, let alone an auction.

He had no money and was not strong enough. He could only smile cautiously along the way, and he didn't have much confidence to speak.

In fact, according to his situation, he could go out and be independent.

Although he didn't have any specific skills, he could be an elder in the sect and get a lot of offerings every year.

But he couldn't leave at the moment, because he wanted to see how Mo Xun crossed the state.

Only in this way could he return to Nanshanzhou in the future.

There, he still had a sect and many disciples!

Thinking of the days when he could get a lot of responses, he wanted to cry!

Now he could only pray that his Taoist partner would not give up and remarry after seeing that he had not returned for a long time. What if when he returned, even the child's surname was changed? Should he wear this green hat or not?


Just thinking about it makes people feel depressed!

Mo Xun shook his head bitterly and did not speak.

Gu Qingqing curled her lips.

"It's boring to cultivate immortals to your level."

She suddenly took out a high-level spirit stone and shook it in front of her.

"How about this, you smile for me, and this thing is yours!"

Mo Xun opened his mouth, and it seemed that he didn't understand what the other party meant for a while.

"Why, you don't even know how to smile? How about I smile and you buy it!"

As she spoke, she really grinned.

After a moment, Mo Xun seemed to be infected, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and Gu Qingqing generously threw the spirit stone over.

"That's right. You are not happy to make money. How can those poor people live?"

When Cheng Mu heard the word "poor", his face suddenly turned dark.

He felt that the two guys were talking about him, but there was no evidence!

One high-level spirit stone is equivalent to ten thousand low-level ones.

He can laugh, and he can get whatever he wants. Why doesn't anyone buy from him?

Soon, the auction started.

It was not as bad as Mo Xun thought, there were still some good things.

But for him at the moment, it was almost a waste of time.

Seeing Cheng Mu's eager eyes and hesitant to speak several times, Mo Xun smiled and handed him a storage bag.

Although this guy is of no use now, he may be a big help in the future.

No matter what, this person has been the leader of a sect.

How to establish a sect and how to manage a sect, there should be some experience.

In the second half, the Lei Hai Yao Ji who was selling finally appeared.

Mo Xun just took a look and was disappointed.

He didn't know what he was expecting, and why he was disappointed?

The woman on the stage was undoubtedly beautiful.

She had a slender figure and beautiful eyebrows and eyes!

She had a young face and bright white teeth!

No matter which man she was in, she was a breathtaking beauty.

Like Wen Yue at the beginning, this woman was bound by magic power, wearing only a thin shirt on her upper body and bare feet underneath.

She exuded a faint thunder and lightning power all over her body.

Amid a noisy sound, bidding began.

Soon, the price was pushed up to 30,000 spirit stones, but only a few people were left holding placards.

Suddenly a deep voice rang in everyone's ears.

"One hundred thousand!"

After this voice, the venue suddenly became quiet.

The whole auction seemed to have finally reached its first climax because of this sudden bidding.

The host saw that there were people cheering, and immediately began to encourage them.

In the box, Gu Qingqing turned her head suddenly, and a burst of anger rose on her face instantly.

Because the person who called the price was Mo Xun.

She stretched out her hand angrily.

"Give it to me!"

Mo Xun was surprised at first, thinking that this girl was too proactive. After hesitating, he slowly stretched out his hand and placed it in the other's palm.

Although this woman is not young, her skin is smooth!

Gu Qingqing was embarrassed and annoyed. She pulled back her hand and slapped the back of her hand hard.

"I'm talking about the spiritual stone I just gave you."

She had kindly spent money to buy Jun Yixiao, but who knew that the other party would use the money to buy a woman. What a waste of money!

At this moment, the final word was made on the stage, and the deal was considered a deal.

Someone soon sent the woman over. After delivering the spirit stone, Mo Xun threw out a piece of clothing and at the same time released the woman's restraint from the air.

Just as he was about to speak, Gu Qingqing's sour voice came to his ears.


Cheng Mu was a little dumbfounded on the sidelines. He originally thought that this fellow Taoist Mo was someone who concentrated on the Tao.

I didn't expect that he would be so courageous once he took action.

It seems that everyone is on the same path!

In this way, we can have more common languages ​​in the future.

But when it comes to the woman in front of me, she is really mouth-watering.

Come to think of it, the so-called not being close to women is nonsense. It should be that he is not close to ordinary women. People have high standards!

At this point, Sect Master Cheng should learn from it.

Mo Xun smiled and shook his head, but the next moment, he seemed to have thought of something. He was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I'll wait for you at the rest building opposite!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out of the box like a gust of wind.

There were only five or six pairs of surprised eyes left. You looked at me and I looked at you. No one knew what had happened.

Fortunately, everyone reacted quickly and followed him out quickly.

After a few short breaths, the only one left in the box was the bewildered Thunder Sea Enchantress.

The scene that appeared in front of her was really beyond all her previous guesses about her fate.

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