Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 834 The dust has settled


Mo Xun's two words suddenly came out, which really scared Wei Tucong.

The originally relaxed Lord Wei immediately tensed up.

But seeing that Mo Xun didn't seem to have any intention of taking action, he asked vigilantly: "Do you have anything else to say, fellow Daoist?"

Mo Xun glanced at Min Gan and his son coldly, and then turned his head.

"I need to ask Lord Wei a few things."

Wei Tucong quickly clasped his fists, his face full of respect.

"Please speak!"

It is really sad that a Yuanying cultivator, and the lord of a city, has ended up like this.

But many times, the reality is indeed like this.

No matter how glorious you were in the past, once you fall into inferiority, what face and dignity will count for?

The longer you live, the more afraid you are of death!

After experiencing the joy of immortality, how many people can still look down on life and death?

Wei Tucong was also bitter in his heart. It was really that the mysterious cultivator in front of him was too strange. He was only at the Jindan level, but he could ignore the Yuanying Spirit Realm.

Coupled with his strong physical body, he couldn't fight at all!

"Does the city lord know where the Dongyi Patriarch is now?"

Wei Tucong shook his head hurriedly.

"To be honest with you, since you wiped out the Dong family, many people have been looking for you and the Dongyi old demon. There is still no clue. The old demon has a great hiding skill. As long as he doesn't show up, I'm afraid no one can find him."

Mo Xun nodded after pondering.

This situation was also within his expectations!

Although the East Region is not as big as the Central Region, it is also extremely vast. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find a person who is deliberately hiding.

Perhaps the other party has left the East Region and went to other places.

If so, it would be better!

But if this person is not dead, it is still a hidden danger.

The two of them seemed to be speaking casually, but to the three people beside them, it was no less than a bolt from the blue.

Especially Min Gan, as the helmsman of the family, is the most sensitive to the slightest disturbance in the outside world.

Although the Dong family is on the border of the Eastern Region, its influence is not inferior to that of Beijing Mountain.

Its family lineage is thousands of years old!

He had heard that a mysterious Jindan cultivator appeared there, who could kill Yuanying across levels.

But he never expected that this person would be right in front of him!

For a moment, he felt dizzy.

He sighed in his heart that the Min family might be finished!

At this moment, Luo Xi was also trembling.

His eyes moved around Mo Xun, and inadvertently, the corners of his eyes became a little wet again.

Who would have thought that this old friend was the Jindan demon that was rumored recently?

The heart that had been dead was suddenly like being watered with the holy water of the Nine Heavens, and it sprouted out of the ground again.

During this period, she was under too much pressure.

On the one hand, she had to worry about her brother losing his position as the head of the family, and she felt guilty towards her father whose body was still warm.

On the other hand, she had to be on guard against the Min family at all times.

Just when death was approaching, she finally realized that despair could really make a person feel heartbroken.

There was both concern for the entire family and guilt towards old friends.

I thought I was doomed this time, but who knew such a dramatic scene would appear!

Crying with joy, probably describes her current state of mind.

It seems that every time she meets this old friend, she can bring her different surprises!

Mo Xun nodded gently, and suddenly looked at Wei Tucong with a playful look, staring at the usually majestic city lord, who was a little scared.

"Daoyou...anything else?"

This cautiousness made Luo Xi, who was blurred with tears, suddenly burst into a smile.

She even cursed with a smile, showing her girlish charm.

"Lord Wei, I am just passing by here, not many people know about it, do you understand what I mean?"

Wei Tucong was stunned for a moment, then quickly smiled and said, "I understand, I understand!"

Mo Xun didn't know what the whole East Region had become because of the destruction of the Dong family, but he knew that there must be many people in the outside world looking for him now.

Either to win him over, or to cause trouble!

"There is one more thing, I hope the Lord has never been to this Beijing Mountain, let alone know what happened here. If someone finds the Luo family because of me in the future, I don't mind going to Xuanqing City again."

Wei Tucong's heart trembled. Facing this naked threat, although he was extremely angry, he didn't dare to show it.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist, I am still in seclusion, and I don't know what happened in Beijing Mountain!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wei Tucong immediately turned into a stream of light and ran away.

Obviously, he didn't want to stay any longer!

The moment this person left, Min Gan also turned into a wisp of green smoke, leaving his son behind and disappearing.

Mo Xun snorted coldly and disappeared immediately afterwards.

In an instant, only Luo Xi and Min Wentong were left in the air.

Min Wentong was stunned, how could he not understand what happened?

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he didn't expect a figure to suddenly appear and block him.

"Brother Min, where are you going!"

Min Wentong shouted angrily, raised his hand and threw out a talisman, and without waiting for Luo Xi to react, he quickly flew away.

The talisman exploded in the air, blooming a dazzling golden light with a range of several feet.

In the golden light, a purple cloud flew out, chasing after him like a meteor.

About a cup of tea later, the two figures reunited at the place where they were just now.

But they were all stained with a trace of blood.

Mo Xun waved his sleeves, and a bloody head immediately floated in the air. It was Min Gan.

Luo Xi glanced at him, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth, staring at Mo Xun with interest.

"I really want to go to the Central Region to see what Brother Mo has experienced in these years!"

Mo Xun flicked his fingers, and the head was wrapped in a ball of flames, and in an instant, it turned into a wisp of green smoke.

He did not respond to this teasing, but asked: "What should we do next? Do we need to go to the Min family again?"

Luo Xi smiled charmingly.

"After this person died, the entire Min family has no threat. The rest is left to me. But next, Brother Mo may have to stay for a while. When the situation stabilizes, I will thank you separately!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding.

The Min family is finished, but there are still some unstable factors in the Luo family.

Luo Wangxuan's realm has fallen, and Luo Xi's words are nothing more than using him to intimidate those people.

In addition, such a big thing happened in Beijing Mountain, and external forces will inevitably intervene, and perhaps he will need to take action from time to time.

He finally chose not to take action against Wei Tucong.

The main reason is that he doesn't want to escalate the situation, so as not to bring greater disaster to the Luo family after he leaves.

As long as it is not a life-and-death feud, Xuan Qingcheng will not come to cause trouble blatantly.

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