Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 838 Black Chicken and Colorful Chicken

This place is his first stop when he came to Xihezhou, and it is also the place he will focus on searching next.

In Qiu Mingcheng for a few days, he mainly investigated whether there was a blood-colored fog like the one in southern Xinjiang.

Since he came here through the blood fog, he might have to use it to go back.

He also bought many local ancient books, and the clues had to be found in them.

When he arrived here, the speed of the flying car slowed down.

Others were practicing in the secret room, only he sat quietly in front of the car, looking into the distance with a stagnant gaze.

"As you said, if you want to go back to the place where you came from, searching in this way is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

Mo Xun knew who was coming behind him just by hearing the voice.

"What good idea does the fairy have?"

Luo Xi sat down beside him, and the two looked at each other like that.

Today's Fairy Luo, changed from the past gorgeous, wearing a simple and elegant dress, the whole person is ethereal and clear, quite a bit of worldly appearance.

"Do you have to go back?"

Mo Xun fell silent, it's not that he hadn't thought about this question.

According to his original intention, he wanted to go back and take a look!

He was just a cultivator, not a real immortal, and he couldn't be completely calm!

There were some people there, and some promises he needed to fulfill.

If he could go back, he would definitely try, but if he couldn't go back...

He sighed in his heart.

"I understand what you mean, but I should always try. If it's really impossible, I won't force it!"

This has always been his personality!

Whenever he encounters something, he will always try his best, but he is not stubborn.

In simple terms, if he can succeed, he will give up calmly if he can't!

He won't do anything for something, even if it will bring great benefits!

He is greedy, but not stupid!

I think this is also a common feature of the general public.

He never thought that he was so special, just a pawn among the masses, so he did not reject such a popular mentality.

Even many times, he would be glad of his mediocrity!

Only mediocrity will not attract attention, which is in line with his personality.

Seeing Luo Xi silent, with a hint of sadness on his face, Mo Xun knew that he must not have gotten over the separation.

Perhaps he was still worried about his family!

"Tell me how you have been these years!"

Luo Xi glanced at him indifferently.

"What stories can I have? I just practiced and helped take care of the family affairs. Occasionally, when a secret realm was opened, I would go out for a stroll. Unlike you, you have traveled to so many places and met so many beauties. I don't know how many fairies you have met? I heard from that Gu that there seems to be a person named Hua Something Yan, who is as beautiful as her name. She seems to have a close relationship with you. Since you are going to leave, why didn't you take her with you?"

Mo Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head. This was naturally Hua Qingyan.

However, he didn't have much intersection with that woman.

"By the way, is there another Palace Master Xia in the Nascent Soul stage? It is said that when you saw her, your eyes were straight."

When mentioning Xia Muyao, Mo Xun's face suddenly became a little strange.

Luo Xi was so smart that he immediately caught the abnormality in his expression.

"You wouldn't really have thought about the Yuanying senior, would you?"

Mo Xun thought to himself, it's not as simple as having thought about it, she has slept with him several times.

"Fairy, you are joking. What is my status and what is her identity? How dare I have such thoughts?"

Luo Xi smiled slyly.

"Don't dare or don't want to?"

Mo Xun was speechless, thinking, does it make a difference?

"Forget it, I won't tease you, but if you ask me, it's not that you don't deserve her, but that she doesn't deserve you."


Luo Xi analyzed very seriously and said, "Think about it, the Xia Palace Master has reached the Yuanying, which means she is at least four or five hundred years old, and how old are you? Don't you think it's weird to be ambiguous with such an old witch?"

This is the first time Mo Xun has heard of talking about age in the world of immortal cultivation.

For a Yuanying cultivator, the life span is at least more than a thousand years old, and for a late-stage great cultivator, it can even reach 1,200 years old.

If there is a life-extending spiritual object, you will live longer.

Four or five hundred years old, in this time span, can only be considered young and strong at most.

But in Luoxi's mouth, it has become an old witch, which is really laughable.

I only heard Luoxi continue to say: "Think about it again, when they were roaming the world of immortal cultivation, you might still be wearing open-crotch pants, isn't it awkward?"

Mo Xun was speechless immediately!

What is this saying?

"By the way, there is also that Fairy Gu, who should be quite old. I think her talent is mediocre, otherwise she would not have cultivated to the middle stage of Jindan until now. I can see what she thinks of you at a glance, but do you know what this is called?"

Mo Xun asked in confusion: "What?"

"Old cow eats tender grass!"

Before Mo Xun reacted to the meaning of this, a chill came from behind, and then a cold voice pierced into the ears of the two like a sharp arrow.

"Who do you say is the old cow?"

Luoxi chuckled and didn't continue to speak.

Gu Qingqing walked to the other side and sat down, her eyes were filled with coldness, and it seemed that she had suppressed her anger for a while before her face returned to normal.

However, a hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"I thought that the immortal cultivation families were all profound. Whether in terms of cultivation or character, they were at least better than us casual cultivators. Who knew that in this phoenix nest, there would be a black chicken with feathers lost, hiding behind and gossiping, tsk tsk... This really opened my eyes, Mo Lang, don't you think so?"

After saying this, she smiled coquettishly.

Luo Xi retorted, "Yes, this fairy is a black chicken, which is better than the colorful chicken that attracts bees and butterflies. A good woman, not learning the proper skills, must practice some kind of charm, and go around to perform those soul-sucking methods, which is really disgusting!"

Seeing that the gunpowder smell was getting stronger and stronger, Mo Xun secretly complained in his heart.

Where has he encountered such a situation? Not to mention how to deal with it!

It's not that he has never dealt with women before, but never as embarrassing as this one.

He could only laugh dryly and change the subject.

"Not far away is the place where I used to heal my wounds. Are you interested in going to see it?"

Gu Qingqing said first: "Okay, didn't you say that there are two lifesavers? Since we are here, we must visit them. Even if they are probably no longer alive, it is good to burn incense in front of their graves."

Luo Xi turned his head and snorted.

"Shameless, who are you? He saved him, not you!"

Mo Xun stroked his forehead lightly, wanting to throw the two into the Tianyu Tower and let them quarrel in there.

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