Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 869 Golden Maple Valley

Gong Yang finally left!

Just like his sudden appearance before, he left cleanly and unexpectedly.

But Mo Xun felt a deep sense of loss in his heart.

This is a kind of emotion between men, simple and sincere!

He couldn't help but think of what he said to Cheng Mu at the beginning, there is no banquet that will never end!

No matter how deep the fate between two people is, they can only be passers-by on the long road.

While enjoying the long life, the immortal cultivator must also bear the pain of separation.

Mo Xun has many friends in his life, but no one has been with him for a long time.

Only that guy who is always frivolous!

Mo Xun stood quietly at the front of the flying car, letting the whistling wind pass by his ears.

At this moment, he felt unprecedented loneliness.

In order to live forever, he gave up a lot. He originally thought that this was justified, but every time at this time, it still made him feel uneasy.

From the ancient ruins, the old guy lived in him with bad intentions, led him to find Tongtian Jianmu, and resurrected Zixie Qingfu.

In the Liangyi Sect, the two colluded to steal the secret method of the formation.

In the polar thunder sea, he escaped with the help of the other party's escape technique.

Wuhuan Shendan gave him a hundred years of practice experience.

In order to fulfill his promise, he traveled thousands of miles to the boundless monster sea...

It can be said that this is the only person who witnessed his growth.

But now, just like that, he left in a wave of his sleeves!

He left very casually, without any hesitation!

In a trip to Xihezhou, he brought back more than a dozen people, but how many of them will leave him in the near future?

He is not a sentimental person, and it can even be said that he is often hard-hearted.

But as long as he is a human, he will eventually have a soft side.

Even if he is a fairy, how can he abandon his seven emotions and six desires?

The flying car passed by at high speed in the sky, leaving a faint trail, but soon, it disappeared.

Nanping Mountain, Jinfeng Valley!

Because the spiritual energy here is thin, it does not belong to any of the two sects.

Originally, only a few scattered mountain hunters lived here, and even the most miserable casual cultivators rarely visited such a remote place.

However, because of the advent of an ancient teleportation array, it immediately became a pilgrimage site for many cultivators.

Yuanying came here to find opportunities for advancement, or even the path to ascension.

Low-level cultivators gathered here with a certain adventurous spirit, wanting to try their luck in other continents.

They completely regarded the other end of the teleportation array as a secret realm that had not been opened for tens of thousands of years.

But they never thought that opportunities are often accompanied by huge risks.

Or in their hearts, they have been deliberately avoiding the dangers.

Every cultivator is a natural adventurer.

In order to go further, even if they are forced to pull teeth out of the tiger's mouth, they are not afraid to try.

Because there were too many monks, the entire periphery of the Golden Maple Valley was now closed by the two major sects.

Although these people could not enter, they did not extinguish their determination to stay here.

Everyone was waiting!

Waiting for the teleportation array inside to be officially opened so that they could venture into the unknown world.

When Mo Xun and his party arrived, there were already thousands of monks lingering outside the valley.

Some of them have already made this their home and dug caves directly against the mountain.

Some would come here every once in a while to take a look around and inquire about the specific news inside.

The reason why this place is called Golden Maple Valley is because of the maple forests all over the mountains.

In autumn, the entire valley will be covered with a layer of golden gauze.

The appearance of Mo Xun immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Even if the Yuanying monk did not deliberately release the pressure, the powerful consciousness that was enough to make people's hearts tremble could make everyone's heart tremble.

In an instant, no matter whether they were in retreat or in cultivation, all of them set their eyes on the gorgeous flying car in front of the valley.

Then, a young man slowly stepped down from the flying car.

This man's appearance was not very heroic, and could even be said to be mediocre, but the momentum he exuded instantly made everyone hold their breath.

"Nascent Soul cultivator!"

In the silence, someone finally shouted first.

The crowd immediately began to discuss in a low voice.

"Who is this ancestor? Why have I never seen him before? Brother Zhang, do you know him?"

"How should I know? Haven't you always claimed to have seen all the Nascent Soul cultivators in Huanyunyuan? How come you don't know him now?"

Since the ancient teleportation array was discovered here, basically all the high-level cultivators in Huanyunyuan have been here.

So the people here are actually not unfamiliar with Nascent Soul cultivators.

But the unfamiliar face in front of them did not match any of their impressions.

As soon as Mo Xun showed up, two Jindan cultivators guarding the formation in front of the valley came to greet him.

The two people, one man and one woman, were wearing the elders' attire of the sect.

Without thinking too much, one knew that one was from the Heavenly Ghost Sect, and the other was naturally from the Saint Maiden Palace.

The elder from the Heavenly Ghost Sect looked quite old, with half of his hair and beard already white.

The Saint Maiden Palace's elder was a very young and beautiful fairy, but there was a bit of frost between her eyebrows.

Mo Xun nodded secretly.

As far as he knew, the Saint Maiden Palace not only only recruited female disciples, but also attached great importance to the appearance of the disciples.

No matter how good a person's aptitude is, if he does not have a good appearance, it is difficult for him to be cultivated by the sect.

In other words, all the high-level cultivators in the Saint Maiden Palace are beautiful women.

It's just that this sect has a special method of cultivation, and it was founded on the ruthless way. Those who have achieved great success are all cold and beautiful women who don't smile and have little emotion.

About thousands of years ago, a casual cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage fell in love with the elder of the family.

After he went to propose marriage, a conflict broke out directly.

It was also after this battle that the Saint Maiden Palace was seriously injured and gradually declined. Then the Heavenly Ghost Sect took advantage of it, forming the current stalemate between the two factions.

The first rule for entering this sect is to cut off emotions!

From a certain perspective, it is a nunnery with hair extension.

Over the years, whenever a disciple in the sect couldn't stand the loneliness and secretly had sex with others, they often didn't end well.

If a man from the outside world dared to have ideas about the female cultivators of the Saint Maiden Palace, he would be the target of killing.

"Juniors Li Jizhong and Gong Yunruichu from the Tiangui Sect greet you, senior!"

The two of them were both at the early stage of Jindan cultivation, followed by several young disciples. When they came to Mo Xun, they bowed and saluted.

Their feelings at this moment were similar to those of the onlookers in the distance.

It was just that while they were suspicious, they were also extremely alert and vigilant.

But this was also reasonable. Who wouldn't be nervous when seeing such a top-level expert who suddenly appeared but whose origins were unknown?


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