Seeing this scene, Mo Xun's mouth curled up a meaningful smile.

Who is lying is actually easy to identify.

As long as you reach a certain level of cultivation, you can judge a person's inner ups and downs through the slight fluctuations of mana.

The psychological quality of this shopkeeper is too poor. He has been fidgeting since he came here.

Although he tried his best to cover it up, he still revealed some flaws.

This is indeed the case!

The shopkeeper was greedy and privately replaced the real elixir that should have been sold.

The Jindan cultivator was furious and directly killed him on the spot in front of everyone.

Seeing that the Dan Pavilion replaced the elixir for the woman and made compensation, Mo Xun smiled bitterly.

This trip was in vain again.

However, he became more and more curious about this clan.

Such a clan or family that seems to have no shortcomings is extremely rare in the world of cultivation.

To put it in a less accurate way, that is a saint!

They don't bully the weak, don't collude with evil, are strict with their descendants, and treat casual cultivators with sincerity. They are too perfect.

So, can such a family survive in the world of immortal cultivation where people fight against each other?

And the ancestor of the clan should not be a bad person.

Is it because they cover it up too well, or is it that the eyes of the Yuehua Fairy were blinded by hatred?

Just as he was thinking, two strange men appeared in front of the elders' office.

The reason why they are strange is that these two people not only have strong cultivation, but also have made extremely clever disguises.

They are both in the late stage of Jindan, but they suppress their realm to the foundation building.

Disguise and hide their cultivation, these two are obviously not from the clan.

It was a casual cultivator conference. If they were not from the clan, they could only be foreign cultivators.

But according to Mo Xun's observations over the past few days, although this conference is held every ten years and is aimed at the entire Yue Kingdom, most of the people who come are still mainly practicing Qi and building foundation.

Even if there were Jindan cultivators, they were mostly specially invited, so they wouldn't hide their heads and show their tails.

Thinking of this, he flicked his fingers hidden in his sleeves and left various marks on the two people.

No matter what the reason was, he wanted to find out.

The public trial in front of the Elders' Office ended hastily. Just as Mo Xun was leaving with the crowd and preparing to go back to the Rest Building to rest, he was suddenly stopped by someone.

Looking up, it was the female cultivator who had just solved the case!

The woman opened her huge eyes at this moment and looked at Mo Xun in surprise.

Mo Xun was also stunned. Could it be that the other party saw through his hidden skills?

This was impossible!

With his cultivation level, plus the chaotic turbidity, even if the Nascent Soul was in front of him, it would be difficult to find any clues.

Just as he frowned, the woman finally spoke.

"Are you... Uncle Mo?"

This strange name confused Mo Xun.

The surname was correct, but what about Uncle Shi?

Judging from her face, the woman was obviously older, but she was so suitable.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. Could it be that he had met an old friend?

But he shook his head quickly. Although he had lived for hundreds of years, he always thought that his memory was not bad.

He had never seen this woman's appearance before.

There was no sign of any change on her face.

Besides, none of the women he knew had called him that.


Mo Xun wanted to say that he had recognized the wrong person, but the woman quickly said, "I am Qin Xuanrong. Do you remember me, uncle?"

Qin Xuanrong?

Mo Xun shook his head. This name was also unfamiliar.

"My father is Qin Yi and my mother is Mu Zhaoyi. Uncle should remember them, right?"

When the name Qin Yi was mentioned, Mo Xun was stunned at first.

Then, the appearance of a white and tender girl of seven or eight years old slowly emerged in his mind.

"You are... the daughter of Qin Yi?"

Mo Xun was really a little dazed at this moment. It has been so many years, and he didn't expect to meet an old friend here.

Qin Yi was the first cultivator he met when he first entered Lantian City.

He was also the guide who helped him settle down there later!

Whether it was the initial foundation-building pill formula, the later ancient moon order, or the knowledge of Xuantian True Fire, he got them all from Qin Yi.

After building the foundation, the two met again, and he saved this person's family.

It was also that time that he met Qin Xuanrong, who was only seven or eight years old at the time.

The scenes of memories from many years ago flashed in front of Mo Xun's eyes like a revolving lantern.

Qin Xuanrong seemed to have seen a long-lost relative, and immediately showed a face of joy.

Mo Xun looked at the other person's face for a long time before he vaguely saw a little shadow of the past.

"I didn't expect that after more than two hundred years, my uncle hasn't changed at all, and he is still as young as I saw him at the beginning!"

Mo Xun was also quite emotional!

It is really a coincidence. When the two met for the first time, the other was still a young girl with a pigtail.

"I didn't expect it to be you. I wonder if Brother Qin is doing well now?"

Qin Xuanrong's expression suddenly became a little sad.

"My father and mother did not build a foundation. They passed away many years ago."

This answer seemed to be within Mo Xun's expectations.

When he met Qin Yi again, the other party was already thirty years old, but still lingered in the Qi training stage.

It can be seen that regardless of qualifications or resources, it is unlikely that Qin Yi will build a foundation.

"Birth, aging, sickness and death are inevitable, but you can achieve what you have now. I think Brother Qin should be relieved if he is still alive."

Mo Xun's words were purely comforting.

According to the time calculation, Qin Xuanrong is now more than 200 years old. If she cannot form a pill in the next 100 years, her life will probably end here.

Qin Xuanrong forced a smile.

I wanted to ask Mo Xun about his cultivation over the years, but after realizing that he was only in the middle stage of foundation building, she immediately gave up the idea.

When they met that year, Mo Xun was already in the early stage of foundation building.

This means that after more than 200 years, he has only advanced to one level.

This speed can't be described as slow.

You can't scold someone without exposing his shortcomings. He is the savior of their family, so how can you poke a sore spot in front of him?

"Is my uncle also here to attend the loose cultivator conference this time?"

Mo Xun nodded.

"I guess so. I just happened to pass by and came to see him!"

"I don't know where Uncle is now. If you have nothing to do, come with me to his residence. It's not easy to meet an acquaintance from many years ago. I would like to chat with Uncle more. Besides, I have a few friends who are fellow cultivators wandering outside. Maybe we can exchange some cultivation experiences."

Seeing Mo Xun's cultivation level, Qin Xuanrong immediately wanted to help him. Even though she knew that Mo Xun's chances of advancement were slim, she still wanted to repay the kindness of the past.

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