Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 942 Chaos Generates All Things

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"What do you want the breath of chaos for?"

This question made Lu Wushen a little surprised.

"Don't you know that chaos creates all things?"

Mo Xun naturally knew this, but he still never guessed the other party's true intention.

Lu Wushen laughed.

"It seems that your luck has gone against the grain, and your knowledge is really worrying, but I can't blame you. There are not many people in the world who know this secret, and you don't even have the idea of ​​what vitality is, so you can't Know.”

Mo Xun's heart suddenly moved, and he seemed to have thought of something, but he was not sure.

"What do you mean?"

Lu Wushen continued with a smile: "Actually, it's very simple. All the energy of the spirit in the world comes from chaos. I need this energy to transform my energy. Of course, I don't need too much. A little bit is enough for me to use for a long time!"

Mo Xun's eyes immediately lit up.

Invisibly, he learned another use of chaotic turbid energy.

"How to transform?"

Even though Lu Wushen looks faceless and behaves like a young boy, in terms of his character, he is extremely sophisticated.

"This is also not difficult. If you agree to trade with me, I will teach you the transformation method. How about it?"

Mo Xun suddenly fell silent.

To be honest, he wasn't very interested in transforming any kind of Yuanling Qi.

After all, he doesn’t need it yet!

And once the news of having chaotic turbidity is leaked, it will probably be the most fatal thing.

No matter what this guy said, he still wanted to catch him just in case.

Lu Wushen couldn't understand the gloomy expression on Mo Xun's face, and thought he was unwilling. He said anxiously, "Let's see how sincere I am."

As he spoke, he stretched out his tiger-like claws and slashed in the void.

I saw that the originally empty place was like a curtain, with a slit cut open.

Immediately afterwards, a lot of things fell out from inside.

This unique skill made Mo Xun's eyes shine again.

It feels like this guy's mastery of space has reached its peak.

It seems that the surrounding space can be taken and used without restriction. It is simply like carrying a pocket of space with you.

If you learn how to do this, you will be able to throw away the storage bag in the future.

I just don’t know whether this method of “sounding and retrieving objects” can only be limited to a certain range, or whether it can be used everywhere!

Mo Xun glanced at the things on the ground, there were quite a lot of them.

Porcelain bottles of elixirs, jade slips of martial arts, magic weapons, spiritual stones and's all there.

"Hey, fellow Taoist, you might as well take a look. Whatever you need here can be exchanged. We can even discuss the price."

At this time, Lu Wushen had turned into a philistine businessman. He rubbed his paws together and looked ridiculous with his vulgar appearance.

Among the small mountains of debris, the first thing Mo Xun noticed were a few bright spiritual crystals.

The best spiritual stone!

The moment this object appeared, it attracted Mo Xun's attention.

Even though it was his first time seeing it, he was at least 70 to 80% sure that it was definitely a top-quality spiritual stone.

This thing is of great use even in the middle or even late stages of Nascent Soul.

As the top existence in this world's aura, it is unparalleled in many aspects.

Regardless of training, if this spiritual stone can be used to support the base eye of the formation, the formation can be upgraded to a level.

When the Tianjian Sect's mountain-protecting formation arrives, even Nascent Soul will be unable to do anything for a while!

It's just that in this world, few people would have the luxury to do this.

Those selfish Yuanying monks, as long as they have some good things, they will not use them for their own cultivation. Who will really care about the safety of the sect disciples?

Lu Wushen noticed Mo Xun's eyes, and quickly pushed aside the mess on the ground, picking out all the top-quality spiritual stones, which amounted to twenty or thirty pieces!

Mo Xun secretly smacked his lips, this guy is also rich enough!

"With a friendly eye, I have collected these spirit stones for tens of thousands of years, but it's a pity that they are of little use to me. How about this, each spirit stone is exchanged for a trace of chaos aura. Is this a fair transaction?"

A trace?

Mo Xun is no stranger to such quantifiers!

His chaotic turbid energy was collected from the strange stones in Tiankui Realm.

Different stones have different reserves.

On average, there are only three or four strands in each piece, and one strand is ten strands. Doesn't that mean that one stone is worth dozens of top-quality spiritual stones?

Be good!

This is the most expensive treasure he has ever seen!

It's just that Mo Xun has always been intangible with emotions and anger, and now that he has murderous intentions, there is no trace of any thoughts on his face.

Such behavior made Lu Wushen feel that his price was too low, and he quickly said: "How about... you pay back the price?"

Ordinarily, this amount of chaotic turbidity is almost a drop in the bucket to Mo Xun.

But he doesn't want this kind of treasure to appear in the world at all!

However, from Lu Wushen's attitude, we can see how precious this turbid energy is.

Mo Xun bypassed the spirit stone and picked up another porcelain bottle from the ground.

After removing the plug, an unpleasant stench immediately emitted from inside.

The smell was so pungent that even Bai Ze and Lu Wushen on the side couldn't help but take two steps back.

Mo Xun frowned and poured out a pill from it. Good guy, it was as black as a mud pill.

Lu Wushen covered his nose and smiled awkwardly.

"Maybe it's been a while, the medicinal properties have slightly lost, but I think... it shouldn't be a big problem!"

Mo Xun was speechless, this is almost a poison pill!

He then checked several porcelain bottles, and they were basically the same, and the original medicinal properties could not be seen at all.

After that, he turned out another jade slip.

After his spiritual consciousness immersed in it, his expression immediately changed.

It was recorded on it, but it was an ancient magical power.

The reason why it is called ancient is because the seal characters are very different from the current writing.

"Five Thunders Law", also known as "Great Five Elements Divine Thunder"!

This is a top-level spell with thunder attributes. Once it is fully developed, the area within ten thousand feet can be turned into a sea of ​​thunder in an instant.

In the sea of ​​thunder, all bones are gone!

What a domineering technique.

Mo Xun then picked up the second jade slip, this time it was a sword-meaning magical power, called "Splitting the Sky"!

One slash splits the mountain, two slashes split the sea, and three slashes can split the sky and the earth!

When he saw the third jade slip, Mo Xun was finally moved.

This is a body training method, which records a form-meaning magical power called "Nine Changes of the Sky".

When the horizontal training reaches the seventh level or above, it can transform into nine different sky-supporting beasts such as lions, tigers, apes, wolves, and cranes.

Seeing this, Mo Xun seemed to have understood what these things were about.

Most likely, this guy in front of him relied on his absolute control over space and stole from the outside world.

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