Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 963 Heavenly Heart Stone

Feeling the change in Luo Xi's mood, Mo Xun opened his mouth, but he also didn't know what to say.

Then, he looked at the other three people.

It can be said that after this incident, including Yin Lixi, everyone present can be regarded as his most trusted person.

Seeing that no one was taking the spiritual fruit, Gu Qingqing took the jade box in her hand first.

Although her face was pale, the woman still showed some charm as usual.

"Since it is you who gave it, I will accept it. It won't be long before I have to retreat to form a baby. At that time, the affairs of Chaotian City can only be temporarily handed over to you."

Mo Xun smiled.

Although after all these years, the two women are no longer as incompatible as when they first met, but their competitive mentality has never diminished.

Seeing that Luo Xi is about to form a baby, how can Fairy Gu be willing to lag behind?

Both of them have reached the false baby realm. As long as they are properly prepared, they can retreat to break through at any time.

If it were Mo Xun, it wouldn't be necessary. The two were only about 300 years old. If they were not sure, they could wait.

But since they had made the decision, he would not interfere.

Then, Mo Xun copied the experience of forming a primordial infant that he had prepared long ago to each person.

There were some from Tan Taiyi, some from Gu Yutian, and his own personal experience.

In other words, this was another great gift.

How many people in the world could get so many experiences of forming a primordial infant when forming a primordial infant?

Yin Lixi and Dong Qianxue held the jade box in their hands, and their hearts were a little ups and downs for a while.

The relationship between the two and Mo Xun was not that close.

Dong Qianxue was okay, after all, she had the feeling of protecting the law, but Yin Lixi was just surrendering halfway.

However, Mo Xun did not treat them differently, as if he was his own, which made the man who had always been strong and unyielding a little at a loss.

Yin Lixi sighed in his heart.

This battle was originally to repay Mo Xun for helping him destroy the clan, and he had never thought about the return.

It seems that he will really sell his life to Tianjian Sect in the future.

Speaking of repayment, the one who should be expressed the most here is probably Dong Qianxue.

Mo Xun had saved her life, so it was natural for her to work for him. In addition, with this fairy fruit, what else can she say?

After arranging the four people to retreat, Mo Xun began to arrange to rebuild the mountain gate and recruit disciples.

There is also a mountain protection formation that needs to be repaired.

In the past, with Luo Xi, he didn't need to worry about many things, but now it is different.

It is unprecedented for a Yuanying to be in charge of sect affairs.

As for Chaotian City, Mo Xun directly sent Wei Qing there.

Time flies, and it is three months later.

Tianjian Sect's disciple recruitment was held very smoothly. Due to the lack of personnel, Mo Xun greatly lowered the recruitment conditions for disciples and absorbed 10,000 casual cultivators at one time.

Unexpectedly, there were more than 20 foundation-building cultivators inside.

This force was considered to have injected a lot of blood into the Tianjian Sect.

As Gu Qingqing and Luo Xi were in seclusion at the same time, Zuo Tianming also began to prepare for the formation of the elixir. Mo Xun kept his promise and distributed nearly a thousand foundation-building pills at one time. If nothing unexpected happens, there will be a hundred foundation-building cultivators in a few years.

In another hundred years, it is not impossible to have seven or eight more elixir-building cultivators.

In the ten thousand miles of land compensated by the Tianyun Sect, there are several ready-made mineral veins, and the disciples of the Tianjian Sect quickly occupied them.

Chaotian City's money-spending plan finally came to an end.

But Mo Xun did not completely stop it, but just tightened up the investment.

Today's sects and cities can basically achieve a virtuous cycle, and they only need to develop slowly in the future.

The battle three months ago completely made the Tianjian Sect famous.

The name of Sect Master Mo also spread throughout the thirteen sects of Southern Xinjiang at an incredible speed.

If the sudden rise of the Tianjian Sect at first only made many people curious, then the fact that one person could fight against four Yuanyings without losing was enough to shock everyone.

In the past thousands of years, who else had such a record?

Although there are some exaggerations in this, such as Gu Qingqing and the other four holding back Wei Qing, and Yutian Sword blocking Gongsun Xu, this gave Mo Xun the opportunity to show his power.

But people always like to spread such stories of strong men, and gradually, it became a one-man battle against four infants.

In addition, there was another thing that caused quite a stir in the world of immortal cultivation.

That was Wei Qing's surrender!

This person, who was originally the inspector of the Tiandao League, was willing to defend the city for the Tianjian Sect at this moment, which really aroused a lot of imagination.

During this period, Mo Xun also received gifts from several sects.

There were many invitations, either inviting him to participate in some sect ceremonies or to participate in Yuanying exchange meetings.

Mo Xun looked at the various jade slips sent to him, and just politely returned the gifts, and then refused them all on the grounds that he was busy with other things.

After Yin Lixi recovered a little, he entrusted the position of the sect leader to this person.

And he himself began his first retreat after forming a baby.

The main task of this retreat was not to practice, but to sort out the future practice plan.

Because in the near future, he would go to Wuliang Mountain and visit the Tiandao League.

Since he had established a sect, it was necessary to meet the local strongmen. Let’s not talk about other things first. As long as he stayed in Nanjiang, he would probably not be able to stay out of the matter of the Demonic Path.

In the dim secret room, three broken swords were suspended in front of Mo Xun.

On the broken sword, there was a faint circle of silver light.

"Brother Gu, tell me, what do you need me to do?"

Mo Xun originally thought that Gu Yutian had died, but unexpectedly he found a trace of the remnant soul on the third broken sword he found.

At this time, Gu Yutian's soul power was extremely weak.

Just like a candle that is about to dim, a gust of wind can blow it out.

After a long time, three small silver characters appeared on the broken sword.

"Heavenly Heart Stone!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, he had never heard of this thing.

But judging from the name, it should be some kind of material.

"Are you saying that finding the Tianxin Stone can help you repair the sword?"

The silver light flashed, and two other words were condensed again.


Mo Xun nodded secretly. Although it was only a short exchange and it was in this way, he probably understood what Gu Yutian meant.

If the sword body wants to be repaired, it can only be repaired through weapon refining.

But in this world, I am afraid that there is no grandmaster who can refine treasures for a long time. Even if it is him, there is nothing he can do.

The so-called advancement is probably similar to the formation of a baby by a monk.

Nirvana and rebirth after the Broken Pill!

Since the Tianxin Stone is a certain material, it is possible to find it. Although he has experienced a lot over the years, he still cannot know all the treasures in the world.


Mo Xun waved his sleeves and put away the three-sectioned sword, and then two more storage bags appeared in his hand.

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