Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 97 Transformation

Hearing Mo Xun say this, Xiao Qian suddenly felt a chill on his back, and hurriedly turned his head to look outside the cave.

"No way?"

Mo Xun was relieved at this time. People's fear comes from the unknown. Now that he has figured out the connection, he is not so afraid.

"Brother Xiao, let's take a look at what's in these storage bags first!"

As he spoke, Mo Xun picked up a storage bag, turned the bag mouth downward, and poured out a bunch of things from it.

Xiao Qian was a little bit scared by what he said, but when he saw the sparkling spiritual stones in front of him, his eyes suddenly shot out two rays of light.

Sure enough, those who can own magic tools are not ordinary people.

Afterwards, the two of them poured out all the things in the four storage bags, and they were piled up into a small mountain in a mess.

Just looking at these spiritual stones, there are at least two or three hundred pieces!

At this time, Xiao Qian's eyes were almost as beautiful as seeing a peerless beauty.

"Brother Mo, even if we can't get those spiritual medicines this time, with these treasures, our trip is worthwhile!"

Mo Xun was also shocked. You know, the storage bag he and Su Yunshang got last time only contained a dozen spiritual stones.

Xiao Qian was obviously very familiar with the division of the spoils. After quickly counting all the spiritual stones, he put half of them into his pocket.

Mo Xun was naturally not slow, and he also chose a storage bag with a larger space. His original one should be eliminated.

The two then picked out the sundries in it. There were dozens of sets of clothes alone, but most of them were women's clothes, which they threw aside casually.

There was a lot of gold and silver in it. Although immortal cultivators no longer had any use for these yellow and white things, they were indispensable in living in the mortal world.

Mo Xun was even more concerned about his family. The gold and silver he got now were all accumulated for his parents and younger brothers.

After distributing these, Xiao Qian casually picked up a piece of soft armor and tried it on himself, but it seemed to be for women.

Mo Xun flipped open a book of exercises and glanced at it briefly. Then he picked up a jade slip and placed it on his forehead.

After immersing his mind in it, six big words suddenly appeared in his mind: "Basic Spell Practice Record".

"Transformation Spell"

"Fire Driving Flying Spirit Spell"

"Light Body Spell"


Watching the strange spells appear in front of him, Mo Xun was immediately ecstatic. There were a total of twelve elementary spells. Except for two or three of them, they overlapped with what he had learned, and the rest were all new spells that he had never heard of.

In addition to his cultivation realm, what he cares most about now is the practice of spells.

"Brother Mo, what good stuff do you have? Let me see it too!"

Mo Xun smiled and threw the jade slip to Xiao Qian. He thought that at present, the biggest gain of this trip should be this jade slip.

But after a moment, Xiao Qian rolled his eyes at him, looked at Mo Xun as if he was a country bumpkin, and threw the jade slip back.

"This thing is only worth two spirit stones in Lantian City."

Hearing this, Mo Xun opened his mouth, a little unconvinced.

So many spells, only worth two spirit stones?

When did spells become so cheap?

Seeing him like this, Xiao Qian couldn't make fun of him in person, and explained: "These are all the lowest-level spells, which can only be practiced during the Qi training period, and most of them have no practical use, such as this transformation spell..."

As he spoke, Xiao Qian pinched a strange Taoist formula with his hand, and after silently reciting two spells, the whole person was suddenly wrapped in a puff of white smoke.

After the white smoke dissipated, a face that looked exactly like Mo Xun was revealed.


Author's words:

Added one more chapter, hope you support more

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