Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 993 How is it possible?

Because he had seen this person many years ago!

It was Li Qingying who had come to the Liu family with Mo Xun!

Liu Tiannan noticed his brother's abnormality at the first time and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at the two figures that were gradually going away, Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "That woman is the one who came with the Mo family back then, but how could she appear here?"

"What woman?"

Just as the Liu brothers were surprised, Wuji Sanren and Fang Xinghe also came out.

The master and apprentice first looked at the direction where Li Qingying disappeared, and then quickly disappeared.

On the Chixia Peak!

This is one of the auxiliary peaks of the Zhengyuan Sword Sect to entertain guests this time.

The peak is thousands of feet high and reaches the sky.

In the dense aura, most of the mountain peaks are hidden in the clouds.

Around the aura, there are formations and prohibitions that are difficult to see with the naked eye. Surrounding the huge mountain, there are some caves dotted from top to bottom.

There are nine thousand miles of fairy mountains and pavilions, and people are hidden under the sky!

In a cave among the clouds and mist, Li Qingying stayed in her cave for only a cup of tea, and then opened the restriction with a confused mind and prepared to go out.

But as soon as the stone door opened, the master's voice sounded in her ears.

"Come over!"

Li Qingying's heart tightened, and she had to turn around and head towards another secret room, which was about to go out of the cave.

The stone door fell, and Wen Zixi was sitting cross-legged under the futon. Although her face was calm, her eyebrows were not like that.

"Sit down first!"

Li Qingying was a little uneasy, and she seemed to have known the intention of the master to ask her to come here.

As for Brother Mo, she was not afraid to say it.

But if it was really confirmed that the leader Mo was the brother Mo she had been thinking about for more than two hundred years, she would leave Jiuli Palace.

But she didn't know how to say it when she said she was leaving.

Brother Mo saved her life, and so did her master.

When she was poisoned by cold, she accidentally awakened her body of ice spirit. It was her master who brought her to Jiuli Palace and taught her. In the end, she not only saved her life, but also achieved what she has today.

Weighing the two, both Brother Mo and her master are the most important people in her life.

But she can't stay with her master all her life. Finding Brother Mo one day is also the reason why she has been able to persist in cultivation all these years.

"Master..." Li Qingying whispered.

Wen Zixi was distracted for a moment, and then asked softly: "Why did you act rude in front of the ancestors just now?"

Wen Zixi didn't think much about this matter.

What she is thinking about now is Fang Xinghe's inexplicable proposal of marriage.

Wen Zixi thinks she is quite pretty, and because of the practice of the technique, she also has the ability to keep her face.

But there were too many beautiful female cultivators in the sect, and she didn't think it was because of her appearance that attracted the other party, not to mention that she was almost 500 years old.

She had also heard of that Wuji Sanren.

Although Southern Xinjiang is not small, there are only a dozen large sects.

If there is one more Jindan cultivator in any sect, it will soon spread among the cultivators of the same level, not to mention Wuji Sanren, who only took more than 200 years to cultivate to the peak of Jindan, and was only one step away from perfection.

But she had only heard of this person.

However, he was not unfamiliar with Fang Xinghe.

Although this person was only in the early stage of Yuanying and had made no progress for hundreds of years, he was also notorious many years ago.

Since it was not her appearance, it must be her cultivation.

Just thinking of this, Li Qingying suddenly whispered: "Master, I guess that the Sect Master Mo of Tianjian Sect is probably the elder brother who has been separated from me for many years."

Li Qingying knew that this matter would be told sooner or later, so it would be better to tell the master directly.

But after hearing this, Wen Zixi suddenly opened her eyes wide, and then looked at her apprentice in confusion, as if she didn't understand the meaning of this for a while.

How could she not know whether Li Qingying had relatives?

Besides, even if there was a brother who suddenly appeared, he shouldn't have the surname Mo!

But soon, Wen Zixi stood up suddenly, her face full of incredible surprise.

"Are you talking about the young man who carried you on his back?"

Li Qingying nodded with her head down, and her thoughts seemed to have returned to hundreds of years ago.

But at this moment, Wen Zixi's heart was already in turmoil.

Although she had forgotten the name of the young man, she clearly remembered the man's original cultivation.

Just built the foundation!

She was confident that she was not wrong. The young man didn't even have a stable true essence at that time.

A passerby who she once thought would not have much future, but it took only more than two hundred years to form a baby!

At this moment, her heart was like a meteorite suddenly falling into the calm sea.

Waves rose dozens of feet high!

The surging waves rolled, making her unable to calm down for a long time.

How is this possible?

She dared to be sure that the young man was definitely not more than 300 years old, not even 250 years old.

Wen Zixi felt that it was a little unreal.

As far as she knew, there seemed to be no such person in the entire southern border for thousands of years.

Even "Wuji", who was considered the first genius of Guyue Sect, has not yet reached the false infant realm.

"Are you serious?"

Li Qingying knew that the master might be surprised, but she didn't expect the reaction to be so big.

"I am not sure, because the name of the Mo Sect Master is exactly the same as that of my brother."

When Li Qingying said this, she was a little nervous.

Based on her understanding of Mo Xun, since Brother Mo returned to Southern Xinjiang, he would definitely come here to find her.

But why is there no news yet?

She now wants to urgently inquire about this Mo Sect Master and the newly established Tianjian Sect.

While Li Qingying was thinking about it, Wen Zixi had already pondered secretly.

She must tell Master Meng Bolei about this matter.


In another cave in the same mountain, two people were also whispering in a secret room.

"I have seen this Wen Zixi. The ice attribute technique she practiced is indeed quite compatible with you. Are you sure you can advance to the perfect Dan through this girl?"

Wuji Sanren suddenly smiled sinisterly.

"If I add the female disciple next to her, I can not only break through the bottleneck that has stagnated for many years, but also increase the chance of forming a baby by 10% or 20%. "

Fang Xinghe's eyes lit up, but he frowned again soon.

Regarding the matter of marrying Jiuli Palace Wen Zixi, it was not Fang Xinghe who proposed it, but Wuji Sanren.

Wuji Sanren has been eager for success in recent years, which has led to problems in his cultivation. He urgently needs a female cultivator with ice attribute to cooperate with him in dual cultivation.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to take the last step in his cultivation.

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