Oh oh oh, the voice of the lady boss is natural!

The director and the cameraman were very excited, and the director started to write the script.

She said humbly, "Teacher Lin, you got up so early, we thought we interrupted you to rest, hehehehe."

"Oh, I'm used to getting up early, and I've been running around in the morning before, but this time I am not familiar with the surrounding environment, so I plan to go to the gym downstairs in the hotel to exercise." Lin Rui made up calmly.

She usually wakes up early and runs in the morning.

But I don't know what's wrong recently, and I can't get up most of the morning.

Lin Rui, who hadn't been snooze in 800 years, found that she was getting more and more sleepy.

But this does not prevent her from speaking nonsense seriously now.

It's not just the director and cameraman, but also the audience in front of the camera...Well, because it is a live broadcast, it is the Internet. After receiving the news, there are netizens squatting and waiting so early.

"I remember I remember that when Rui Ge first took a Kung Fu boy shoot, I got up in the morning for a morning run, which was earlier than the staff!"

"Yes, for years of continuous exercise, Rui Ge is really strict with himself."

"Only I am curious, what is Rui Gefu doing inside, hehehehe."

"You upstairs are too much. Didn't you see that the editor and the camera brother are knocking on the door with their lives, but I am also curious, hehehe."

To be honest, the editor and the cameraman are also curious, but they dare not.

Gossip is precious and the bonus price is higher!

Therefore, after they chatted with Lin Rui and sent her the task card, they immediately left in a desperate manner.

For fear of being angry.

Since Lin Rui woke up, she didn't feel sleepy anymore, closed the door, and planned to clean up before going out for a run.

When I turned around, I saw Yunze also finished wearing.

Lin Rui looked at him curiously, "Are you not resting for a while?"

It's really early, it's only six o'clock.

Yunze nodded, "Women sing and husband, let's go for a morning jog together."

Lin Rui was so dizzy with the words of her husband and her husband, the two of them went to the gym below the hotel for a run.

The husband and wife are both high-valued, wearing the same black gold-rimmed sportswear and white sneakers.

Director Li just woke up, and when he heard the news, he immediately asked people to take pictures!

As for other guests to get up and post tasks? For the one with a woolen thread, just scan the screen.

No no no.

Director Li immediately slapped his thighs and decided, "Immediately notify the choreographer, and when assigning tasks to the next guest, he must detour through the gym!"

He simply liked his wit!

In this way, the netizens guarding the computer saw the couple exercising there in a while, and saw it again in a while.

"I suspect that the choreographer was deliberate, but I am so happy to be able to see the couple of gods and goddesses."

"Real names envy the treadmill under their feet!"

Originally, Lin Rui was the main coffee, and Yunze was the boss.

Not to mention, because these two people have more shots, the number of netizens watching online has risen sharply.

Knowing that Director Li has absolutely no problems with this operation.

After Luo Huacheng learned of this, he just turned over, put down the phone, and continued to sleep!

Hey, my fiancee is not around, so I can't sleep alone.

The editor here broke his leg, but still had to knock on the door of the next guest with a smile on his face.

I had knocked on the door of Eric and Ruan Ling'er before. Eric had just woke up with a handsome blond hair like a chicken coop. He grabbed his hair and accepted the task card.

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