Lin Rui and Yunze are both busy, let alone the Jincheng Lin family, even the old house of the Emperor Yun family, and they don't often go back.

Now Lin Rui decided to rest for a while, but there was time.

Yunze also let go of the work, and now basically it is handed over to Yun Haotian, Luo Huacheng, and Guan Yumo who is in training.

He intends to accompany Lin Rui.

After all, money is not enough.

And he has been working hard for so long, just wanting to accompany Lin Rui.

However, the young couple just got off the plane and received a call from Luohua City before leaving the airport.

"Xiao Rui's movies and TV series are nominated for Best Actress. The awards ceremony will be at the end of this month. You guys will come back soon. Many things need to be prepared."

I knew that the TV series was nominated before, but the award ceremony was after the year, almost the time when the first season of the variety show Who is the Brave just finished filming.

But unexpectedly, the movie was also nominated.

And it is also a foreign award.

Also nominated for the best newcomer award and the best film award.

The newcomer award is for Lin Qi.

Originally, this movie was very popular in China, but because of the young talented chess player Lin Qi, it attracted the attention of many famous chess players abroad.

Two things, this film also successfully nominated for the Romance Awards.

In this award, the last Chinese to win the best male lead was Yunze.

Now that his wife has been nominated again, even if he didn't get the award in the end, it was enough to shock everyone.

Not to mention, the language of chess at the beginning was biased towards humanities and artistic themes. The protagonist brothers and sisters performed particularly amazing, some of the supporting roles in it are well-known old opera bones, and the acting skills are particularly good.

Therefore, this film was nominated, although it was unexpected.

But it also makes sense.

"Well, we will go back next Monday."

Lin Rui originally planned to stay at home for a long time, but now it doesn't seem to work.

Whether it was the previous TV series Lin Lang Chuan or the later Chess Language, she was the main creator, and at the same time she was nominated for the Best Picture Award and the Best Screenplay Award. This is the effort of the entire crew.

So, anyway, Lin Rui wants to go back after all.

After getting an affirmative answer, Luo Huacheng hung up the phone. He has just finished his work recently... Now he has taken over most of Yunyu's work.

Here, I just spared time to prepare for the wedding with Xiao Ye Zi, but in the end I have to prepare for the award ceremony.

But of course, this award ceremony is very important to Lin Rui himself, and even more important to Yunyu.

Because Lin Lang Chuan Yunyu has investment, and the film Chess is produced by Yunyu.

From the director to the screenwriter to the main creator to the investor, all of them are Yunyu people.

This is also an important milestone for Yunyu to open up the international film market.

Therefore, the wedding can only be postponed, but fortunately, Xiao Ye Zi and her family also understand this matter very well. After all, Xiao Ye Zi also played a role in Linlang Biography.

Xiao Ye Zi is so sensible, which makes Luo Huacheng happy and eager to get his wife in.

Therefore, when he had a hard day and had dinner with Ye Chuan in the evening, he sighed and said, "Hey, I really want to marry you home soon, Xiao Ye Zi, or, let's get the certificate first?"


"I have already told Aze that the villa you lived in before will be used as a wedding room for us. I have already found someone to start decorating... What did you just say?" Luo Huacheng suddenly paused.

Ye Chuan looked at him with a smile, and said, "I said yes, get the certificate first."

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