Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 935: Lin Zikang cried

Because she saw Lin Zikang crying.

While hugging Fang Yuluo tightly, she burst into tears.

Fang Yuluo struck for a long time and struggled for a long time, and then slowly slowed down, and the hot tears of the man holding her all flowed to the back of her hand.

It's hot, heartburning.

Feeling Fang Yuluo calm down, Lin Zikang raised his head, his eyes filled with hope.


Fang Yuluo blinked, suddenly his cheeks flushed, and suddenly pushed Lin Zikang away.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"Yuluo, I am Zikang! Look at me again, look at me!" Lin Zikang stretched out his hand to go and hugged Fang Yuluo in his arms.

But Fang Yuluo backed away in shock. She turned her head and saw Lin Rui standing next to her.

She was suddenly confused.

"You, why are you so like me?"

"Because I am your daughter," Lin Rui said calmly and gently, "I am the daughter you gave birth to him."

"No, no, I'm only eighteen this year, how can I get married, how can I have a daughter!" Fang Yuluo staggered back, the whole person's emotions faintly showing signs of collapse.

Lin Zikang didn't dare to move forward when he saw this scene.

He turned his head and asked Lin Rui, "Rui Rui, what happened to Yuluo?"

"It's a long story." Lin Rui quietly buried the anger in his eyes.

If it wasn't for Aze, she would now razed the entire **** nursing home to the ground!

That **** man, how dare, how dare to treat her mother like this!

Lin Rui felt uncomfortable looking at her mother's sometimes madness and sometimes calm amnesia.

She can cure her mother with pill, but when she thinks of the inhuman torture her mother has experienced for so many years, Lin Rui's whole body is on the verge of an explosion!

Lin Rui lowered his eyes and said, "Dad, let's leave first."

"But the rain falls on her..." Lin Zikang said no to his daughter for the first time, his eyes were full of sadness and sadness, "I can't keep the rain still here like this, I can't!"

Lin Zikang told herself that if she found Yuluo this time, she would be happy and happy.

Then he will let go.

Although I still miss her in my heart, what is more important than her happiness?

but now……

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Zikang, who was a businessman, was going to kill with anger!

"Dad, I will take mom away, you believe me."

Lin Zikang endured forbearance, looked back at his wife who was hiding far away, struggled for a long time, and finally nodded.

Lin Rui took Lin Zikang to leave, and it didn't take long for him to reconcile with Yunze.

Lauren has taken Yunze around for a stroll, and then he said to Yunze, "Mr. Yun, the food here is not rich enough, I won't leave you for dinner."

"Well, it doesn't have to be, I don't have any appetite right now. But the environment here is really good, if I might come to disturb you in the future."

"It's not an interruption, it's our pleasure." Lauren was polite.

Yunze and his party got into the car and left after all.

All the equipment in the nursing home returned to normal. Only the woman who was locked up stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, watching the direction they left.

A tear fell from the corner of her eye.

Fang Yuluo touched the corner of his eyes suspiciously, and whispered softly, "It's strange, me, why am I crying?"

At the same time, Lin Rui and their car completely drove away from the nursing home.

Lin Zikang glanced back, covering his eyes with his hands, and at first he whimpered softly, but cried and cried, becoming more and more uncontrollable.

The grief has filled his whole person.

Lin Zikang finally burst into tears.

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