Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 106 Clues To Strange Creatures

After the old man left, Xu Che picked up the check, glanced at it, and couldn't help feeling that the old man was really generous, paying millions of dollars for drinks, which made him laugh out loud.

The young man put the check under a certain wine jar, ignored it, and continued to read the strange stories of the old demon.

The human world depicted and the deeds recorded above gave Xu Che a new understanding of the world.

Especially in a certain diary, the old demon mentioned that there is a strange crack in the depths of the South China Sea.

It once ran out of a species that does not belong to this world. It is bloodthirsty and ferocious, and its strength is far stronger than ordinary monsters and humans. It is completely black, with hard armor, scales, tails, and bone spurs.

This monster can also turn into black liquid.

At that time, it was parasitic on the monster race along the coast, causing it to undergo violent changes. The flesh and bones were indescribable, but the realm was soaring, which was extremely terrifying.

It's just that later, when he met the old demon in his heyday, he launched a surprise attack again, intending to slaughter and devour it, which angered the old demon.

The old guy didn't show politeness to them, and directly killed a river of blood, beheading all the infected monsters and humans in that area.

It even went all the way to the deep sea thousands of meters below, and found the monster's lair, that is, the weird crack.

I wanted to break in and have a good time, but there were mysterious spatial fluctuations there, and the old demon didn't dare to set foot in it easily, fearing that it would be easy to enter but difficult to exit, or be teleported to another world.

So, it used the strongest ultimate move, blasting the nearly 100-meter-long crack, and even caused submarine earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the deep sea.

According to what the old demon wrote, the infected monster killed hundreds of heads, but the scattered black liquid could condense only a dozen of different species, and its strength was comparable to that of a big monster in the late stage of transformation.

Seeing this, Xu Che couldn't help but feel a palpitation, and instantly realized that this is completely the same species as the strange creature he fought fiercely a few days ago.

They appeared in the human world a hundred years ago. I can't imagine what kind of catastrophe the whole world would have faced if these strange creatures landed on land without the old demon's stop.

At this thought, Xu Che frowned slightly. According to his previous tracing, he could only see the process of a certain grass being polluted by strange creatures, but he couldn't know where the strange creatures appeared.

These monsters seem to attack the human world directly from another world, relying on secret passages.

The total number of the opponent's race is still a mystery. If it is more than 10,000 people, there is a high-ranking ruler.

One day in the future, relying on the channel to reach the human world, then relying on the current human technology alone cannot resist it at all.

The weakest strange creature mentioned in the old demon book can be compared to the great demon in the middle stage of transformation.

However, in the entire Yanhong City, except for Zhong Lao known by the Imperial Security Bureau, he is in this realm, and He Bo who may be in this realm.

Xu Che didn't know how many other people had this level of combat power, but he expected no more than five people, far inferior to the Great Demon Army owned by Luowu Mountain.

Taking the masters in the middle stage of human transformation as a reference for combat power, without using nuclear weapons, celestial weapons and other top human scientific research crystallizations.

Simply relying on fighter planes, or various biological armors, genetic fighters, energy bombs and other cutting-edge weapons, it is difficult to pose a threat to the grandmaster whose speed is measured at times the speed of sound.

What's more, most of that strange race has the combat power of the late stage of transformation, that is to say, it is roughly equivalent to the warriors of the late stage of human transformation, and there may not be many in the whole Chixia.

At this moment, the young man became inexplicably uneasy, and he had a strong premonition.

The star he lived in has already recovered.

The big change that can change the entire human world pattern is coming quietly. Maybe, at a certain moment, it will be too late by the time humans detect it.

"These species, suspected to have inhabited the blue star a long time ago, but later, for some reason, they disappeared."

"Did he hide in the subsidiary space of Blue Star?" Xu Che guessed.

The blue star observed in the human world is a blue planet, but its space and area are far from what it appears on the surface.

To make a simple analogy, a piece of blank paper is crushed into hundreds of crumpled paper balls.

Only when it is stretched and flattened again, those folds will appear first, and each fold may represent a subsidiary space that has not been discovered by human beings.

"There is also a possibility that in a certain era, they devoured all the races on land, lacking food, and had no choice but to go far into the depths of the starry sky?"

The more he guessed, the more troublesome Xu Che felt. Since the last battle, he was deeply impressed by this species. The opponent's vitality is extremely strong, and even if it suffers devastating destruction, it can be reborn many times.

Based on this point alone, there are probably very few humans or monsters in the same land who can fight with them.

"Billions of human beings, for them, are nothing less than a gluttonous feast."

"That strange creature, the people who mentioned it were on their way home, but they didn't come with it."

"Maybe it's just a scout for scouting, or a vanguard team. Is its greedy nature wanting to engulf human beings and strengthen itself before the race comes?"

"So after arriving in this world, instead of going back the same way and reporting the news, I chose to act alone."

"But no matter what, there must be a passage, which exists around Yanhong City."

"Is it by the sea? No, if it is the ocean, then the first species it infects should be the fish on the bottom of the sea."

Xu Che muttered to himself while falling into deep thought.

The strange crack recorded by the old demon is as long as 100 meters, if this passage is similar.

If it is still discovered by humans, it may be that there are remote mountains and old forests that are inaccessible.

Immediately, Xu Che had a flash of inspiration and thought of the four famous mountains in Yanhong, Luowu, Bai Yu, Qilin and Xuanlong.

Luowu is the residence of the old demon, and he personally beheaded many big demons there, and set up formations along the mountain. Every place is very familiar, and it cannot be the passage.

The remaining three mountains are all tourist attractions. Even so, the mountain area open to the outside world is only part of it, and it is not impossible to hide the mystery behind it.

Bai Yu Mountain, I went there once last night, my spiritual sense swept the entire mountain, and directly caught all the underground bases in the cave, but found no other abnormalities.

"Then, the rest are Qi Linshan and Xuanlongshan."

Xu Che said soberly, his tone was a little cold, and his eyes became extremely serious.

As for the strange races, he is determined to kill them. The speed of their evolution is simply unimaginable. If they don't stop them, this ancient land and human civilization will be eaten away by them.

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