Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 201 The Truth Of The Past, The Deal With The Devil

"Really? That's a pity."

Xu Che feels sorry for that talented researcher. This kind of human genius, which has been rare for hundreds of years, is extremely rare in the entire history of world civilization.

Given time, given him enough time, resources, and manpower, and the entire huge free empire absolutely supporting his research and development, it is presumed that the fourth generation of armor can be successfully created within his lifetime.

Xu Che couldn't help recalling that when he was practicing meditation in Lao Yao's cave a year ago, he had read many ancient books. Similar incidents naturally happened in Chixia territory.

About a thousand years ago, there was a Taoist head disciple whose talent was so high that it frightened both the human and monster worlds. At one time, at the age of a weak crown, he surpassed his peers and overthrew countless big monsters.

Because his light is too dazzling, he doesn't know how to hide his front and guard his clumsiness, he is feared by various sects of orthodoxy, and he is also hated by some monster races.

In a certain war, he was targeted by a demon king, fought fiercely, and died tragically on the ancient battlefield.

The old monsters in his religion are also missing. Since then, his sect has declined rapidly.

Whether it's demons or demon races, from the beginning to the end, these races that have extraordinary power and have always regarded weak human beings as food will not be willing to see human beings gradually get rid of their control.

It is also like the instinct of human beings to prey on other natural creatures in order to survive. It is natural and reasonable, but it is just from a different standpoint.

Thousands of years of human resistance and struggle have brought us a place to breathe. It can be said that it is as difficult as climbing the majestic Shu Road.

In the pages of history, every war, big or small, is full of blood and tears of the sages.

Many powerful people sacrificed their heads in different places, so that human beings could barely straighten their spines and live with dignity and pride under the siege of alien races.

North also showed a look of pity, and said nostalgic: "That young man is indeed one of the rare monsters I have seen in this country."

"He talks about outrageous theories all day long, and always likes to tinker with some weird things, but they have incredible power."

"Speaking of which, I also have some connections with him. He came from a slightly cold background. He was just an orphan wandering on the streets. In a certain midwinter, he curled up on a snowy street corner, almost frozen into an ice sculpture."

"Brought home by an old doctor passing by, he took care of him for a period of time and became the old guy's good little assistant."

"As he stayed with the old doctor for more and more time, he showed a terrifying talent. He quickly opened the door of science, absorbed countless theories of predecessors, and surpassed it in just ten years or so. Many scientific researchers at that time."

"He is the most proud student of the old doctor, not one of them."

"Even his deadly enemy, the doctor who developed nuclear weapons for the free empire, can't restrain his brilliance at all in front of this young man."

"But the world is impermanent. Despite the protection of the free empire, he was still secretly ambushed and killed by several great demons, and his body and soul disappeared together."

"Your Excellency the President of that year, when he heard the news, he was furious like a male lion, dispatched the top powerhouses of the Empire Bureau of Abilities, and fought with several big demons, but there was no result, and instead caused extremely serious casualties .”

"Afterwards, the old doctor dragged his body to find me, begged me to save his life, and was willing to pay any price, but unfortunately, I didn't have such ability at that time."

"But the demons didn't intend to stop there. They targeted the old doctor, worried that the research materials left by the young man would be backed up with him, so they decisively attacked and killed him."

"It was also in that battle that I lost my physical body and paid an irreversible price. The origin of the devil was almost exhausted, so I forcibly moved the old guy and me away."

"The old doctor, who suffered successive blows, suffered from heart failure. In less than two weeks, he hurriedly said some last words to me, and then left in a quiet midnight."

Listening to North's rambling description, a trace of sympathy flashed across Xu Che's eyes. The life of that former man whom he had never met had a lot of similarities with him.

Soon, the young man whispered: "You have told me so much, cunning Mr. Devil, you are not a long-winded person, you should get straight to the point."

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from my lord. If that's the case, then I'll say it openly." North showed an evil smile, and scarlet hatred appeared in the shadows on the ground.

Immediately, it said: "Master, before that, I must tell you, like you, like the lady next to you, these breaths from foreign lands."

"When I stepped into Newgail, I might have been noticed by some devil's eyes and ears. I don't dare to say whether they will attack you during the next pleasant journey."

"Oh? Yeah, thanks for the reminder, North."

Xu Che smiled lightly, the demons lurking in the dark, if he dared to attack them, he had absolute belief that he could kill them.

"Secondly, I want to be the intermediary between the adults and the old doctor. After his death, he left a complete research document, covering the design drawings of the first, second, third generation armor, and even the prototype of the fourth generation."

"And as a bargaining chip in the deal, it is necessary to offer several heads of demons who attacked him and his students many years ago in front of his grave. I wonder if the adults are interested in this deal?"

North tried to speak with calm emotions, but the flame of revenge in his heart almost burned his reason, making his spiritual communication twisted and crazy.

If it weren't for their attacks back then, I'm afraid North would be just a step away from becoming a great demon, and he wouldn't have to go far away.

To be exact, it has been thinking about it ever since it saw the majestic power in Xu Che, but it doesn't know how to speak it out. Now that the time and place are favorable, and when it comes back to Newgail, it naturally won't Miss this fantastic opportunity.

Not only to avenge his friend-like patrons from the past, but also to avenge himself. North stared nervously and expectantly at the young man outside the space of shadows, hoping to get help from the other party.

Xu Che smiled slightly, and did not agree immediately, but instead asked, "Aren't you afraid that I can't beat them?"

"I have been in the world for more than a hundred years, and I still have the ability to judge people by observing words and deeds. Please trust my judgment."

North put his posture very low and replied respectfully.

A sudden idea appeared in Xu Che's mind, and North's temptation attracted him extremely.

What kind of scene would it be if the blueprints could be obtained, the so-called third-generation battle armor, or even the prototype of the fourth generation could be successfully built, and all the big monsters in Luowu could be armed?

I am afraid that the combat power will skyrocket again. At that time, the entire demon world will be everywhere. What other clans of demon kings can compete with it, and in the face of unknown strange races that invade the world, they will have more defensive power.

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