Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 42 The Old Demon's Expectations For The Younger Generation

"Okay, then I will trouble you."

Feeling relieved, the old man smiled slightly, with a kind face, he gently stroked the little gray snake, and was very reluctant to part with this only junior named Xun Wu.

Many words came to my heart, but they were stuck in my throat. The old man looked up at the sky, and the endless dark thundercloud, if it wasn't exhausted, it would also want to stay in the world forever.

In the end, the old man sighed and said melancholy: "You have to practice hard and strive to transform into form as soon as possible."

"All I have learned all my life has been passed on to you. In the future, it will depend on your own good fortune. However, grandpa will always have unlimited expectations for you. I believe that my little grandson will one day turn into a majestic monster roaring mountains and rivers." king."

"As for the content described in the secret book of the demon book, it is too old, and the times have changed, and there may be loopholes. You don't have to follow it blindly. You need to read it carefully. Experience and explore carefully."

"I think back then, grandpa fell down step by step like this, Then get up again, and go back and forth for more than a hundred years before you can achieve something."

"Nowadays, the spiritual energy is getting stronger and stronger, and the cultivation environment is gradually improving. You must hold a heart of awe, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and don't be arrogant. You know that there are monsters outside of monsters."

"You need to follow your own heart in everything, and you can't be muddled and waste time."

"If you are bullying, aggressive, and entangled in trifles, you will be inferior and unable to concentrate on your practice. I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve success."

"If you are bullied, tell this little uncle about everything. He will seek justice for you. After I am gone, he will be your only elder. You need to respect and admire him."

"The world under the mountain is very exciting. There are people, there are monsters, and there are many things you have never seen in this life. Just taste it, don't indulge in it, and waste your practice."

Facing the old man's persuasive advice, the little gray snake nodded half-understood. Its intelligence is extraordinary, but it's just that its morality is not enough, and it has not yet transformed into a human form.

The cultivation realm of the monster race is slightly different from that of the human race. They need to go through the agile stage and reach the transformation stage before they can have a second form other than the main body.

Smartness corresponds to Qi training, and transformation corresponds to foundation building.

The monster race has a longer life, absorbs the sun's essence and moonlight in nature, and breathes out and cultivates.

Their physical strength is extremely terrifying, far superior to humans with similar cultivation levels, and their understanding is only slightly weaker, or even negligible.

The old demon in front of him was at the peak of his transformation, only a thin line away from condensing the demon core and transforming into a demon king.

What is a demon king? The king of demons, looking down on the mountains and rivers, occupying one side, can command many demon clans, and no one dares not to obey.

In the distant past, in the withered corner of history, there was a fierce conflict between an ancient kingdom on earth and a demon king, and then a big war broke out between the two sides.

To some extent, the demon king is almost comparable to the king of a human dynasty.

But due to being too old, the old man can't even display half of his full strength, and even his physical body is withering, unable to return to its former peak.

As a friend, Xu Che is well aware of its horror, and has gone through five hundred years of ups and downs, witnessing the change of dynasties and the ups and downs of families.

Looking at the entire Chixia, no matter in history or in the current world, except for the legendary demon king, there are only a handful of great demons who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

The old demon took out an isolated book from his bosom, with mottled writing on it, and handed it to Xu Che: "This book of strange stories is written by my early experience in the world. It contains a lot of my experience, and I gave it to my little friend."

"Whether it's spiritual grasses and stones, spirits and monsters, ancient relics, and various mysterious forces, I have dabbled in it. I hope it can help you."

Xu Che accepted it, and said solemnly, "Thank you, old friend."

The old man smiled slightly again, and said rather ashamedly: "In recent years, in order to prolong my life and procrastinate the deadline, I have consumed too many natural materials and earthly treasures, and there are still some things left in the cave in the pool, which are left to you. and Xiao Wu."

"Little Wu was born with a gentle nature, and the world is full of dangers. I am grateful to you for taking care of him."

After finishing speaking, the old man picked up the fat little gray snake and handed it to Xu Che. Its hands trembled slightly, knowing that this was the last farewell between the grandfather and grandson, and that they would be separated from each other in the future.

Xu Che, who grew up with his grandfather since he was a child, why doesn't he understand the blood bond between grandparents and grandchildren? The words his grandfather said to him still echoed deafeningly in his mind.

At this moment, seeing the old demon's instructions to the little snake again, he sighed endlessly.

Xu Che looked at the old man with sincere eyes, and promised: "There is a deep friendship between you and me. I will treat Xiaowu as you treat him. I will do my best to protect and raise him. Old friend, don't worry." God hurt."

Perhaps feeling the grief of the old man, the little snake also burst into tears, looking at the old man helplessly.

Seeing Xu Che's clear attitude, the old demon couldn't help but smile again, and now Xu Che's skills are almost catching up with him.

It is the age of the prime of life, in the whole world, there are probably not many people who can be stronger than him, and when the spiritual energy is revived, he will surely dominate the whole life in the future. With such a guardian, if the little snake lives up to his spirit, he will become king Hopeful!

In order for the little snake not to feel so uncomfortable, the old man wiped away his downfall, and he said with a heroic posture, free and easy: "It's okay, Xiao Wu, even if the thunder calamity is terrifying, you still have to trust grandpa, right?"

"Maybe, grandpa can live a second life. After I break through the catastrophe and prove the way, I will turn into a demon king. From then on, I will call the wind and rain, ride the clouds and ride the fog. From now on, you will be the third generation of demons, hahaha!!!!"

The old man laughed loudly, the blood energy in his body began to rise steadily, and his whole body became energetic, his eyes were sharp, and his brows were not angry and prestige.

Seeing the old man's actions, Xu Che's complexion changed slightly, which was a sign of returning light.

He finally sighed, took out another jug ​​of wine, threw it to the old man, and said sincerely: "Old guy, you must succeed."

I advise you to drink up a glass of wine and go straight to Qingyun without any reason.

"Okay!" The strong wine entered his throat, the old man's aura had reached its peak, and his demonic aura was extremely terrifying. He had made up his mind to live towards death, wanting to snatch a sliver of life from the desperate situation.

"Boom!!! Boom!!!!!!"

Thunderclaps exploded in the clouds, with unparalleled power, and the entire Mount Luowu was locked by the misty will of God. Soon, this place will become a peerless and fierce place.

"Heh!" The old man sneered, and then transformed into his main body.

The body that covered the sky and the moon was covered by dark brown scales. "Roar!"

"The demon-sealing chain, broken!!!"

The chains that were originally locked on its claws were shattered inch by inch by the monstrous aura that resembled a storm. It was once a means for the old man to suppress himself in order to prolong his life.

The blood is like an ocean, and the granulation on the head is frantically growing horny. At this moment, the big snake has a faint breath of a demon king!

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