Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 60 It's Something Wrong With Luowu, Xuan Che Meets A Strange Creature In The Middle Of

Now there are thirteen big monsters in the mountain, among which there are eight late-stage monsters headed by Hu Sha, and the rest including Xiong Mang are all mid-stage monsters.

This is a good combat force, even the weakest one - the Black Flame Scorpion, is much stronger than the human martial arts master.

Not to mention the elite monsters like Husha, according to him, over the years in the wild and ancient lands, he has encountered thousands of human warriors, but there is no one who can compete with them.

When he was in Shiwan Dashan, when facing the human warrior who was exploring outside, often he only showed his body, and the human beings were frightened and fled in panic.

Throughout the ages, in the territory of Chixia, there are almost no strange people like Xu Che who can wantonly win over big monsters for their own use.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the existence of these thirteen great masters who are comparable to human beings, once Luowu Mountain enters the WTO, it will become the overlord of the human race.

It wasn't until late at night, when the banquet was about to end, that Xu Che officially named the group of monsters-'Silent Mountain Walker'.

He has the same duties as the 'Demon General', but his status and power are far inferior to Xiong Mang, and he even has to be at his disposal.

The group of demons were not surprised by such an arrangement, and they all accepted it.

When the banquet was over, the group of demons went to the forest area that needed to be guarded, and Xu Che was about to go down the mountain, and brought the little gray snake, which was sleeping soundly, wrapped around his neck.

Xiong Mang was a little bit reluctant, and asked: "My lord, when will you and the young master come back?"

"I'm waiting in Yanhong City not far below the mountain. If you want to go out for a walk, you can borrow this at any time." Xu Che smiled and gave him an off-white wooden sign.

"This is?" Xiong Mang took it carefully, and put it in his palm for a closer look.

"Entry order, hold this object, you can freely enter and leave the Luowu fief without being blocked by the mountain protection formation. Of course, you can also take those big monsters out together."

Hearing this, Xiong Mang suddenly realized, and quickly thanked him, saying: "Then I will practice in the mountains for a while, and if I go down the mountain, I will definitely look for you."

Xu Che glanced at the burly man and said, "Let's go, pay attention to your own safety, and remember to contact me if you need anything."

"Respectfully send off the lord and the young master!" Xiong Mang clasped his fists and said.

"Take care of Shanzi, don't see me off, I'll go!"

Xu Che smiled slightly, turned around and summoned Chen Gu, Ling Yu went up, and the sword light shot up into the sky, like a shooting star, heading towards the end of the dark horizon.

At the top of the mountain, the bonfire was about to burn out, Xiong Mang sat on the ground blankly, no longer trying to maintain his human form, turned into a huge black bear, fell asleep.

Above the vast night sky, Xu Che walked with his sword, and as the Luowu Mountain behind him got farther and farther away, amidst the whistling wind.

The young man may have thought of something worth remembering, he smiled suddenly, turned his head suddenly, stared at Luowu Mountain with soft eyes, and said: "Goodbye, old friend."

It's over for Luowu, let's go back.

On the coastal avenue, the moon was shining brightly, and Xuan Che was walking on the road. She was dressed in black, with a peaked cap covering her face, and behind her was a backpack loaded with supplies.

Suddenly, her face changed slightly, and an ominous premonition shrouded her heart, as if someone was following her?

On the deserted avenue, there are no people or any vehicles passing by, and the street lights on both sides of the road are dim.

As they walked, at a far corner, there stood a strange figure, staring straight at Xuan Che.

The distance between the two was about a hundred meters. Due to the light, the shadow of that person was stretched very long and projected on the ground.

Xuan Che's hearing was extremely keen, and he could hear the man whispering and roaring.

In an instant, the shadow on the ground changed drastically, the limbs twisted continuously, and something on the back forced its way out alive.

Observing the change, Xuan Che shuddered. As a warrior instinctively, she slowly drew out the short sword hanging from her waist, and clenched the silver hunting pistol tightly in her left hand, ready for a fierce battle at all times.


In a flash, the man made trouble, and the figure came like a ghost, and the distance of a hundred meters came in an instant!

Scarlet eyes, a face riddled with holes, and a body covered with weird vines, with a huge rotten mouth with a foul smell, crazily secreting dark purple saliva.

"Boom!" The ground was pierced by a blow with terrifying force.

Xuan Che rolled over, dodged with difficulty, and looked at that person in disbelief, this is not human at all!

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

Dozens of tiny branches emerged from the flesh and blood of the strange creature's festering eye sockets, attacking Xuan Che like tentacles one by one.

The breath of death quickly permeated, Xuan Che swung his dagger and greeted it with one blow.

The next moment, her pupils trembled. This tempered-level weapon was so sharp that it was helpless against the blood-brown branch!

After the two stalemate for a few seconds, a crisp metal sound of "click" was heard, and the dagger was broken abruptly by indescribable force.

Xuan Che's tiger's mouth was numb from the shock, and the labor pains made her break out in cold sweat. This monster was even much more powerful than when she was not injured.

Are people parasitized by plants? Or is it some kind of man-made evil method? The physical strength is so outrageous.


Strange creatures come to kill, wanting to devour the fresh flesh and blood in front of them.




Xuan Che pulled the trigger with his left hand, several red flames spewed out from the silver-gray muzzle, and three armor-piercing bullets shot away, hitting the strange creature's head.

"Puff! "Puff!" "Puff! "

After being shot three times in a row, the monster didn't respond, and it didn't feel any pain at all.

Just when his head was about to be pierced by the strange branch, Xuan Che couldn't care more, took out a magic talisman, his eyes were cold and murderous, and said: "The Prison of Fire."


Tiny black sparks emerged from the talisman paper, and immediately turned into a monstrous sea of ​​flames, engulfing the strange creatures.

The majestic fluctuation of spiritual power made Xuan Che's heart palpitate. She never expected that the talisman carved by Xu Che himself was so terrifying.

"Hiss hiss hiss!!!!"

The black flame burned the strange creatures domineeringly, and the parasitic human body fell off, turned into ashes, and dissipated into the air.

An ugly vine was struggling violently in the flames, and the densely packed holes on it were like eyes, staring at Xuan Che firmly.

At the same time, somewhere in the underground area of ​​the city, there was a mournful howl, and the strange creatures hidden in it were furious.

However, all this lasted less than half a second before the vines died completely, and the traces of existence were erased by the black flame.


At the end of the battle, Xuan Che's tense heartstrings relaxed. She almost had no time to resist this dangerous battle. The strength of the monster was comparable to that of a high-level tempered warrior, which made her feel scared for a while.

Fortunately, she had the talisman presented by Xu Che, otherwise she would have died tonight.

Looking at the pile of ashes not far away, Xuan Che had a complicated look on her face. In the end, she decided to collect some and go back. When Xu Che came back, she let him check it out.

This kind of strange creature has never been heard before.

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