Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 79 Dinner Before Departure

In the evening, Xu Che returned home.

Little Gray Snake was lying on the sofa with an egg-yellow pillow, sleeping soundly.

The afterglow of the setting sun slowly faded on the ground, Xuan Che sat quietly on the sofa, looking at the trading orders on the computer.

"You're back? What's for dinner tonight?"

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, she didn't look up, but just asked casually.

"It's fine, how about some takeaway?" Xu Che walked to the sofa and stroked the little gray snake.


Xuan Che responded, then closed the web page and stretched.

The graceful and perfect figure is vividly displayed in the light and shadow of the setting sun.

Xu Che lay on the sofa, closed his eyes, relaxed his mind, and said, "Friend, where did you take Xiao Wu to play today?"

"Forgot, I just walked around and didn't pay attention." At this time, Xuan Che said perfunctorily.

She bit her lip slightly, and her fingertips slid across the pages of food, her bright eyes showed a slight hesitation.

However, she soon made a decision and ordered a lot of hearty dishes.

"By the way, the weird creature you met last night, I found some clues when I went out today."

"I'm going to meet it tonight."

Xuan Che frowned, and asked puzzledly: "Really? Where is it hiding now?"

"It's in the city." The corner of Xu Che's mouth slightly raised, and he said, "I'll sleep for a while, and call me when I can eat."

After a day of fighting, his spiritual power was exhausted and he was a little sleepy, so he wanted to make some adjustments, seize this fragment of time, and try to recover as much as possible.

He had a hunch that tonight's strange mother body was by no means a good stubble. It might be able to defeat it, but it was hard to kill.

Infected parasites like Ye Yu all survive independently of the mother's body. It is difficult to eradicate such a repeated cycle.

"You look very tired, then rest." Xuan Che said softly.

She got up to exercise her muscles and bones, facing the setting sun, and looked at the city in the distance.

For a moment, she was in a daze.

Feeling the evening wind blowing, she leaned against the window sill, propped her chin with her left hand, her eyes were indifferent, feeling the freedom of the moment, her mood was unprecedentedly comfortable.

After drinking the medicinal wine that Xu Che gave her, she has recovered faster and faster, and even the blood energy that was seriously depleted before has now been replenished.

Even a blessing in disguise, after fighting to the death with two members of the clan, then carrying out the task of escorting antiques, and fiercely fighting strange creatures, her current martial arts realm has been improved.

Half of his foot has already entered the middle stage of tempering, and when the injury completely disappears, he will break through naturally.

Just watched the scenery for a long time, thought of many things, until the phone rang, which brought her back to the real world.

At the same time, the doorbell rang outside the house, Xuan Che went straight over, opened the door, and signed for the takeaway.

After the delivery guy left, Xuan Che went to the sofa Shouted: "It's time to eat.",

Someone woke up drowsily, feeling exhausted, Xu Che pushed the little snake beside him to wake it up too.

Taking advantage of the situation, he picked up the little guy and said, "Xiao Wu, it's time to eat."

The little gray snake's nimble demon eyes slowly opened, and it nestled obediently in Xu Che's arms.

On the table, Xuan Che opened one dish after another, and the rich aroma of the food came over immediately.

The little snake took a sniff, with an expression of enjoyment and satisfaction, and hopeful eyes, eager to eat quickly.

Xu Che put it on the table and prepared a plate for it, but it was a pity that Xiong Mang was not around, so he, the Uncle, had to do all these efforts.

"You ordered so much, aren't you afraid you won't be able to finish it?"

Xu Che looked at a table of twelve dishes and found that many of them were his favorites, such as garlic boneless chicken feet, ginger chicken, seafood prawns, hairy crabs and so on.

"You and I are both strangers, why can't we finish eating?" Xuan Che asked back.

In her opinion, as a martial artist and Xu Che is an art practitioner, the daily food intake of both should far exceed that of ordinary people, and there will be no situation where they can't finish it.

"That's true." Xu Che broke off a large piece of chicken leg, shredded it into shreds, and placed it on the little snake's plate.

The little guy started to feast on it, and Xu Che continued to feed it.

A lot of food was stuffed into his head, the little snake ate so much that his belly was bulging and his mouth was full of greasy oil, Xuan Che couldn't see it, so he took a napkin to wipe it.

Xu Che took a sip of the herbal chicken soup and chatted casually with Xuan Che. The little snake lay coiled on the dining table and listened quietly.

The food is hot, the lighting is warm, and the small living room is very warm.

An hour later, the dinner was over, and the food on the table was swept away by the two of them and the little gray snake.

"Is there any order delivery today? If so, I'll take it with me when I go out and go directly to the post station."

Xu Che asked Xuan Che who was on the sofa next door, and the little snake leaned beside her. In less than a day, the little guy's affection for her skyrocketed.

"Don't you need to investigate the strange creatures? Let me do the material delivery." Xuan Che said.

Thinking back and forth, thinking about what happened last night, Xu Che was still a little worried about her, and said, "Wait here for me."

So, the young man went back to the room, rummaged through the box, found several talismans, and handed them to Xuan Che.

"Didn't I still have two?" She said, "I've given them all to me, so what do you do?"

"No, I don't want to."

"If you don't use self-defense, I'm useless."

"Many times, when you encounter danger, you should be able to resolve one or two of them. Besides, there are unpredictable things in the sky, so it's better to be prepared."

"These talisman papers are all drawn by myself, and my spells are stored in them. That being the case, there is not much difference between whether I carry them or not."

Xuan Che looked at him suspiciously, Xu Che didn't dare to look at her, his cheeks were a little red.

Under the gaze of those clear and transparent pupils, the young man was restless and said, "I still have something to do, I have to go out."

"I'll trouble you to look at Xiao Wu first."

"Okay." Xuan Che said softly, clenched the talisman in his hand.

After finishing speaking, Xu Che stood up, took a deep breath, and walked towards the gate.

"Wait!" Suddenly, Xuan Che stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Xu Che looked back.

Xuan Che paused, then thought about it and said: "I know you are very powerful, but you still have to pay attention to safety."

"Well, wait for me to come back." The young man smiled and said goodbye to her and the little snake.

The next moment, Xu Che's figure disappeared in place!

A thousand meters above the sky, the clouds are thin, the moon is bright, and someone is stepping on the bones of the dust, like a fairy.

Xu Che looked at the closed test tube suspended in his hand, and the drop of gray liquid inside was emitting a manic, crazy, twisted and sinister aura.

"Don't worry, you and I will meet soon."

The young man smiled slightly, and with a little force, "Bang!", the test tube exploded and turned into dust, exposing the gray liquid.

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