Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 226: Foundation Establishment Late Stage

Chihu Ridge, Ziyun Cave.

When Zhou Yang broke through and walked out of Ziyun Cave, he was already a serious late-stage foundation-building monk.

At this time, nine years have passed since he practiced in seclusion, and sixteen years have passed since he was promoted to the sixth floor of Foundation Establishment last time!

It took sixteen years to be promoted from the sixth floor of the foundation building to the seventh floor of the foundation building, which he himself did not expect in advance.

The main reason is that after his cultivation reaches the sixth level of foundation building, the third-level low-grade spirit pills such as "Yangyuan Pill" and "Jin Sui Pill" have no effect on him.

In addition, he had taken too many elixirs of this kind. Although he could use "Qianyang Xianguang" to get rid of the erysipelas, his body's drug resistance could not be removed.

So during the nine years of retreat, he basically relied on his own hard work, gradually raising his mana to the peak of the sixth level of foundation building, and then successfully broke through with the help of the third-order top-grade elixir "Xuanqing Dan" Breakthrough to the late foundation building stage.

This kind of relying on self-cultivation to increase mana, although it took a lot of time, but the foundation is extremely solid, and it is not completely unacceptable for Zhou Yang, who has only passed one-third of his life.

At this time, he walked out of the Purple Cloud Cave, swept across the entire Chihu Ridge with his powerful spiritual sense, and quickly realized the changes that had taken place on the mountain in the past nine years.

I saw that on Chihu Ridge at this time, most of the weeds and trees that had grown wildly had been cleared away, and from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, pieces of spiritual fields had been neatly opened up, planted with trees The "Golden Pearl Rice" tree has at least hundreds of acres at a glance.

And in a small valley on the mountainside, more than a dozen spirit trees were transplanted here by the spirit planters, each occupying an area and growing alone, without competing with other plants for sunshine and rain.

At the same time, in the area near the top of the mountain where Ziyun Cave is located, more than a dozen medicine fields have been reclaimed in the east and west, and seedlings of various elixir have been planted on them.

Compared with low-level spiritual plants like "Golden Pearl Rice", many elixir have almost strict requirements on the growth environment.

For example, the vine mother plant of "Purple Cloud Fruit" needs to grow in a dark cave with rich aura. Some elixirs like to grow in the shade of trees with backlight, but some elixirs can only grow normally under sunlight.

Therefore, when planting elixir, lingzhi husbands must open up medicine fields in various places, and then plant the elixir that is most suitable for the environment of the medicine field.

Basically, the higher the level of the panacea, the higher the requirements for its growth environment.

Therefore, those high-level elixirs in the world of cultivating immortals were either collected from the wild, or flowed from the elixir gardens of those great sects.

Only those great sects occupying a large enough territory and possessing enough spiritual mountain blessings can find a place that satisfies the living environment of high-level elixir to grow these high-level elixir.

Some sects with real background, such as Xuanyang Xianzong and other great sects, simply expend a lot of effort to deploy formations to change the climate of the four seasons, use human power to interfere with the power of heaven and earth, and artificially create potions suitable for the growth of various elixir. environment.

However, Zhou Yang scanned the entire Chihu Ridge with his spiritual sense, but he didn't see the figure of Xiao Ying, the Taoist couple, nor the figure of the Gryphon. Presumably, he must have gone out to do something.

So he immediately took out the Messenger Flying Sword and sent a message to Xiao Ying to explain his exit, and then went to the Firebat Cave at the foot of the mountain.

The bat feces in the Firebat Cave had been cleaned up a long time ago, and now the cave has become the residence of the flying firebats domesticated by the Zhou family.

Zhou Yuanliang, the animal trainer of the Zhou family, now lives outside the Firebat Cave and is responsible for taking care of the preliminary trained flying firebats.

As for the other animal trainer of the Zhou family, Zhou Xuanzhao, because of his advanced age, he has returned to the Yuquan Lake Oasis to recuperate his old age.

"Patriarch, after years of domestication by Uncle Seventeen and I, four of the juvenile flying firebats were successfully domesticated, four females and one male. gone."

"In addition, among the four pregnant female adult flying fire bats, except for two that successfully gave birth to five live cubs, the remaining two gave birth to dead cubs. Now the cubs have been domesticated and grown into juveniles. .”

"So now there are ten flying fire bats living in this fire bat cave, seven females and three males!"

Outside the Firebat Cave, Zhou Yuanliang, who had been in seclusion for many years, came out of the seclusion. While congratulating the Ninth Brother, Zhou Yuanliang also took the initiative to tell the achievements of these years.

Hearing that only ten flying fire bats were successfully domesticated, Zhou Yang felt a little regretful, but he also knew that Zhou Yuanliang and the others must have tried their best.

So he didn't blame anything for it. Instead, he stretched out his hand and patted Zhou Yuanliang's shoulder approvingly and said, "Fifteenth brother, you have worked hard. You have successfully domesticated the flying fire bat and made great contributions to the family. After I discuss it with my great-grandfather, I will definitely discuss it with you." I will reward you for your merits!"

After complimenting Zhou Yuanliang, the clan brother, Zhou Yang found out from his mouth that Xiao Ying and the others had gone to "Yeguang Town". break out.

And when he was talking to Zhou Yuanliang, Xiao Ying, who received his message from Feijian, also sent him a message.

After reading the message from Xiao Ying, his expression froze, and he immediately released the flying sword and flew towards the mine vein.

"Zhou Lang, you are finally out!"

In Yeguang Town, when Zhou Yang dropped the sword light, Xiao Ying threw herself into his arms with joy and hugged him.

The two haven't seen each other for nine years. This is the longest time since the two met. It's no wonder that she, who has always been shy, can't help but do this kind of thing in public this time.

"Ying'er is good, tell your husband quickly, what happened here? Is there really a plague?"

Zhou Yang hugged the girl's palm and patted the girl's shoulder lightly, but asked about something serious.

Hearing him talking about this, the excitement on Xiao Ying's face subsided, she let go of her hands hugging his body and looked at him and said in a low voice: "It's not a plague, it's poison, the drinking water of these mortals has been poisoned! "

Hearing this, Zhou Yang's complexion changed suddenly, and he looked at Xiao Ying with an ugly expression and asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure it was poisoned? Have you found out who did it? Is it man-made or a monster?"

"Now the poison in the mortal has been detoxified by the detoxifying elixir soaked in water. As for who injected the poison, I am still looking for it. At present, the possibility of monsters should be the greatest!"

Xiao Ying talked about how she used the detoxification panacea to help ordinary people detoxify, and directly answered Zhou Yang's question with facts.

If it is not for poisoning, the detoxification panacea cannot have an immediate effect.

"I know about this matter, and I will investigate this matter."

Zhou Yang nodded solemnly, Dang even decided to investigate the truth of the matter himself.

He also agrees with Xiao Ying's speculation about the poisoning of monsters, but he is even more afraid that it is artificial. If the poisoning is artificial, the situation will be very complicated. He must find out the murderer who poisoned it!

In order to find out the murderer, Zhou Yangming left Yeguang Town with Xiao Ying and others on the surface, but in fact he went back outside the town secretly by himself and used the "Golden Cicada Hiding Breath Technique" to restrain his breath and hide him. The entire town and surrounding wilderness are shrouded in it.

Today, Zhou Yang's spiritual consciousness has covered a distance of ten miles, while the first-level monks in the Purple Mansion who have just successfully opened the Purple Mansion usually only have a range of twelve or thirteen miles.

A nine-story foundation-building monk like Zhou Minghan only has a range of four or five miles, which is twice as far as Zhou Yang!

With such a powerful spiritual consciousness, Zhou Yang no longer has any doubts about whether he can successfully open up the Purple Mansion in the future.

If even he can't successfully open up the Purple Mansion, then other monks are even less likely to succeed.

And when he monitored the entire town with his powerful spiritual sense, he also counted the number of mortals here, and found that after nine years, the number of mortals settled in the town, including the villages outside the town, had exceeded 20,000 people.

And he remembered very clearly that according to his plan with the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, the number of mortals from the Zhou family who migrated to the new oasis was only more than 12,000!

"These mortals are really capable of giving birth!"

The corners of Zhou Yang's eyes twitched slightly, feeling quite a headache about this matter.

Compared with encouraging the monks of the Zhou family to have more offspring, he took the opposite attitude towards the matter of mortals having offspring.

The land in the oasis is limited. If the number of mortals expands too quickly, it will increase productivity in the short term, but in fact it will overdraw the development potential of the oasis in advance.

If this matter is not stopped, the new oasis will become the next Yuquan Lake oasis in less than thirty years!

"It won't work like this. When we go back, let Ying'er and her father come up with a sterilization prescription. Those women who have already given birth to three children must all be sterilized!"

Zhou Yang gritted his teeth secretly, and made a cruel and ruthless decision directly.

As for why women are sterilized instead of men, of course it is because the decision of having offspring is entirely up to women, not men.

What would happen if the man in a family was sterilized and the woman became pregnant?

Zhou Yang squatted outside Yeguang Town like this for more than ten days.

He was very patient, even if he didn't find anything for more than ten days, he wasn't discouraged by it, but just changed his position every day to keep watch.

After squatting for twenty-four days, Zhou Yang finally found the murderer who poisoned him.

What made him heave a sigh of relief was that the poisoned murderer was indeed a monster, not the human being he was most worried about.

It was an extremely rare second-order high-grade monster "Phantom Spiritual Jade Butterfly". This kind of monster usually inhabits various spiritual jade mines, feeds on spiritual jade, and only leaves its lair on the night of the full moon. Go to the ground to absorb the power of the moonlight to practice.

The "Phantom Jade Butterfly" itself is not poisonous, but when it is cultivating, a kind of butterfly powder will fall from its body. This kind of butterfly powder is not harmful to immortal cultivators, but ordinary people will be poisoned after smelling it. fall.

When Zhou Yang saw the "Phantom Spirit Jade Butterfly", this monster was dancing in the upper reaches of a stream where mortals in Yeguang Town fetch water for drinking.

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