Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 246 The Death of the Patriarch of the Chen Family

Rhinoceros Island.

Zhou Yang was originally resting at the foot of the fifth-level Lingshan Mountain.

In the past two days, following Cao Wenjin's metaphorical order, he ran all over the oasis with other uninjured Foundation Establishment cultivators to clean up the surviving Tier 3 monsters. He didn't come back to rest until yesterday.

Because of the close distance, he heard Cao Wenjin's panicked warning voice very clearly.

And he didn't really realize the seriousness of the matter until he saw Cao Wenjin leaving in the clouds and fog.

"Let's go, let's disperse and run for our lives!"

He came back to his senses, quickly shouted at Huang Yi who was still stunned by Cao Wenjin's words, and then directly released the flying sword and fled in the opposite direction from Cao Wenjin's leaving direction.

It's just that he had just flown less than thirty miles away with Yujian, when he saw a golden light appearing in the sky above the fifth-level spiritual mountain from a distance, and a golden giant eagle with a wingspan of tens of feet appeared.

"Golden Wing Lei Peng!"

Because he was once attacked by two fourth-order golden-winged Lei Pengs at the Chihu Mountain Oasis, when Zhou Yang saw the golden giant eagle, he recognized the opponent's roots at first sight, and then his face immediately turned pale. It became extremely ugly.

A monster like the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle is already much stronger than other monsters of the same rank, and a Golden Winged Thunder Eagle whose strength is as high as the fifth rank is at the time when Huang Shamen and two Golden Core stage monks were in charge. , can't afford to provoke such an existence.

In fact, Zhou Yang was not the only one who recognized the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle.

At this time, except for Cao Wenjin who took the first step, none of the other monks nearby, including the surviving Zifu monks, fled a hundred miles away.

And with the gigantic size of the fifth-tier top-grade Golden-winged Thunderhawk, its appearance can be clearly seen even hundreds of miles away.

However, Jin Peng ignored the gazes of those human monks who were like ants in its eyes. After it appeared, it just glanced at the human monks all over the mountain, and almost understood what happened.

It has extraordinary roots, and has been cultivating alongside a powerful demon king for a long time. Not only has it refined the "horizontal bone" to be able to speak human words, but it is also not ignorant of the situation in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

Huang Shamen has established a sect in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea for thousands of years, and has been the overlord of the boundless sand sea for more than a thousand years. Jinpeng certainly knows the existence of this sect.

And it knows a little better that there are absolutely no Nascent Soul stage monks in this sect, and it has never heard of any Nascent Soul stage monk who spoke to accept Huang Shamen as a vassal.

That being the case, it has nothing to fear.

There was a flash of murderous intent in its eyes, and it flapped its wings fiercely. Suddenly, thousands of thunderbolts rained down on all the human monks within dozens of miles around.

Then its figure moved, and instantly appeared behind Li Zhengnan, a ninth-floor cultivator in the Purple Mansion. With a wave of its claws, the eagle grabbed Li Zhengnan, who had just sacrificed his magic weapon to protect him, and threw it into his mouth like an eagle catching a chicken. He directly swallowed Li Zhengnan alive!

It's nothing new for monsters to eat people, but for a ninth-floor cultivator in the Purple Mansion, like a little chicken, to be eaten by a monster without the slightest resistance, it's a bit terrifying!

Especially those surviving cultivators of the Zifu period, after seeing this scene, one counted as one, and they almost died of fright!

Li Zhengnan is the one with the highest cultivation level among them. A few days ago, he joined forces with the ancestors of the Chen family who also cultivated at the ninth level of the Purple Mansion to fight against a fifth-level monster for several hours.

Such a formidable character was swallowed up by that golden-winged thunder eagle, what should they do with people whose cultivation level is not as good as theirs?

run away run away!

Frightened, several Zifu monks immediately tried their best to escape.

It's just that their escape speed is not slow, but compared with Jin Peng's speed, it is still very different.

There was a flash of thunder, and Jin Peng, who had just eaten Li Zhengnan, once again appeared behind the ancestor of the Chen family who was also at the ninth level of the Purple Mansion through the supernatural power of "Thunder Escape".

The ancestor of the Chen family had learned from Li Zhengnan's previous example. When he was fleeing for his life, he activated a fourth-tier mid-tier defensive magic talisman to protect himself, and at the same time sacrificed two fourth-tier defensive magic weapons that he sacrificed.

It's a pity that all of these are useless!

The difference between the ninth level of the Purple Mansion and the ninth level of the Golden Core is even greater than the difference between the Qi training period and the Zifu period. If these protective measures of the ancestors of the Chen family are used to defend against the fifth-level low-grade monsters like the "Golden Horned Rhinoceros" The attack may be enough, but for Jinpeng, it is far from enough.

It tore forward with an eagle claw that shone with a hint of thunder, and the three layers of protection laid down by the ancestors of the Chen family were completely broken in the blink of an eye. Then he only felt a pain in his back, and his body was pierced and grabbed by the sharp claws Throw it to the big eagle beak.

"Am I going to die?"

The ancestor of the Chen family stared at the sky with wide eyes, there was no unwillingness in his eyes, only bewilderment.

After Cao Wenjin told about his expedition to Xijiaozhou, he was actually mentally prepared to fall here.

Even before he set off, he left a suicide note and stored it in the Huangshamen, making various arrangements for what happened after his fall.

It's just that what he never expected was that he didn't die under the hands of the fifth-order monster "Golden Horn Rhinoceros" or Cao Wenjin, but by a golden-winged Thunder Eagle that came out of nowhere, and It was eaten alive!

"This scent of alchemy... Hey, you are an alchemist? And it seems that the level of alchemy is not low?"

Just when the ancestor of the Chen family thought that he would follow in Li Zhengnan's footsteps and die with his eagle mouth, the large eagle mouth suddenly closed ahead of time, and then a sound of surprise came from the eagle mouth into his ears.

Hearing this startled sound, the ancestor of the Chen family was stunned for a moment, then as if he remembered something, his expression changed suddenly, and he was about to reverse his magic power into his brain and prepare to destroy his soul.

How can he escape Jinpeng's eyes with his actions like this, seeing this, the big roc couldn't help "quack" laughing and said: "Quack, it's not easy to want to die, I'm here to help you!"

Before the words fell, the head of the ancestor of the Chen family was separated from his body.

It's just that after killing the ancestor of the Chen family, Jin Peng didn't rush to eat his body, but suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a black jade bottle magic weapon.

As soon as the black jade bottle came out, under the urging of Jinpeng's mana, a black aura rolled towards the head of the ancestor of the Chen family, and then an illusory figure was pulled out of the head of the ancestor of the Chen family by the black aura. Forcibly dragged into the jade bottle.

Seeing this, Jin Peng immediately opened his mouth and swallowed the jade bottle again, then looked at the corpse of the ancestor of the Chen family in his claws and said happily:

"It's because my king had the foresight to use [Xuanyin Soul Jade] to refine the [Spirit Absorbing Bottle] magic weapon and reward it to us. Otherwise, it would be too real for our monsters to want to take the souls of human monks out of their bodies before we become monster kings." not easy!"

"When I bring back the soul of this human alchemist and hand it over to King Huolin, if King Huolin is happy, he might give me a few more [Enlightenment Pills]!"

The sixth-order demon king can be transformed into a human form, and can refine alchemy and set up formations just like human monks.

However, the profound alchemy and weapon refining inheritance are all in the hands of the great forces of mankind, and it is extremely difficult for human immortal cultivators to learn, let alone them alien races?

Therefore, if these demon kings want to learn this knowledge, they can only take an unusual path.

Kidnapping and hunting human high-level alchemists and weapon refiners are the most common methods used by demon kings.

They took human alchemists and weapon refiners back to their caves, either intimidating or luring them, and asked these human monks to teach them the methods of alchemy and weapon refining.

If human monks refuse to submit, they will use the "soul search method" to search for their souls, and use this brutal and bloody method to master these human skills.

In the beginning, the human monks didn't know this, and they did learn a lot.

After the practices of the demon kings were exposed later, the human monks became vigilant and prepared for it.

Like those big sects and big families, firstly, they will keep the whereabouts of the high-level alchemists and weapon refiners in the faction strictly confidential; secondly, they will place restrictions on the souls of these people to prevent them from being searched; For the high-level "Ghost Blood Pact", it is strictly forbidden to disclose any high-level exercises and alchemy and weapon refining methods learned from the sect.

Under the protection of these three layers of means, even if the sixth-level demon king captures those high-level alchemists and weapon refiners who come from powerful forces, they will not be able to get much useful things from them.

As for some high-level alchemists, weapon refiners, and the ancestors of the Chen family, the heads of the family like some casual cultivators, without the help of the monks in the Yuanying stage to help arrange the soul restriction, can only fall into the hands of the demon kings. Self-destruction of the soul before the hand, to prevent himself from falling into the hands of the demon king and being searched by him.

The old ancestor of the Chen family had thought of this level when he heard Jin Peng's exclamation before, and that's why he wanted to destroy his soul.

It's a pity that his movements were still a little slower, and he never expected that Jin Peng, a fifth-order monster, would sacrifice a magic weapon that could extract the soul of a monk.

Kill people, draw souls!

It also took a little time for Jinpeng to do these two things.

As a result, the furthest of the remaining cultivators of the Purple Mansion escaped for one or two hundred miles, and Cao Wenjin, who fled first, had already escaped its sensing range.

"Well, I can't waste any more time with these low-level monks, otherwise if I really leave that golden core monk, I won't be able to do business with King Huolin when I go back!"

Thinking of this, Jin Pengdang threw the body of the ancestor of the Chen family into his mouth and swallowed it, and then flapped his wings, turning into a golden light and chasing after Cao Wenjin in the direction where he was escaping.

From the appearance of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle to the time it chased Cao Wenjin away, less than a quarter of an hour passed.

As a person who witnessed all this with his own eyes, Zhou Yang felt so complicated at this moment that it was absolutely unbelievable for ordinary people.

"The ancestor of the Chen family died like this!"

He stared blankly at the direction where Golden-winged Lei Peng was leaving, with an indescribably complicated expression on his face.

In any case, he never thought that the old ancestor of the Chen family who tried to kill him again and again would fall in such an aggrieved way!

Although he could already be said to be an enemy, seeing the ancestor of the Chen family dying so aggrieved under the claws of a monster, not only did he not feel happy, but felt sad for it.

The majestic ninth-floor cultivator of the Purple Mansion is considered a person of certain status in any world of cultivating immortals, but in the end he was pinched to death by a monster with his claws. After death, even his soul was taken away and his body was eaten. What a tragedy!

Then he looked at the corpses all over the ground around him.

Those corpses were all Foundation Establishment cultivators like him. When the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle flapped its wings and unleashed thousands of lightning attacks, these people were shot dead on the ground without any resistance.

And he was able to survive not because he was not attacked, but because he activated a Tier 4 defensive talisman that he exchanged from Jiang Yuyan in time.

There were hundreds of foundation-building monks gathered here, but now, Zhou Yang looked around, and the monks like himself who could stand up after the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle left were less than two palms away. number!

Lao Chen died, everyone guess what will happen to Lao Cao? And what is the big gift that Lao Cao gave Zhou Yang?

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