Zhou Yang had seen the strength of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle twice.

The lightning-fast speed of this kind of monster, and the innate supernatural power of manipulating lightning at will, are far inferior to ordinary monsters.

It would be a great thing to have such a monster as a pet or a mount.

So when he saw the golden-winged thunder eagle egg, Zhou Yang immediately decided to hatch it as his new mount.

As his cultivation base reaches the purple mansion stage, and his cultivation base is getting higher and higher, the Gryphon will definitely be eliminated by him.

And with the talent of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle, even if he condenses the golden core in the future, he can completely keep up with his progress in cultivation.

However, the golden-winged Thunder Eagle egg in his hand has missed the best hatching time because it has been sealed for a long time. Although it is still alive, it is still unknown whether it can hatch in the end.

"Big harvest, big harvest!"

In the Purple Cloud Cave, Zhou Yang, who finished counting the treasures in the two storage rings, smiled happily with excitement all over his face.

Although he had imagined countless times about the treasures in the two storage rings, after he actually opened the rings and saw the treasures in them, he felt that he still underestimated the hidden treasures of the Jindan stage monks.

The Golden Core Stage monks are the Golden Core Stage monks, even casual Golden Core monks like "Master of the Golden Light" are even richer than the ordinary Zifu family.

There is a saying among mortals that "wealth rivals a country", and in the world of cultivating immortals, a single Jindan stage monk can become "rich as an enemy".

The wealth owned by one person is more than the wealth owned by a cultivating family!

Originally, as a new Zifu family, the Zhou family was much worse than the old Zifu family like the Chen family in terms of family heritage.

But now, Zhou Yang can say unceremoniously that apart from the number of monks, the Zhou family's background in all aspects will be the well-deserved number one family in the entire boundless sand sea of ​​cultivating immortals.

Of course, considering that many of the things obtained this time are "stolen goods", it is impossible for him to use them openly, at least until he has the strength to sweep the entire boundless sand sea and immortal cultivation world, it is not easy to use them openly.

Even so, he and their Zhou family will rise completely because of his harvest this time.

"Well, just to be on the safe side, let me keep these things first, and then according to the needs of the family members, I will secretly give them the things that are useful to them. Otherwise, releasing so many good things at once will inevitably lead to suspicion!"

There was a glint in his eyes, but he was not dazed by the huge harvest this time, and he still remained awake and made the most favorable decision.

You can't become fat if you eat in one sitting, Zhou Yang knows this truth very well.

Even if he is sitting on a huge amount of wealth now, it is impossible for him and the Zhou family to digest these things into their own strength at once.

Therefore, for a long time to come, they have to slowly digest the gains this time, until the Zhou family has the strength not to be afraid of any threat from any force, and then they can truly expose the family's background to deter outsiders.

So in the next two years, Zhou Yang, apart from secretly handing over some formation skills to Zhou Guangxiang who was attacking the third-level formation masters, he only handed over several third-level alchemy recipes to the Taoist companion Xiao Ying and his father Zhou Xuanhao.

In the next two years, he himself was also concentrating on refining the newly obtained magic weapon and practicing the new magical powers, which appeared to be very low-key.

However, unlike Zhou Yang himself who kept a low profile to prepare for the battle, the Zhou family has been very high profile in the past few years.

Because Zhou Yang was promoted to the Zifu, the Zhou family monks in Chihuling began to return to the two spiritual mountains, Yuquan Peak and Haoyang Mountain, in recent years.

At the same time, the news that the Chihushan Oasis will become the new foundation of the Zhou family has spread. The entire Zhou family, from the monks who established the foundation to ordinary people, are preparing for the migration.

And like Zhou Yang, who didn't dare to develop the "Enzyme Jade" mine when he first discovered it, after he was promoted to the Zifu and returned to the family, he quickly put in manpower to develop it.

After more than two years in this way, Zhou Yang, who had been practicing and preparing for war in the cave mansion in a low-key manner, finally issued a summoning order from the patriarch, summoning all the monks of the Zhou family to gather at the ancestral land of Yuquan Peak.

"Today, all the clansmen were summoned here for only one purpose, and that is to avenge Zhou Minghan, the old patriarch of our Zhou family who passed away fourteen years ago!"

"Old patriarch Zhou Minghan, he is not only the third generation patriarch of our Zhou family, but also the elder most respected by all the monks of our Zhou family."

"But fourteen years ago, the most respected elder of all the monks of our Zhou family fell under the hands of the enemy in order to preserve the foundation of our Zhou family. He didn't even save his whole body!"

"The hatred of killing relatives is not shared. As members of the Zhou family, we must seek justice for the fallen old patriarch, and we must also avenge his old man!"

"And it's not just the old patriarch Zhou Minghan. From now on, all the monks of my Zhou family who are assassinated for no reason, I, Zhou Yang, will lead all the clansmen to seek justice for the clansmen who died tragically for no reason, and avenge the dead clansmen!"

On Yuquan Peak, in front of Zhou's cemetery.

Zhou Yang stood with his back facing the tombstone of the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, and looked at the more than one hundred Zhou family monks standing face to face with him. feel.


Zhou Guangxiang, the elder of the Zhou family who stood in the front row, was the first to raise his arms, and roared with a flushed face.

All of a sudden, other Zhou family monks also raised their arms and roared in unison.


The roar soon resounded through Yuquan Peak and the entire Yuquan Lake Oasis.

To avenge the old patriarch Zhou Minghan was not only Zhou Yang's thought all along, but also the thought that many Zhou family members had in their hearts.

Revenge by blood relatives was originally a concept advocated by the Cultivation Clan, and it was also a concept that prevailed in the entire Cultivation World.

After the fall of a close relative, any monk can initiate blood revenge against the enemy for the fallen close relative, as long as he wants.

At the same time, the family will provide all possible convenience and assistance to the monks who initiate blood revenge.

Zhou Minghan used to be the patriarch of the Zhou family. He fell under the hands of the enemy. Not only his descendants can initiate blood relative revenge, but his successor can also call on the whole clan of monks to initiate blood relative revenge for him.

Half a day later, after taking the oath, Zhou Yang personally led the Zhou family's revenge army to the Baisha River Oasis.

This time, in order to avenge the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, not only he, the patriarch of the Zifu period, personally participated in the battle of the Zhou family, but the rest of the foundation cultivators participated in the revenge team except for Xiao Ying who was sitting in Chihu Ridge to guard the spiritual veins.

At the same time, there were as many as 33 monks in the qi training period who participated in the Zhou family's revenge this time, and each of them was in the late stage of qi training.

And in order for these qi-training monks to keep up with the speed of the team, all ten flying fire bats domesticated by the Zhou family were sent out this time.

It can be said that this expedition, Zhou Yang not only wants to avenge the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, but also wants to let all the cultivating families in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea take a look at the strength of the Zhou family through this war.

Their team flew and stopped all the way, and after several days of flying, they soon arrived at the Baisha River Oasis.

At this moment in the Baisha River Oasis, Chen Ping'an of the Chen family had also been waiting for a long time with more than 60 monks of the Chen family.

The last time Luo Yunqing led people to attack the Baisha River Oasis, although the Zhou family lost an important figure, the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, the Chen family suffered the most.

Therefore, not only the Zhou family will participate in this expedition to Luofeng Mountain, but the Chen family will not let go of this opportunity for revenge.

"One purple mansion, four foundations, and a third-rank high-grade spirit beast, the strength of the Zhou family is expanding so fast!"

In the Baisha River Oasis, Chen Pingan sighed secretly after seeing the monk team of the Zhou family going out, even though he knew the number of senior members of the Zhou family well.

He knew that this was not the full strength of the Zhou family. If Zhou Yang's Taoist companion Xiao Ying and Zhou Yuanchen in the Huangshamen were included, the number of foundation-building monks that the Zhou family could use was even greater than that of their Chen family. Not bad at all.

Of course, no matter what he thought in his heart, he greeted Zhou Yang with a smile on his face: "Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Zhou is finally here, and Mr. Chen has been waiting for a long time."

"I'm sorry to trouble fellow Daoist Chen and fellow Daoists of the Chen family to wait here for a long time. On behalf of the Zhou family, Mr. Zhou apologizes to all fellow daoists here."

Zhou Yang arched his hands and responded to Chen Pingan's greeting with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's good that Fellow Daoist Zhou can come."

Chen Pingan waved his hands again and again, indicating that he was just joking, and then said in a low voice: "So that Fellow Daoist Zhou knows that after receiving a summons from fellow Daoist a month ago, Chen has already informed Zhang Zhang, and now Zhang Zhang has also mobilized various Fang Lili has rushed to the front line of Luofeng Mountain, and will launch the final general attack after you and my family arrive!"

To mobilize all forces to launch a general attack on Luofeng Mountain, this is the plan that Zhou Yang and Zhang Yunpeng agreed upon after opening up the Purple Mansion.

After he opened up the Zifu, Huang Shamen can mobilize as many as five Zifu period monks, including Jiang Yuyan, a master who has cultivated the "Golden Elixir of Outer Ways".

Such strength, coupled with the help of other middle and low-level monks, is enough to crush Luo Yunqing's side in Luofeng Mountain.

"Since Master Zhang is ready, let's set off immediately!"

Zhou Yang's eyes flashed, and he immediately urged Chen Pingan to leave.

"What Fellow Daoist Zhou said is very true, then let's set off now."

Chen Ping's expression straightened, and then he waved his hand lightly, and the monks of the Chen family behind him also rolled onto the back of their mounts one after another.

Although the Chen family does not have flying monsters like the flying fire bats that can be ridden by monks in the Qi training period, they do domesticate a second-level middle-grade camel beast "white-haired flying camel" that is unique to the Chen family.

This "white-haired flying camel" is not even as big as the top-rank Shatuo beast in size, but its running speed in the sand sea is nearly twice as fast as that of Shatuo beast, and it also has good fighting ability.

The monks of the Chen family are now also riding together on a "white-haired flying camel", chasing the flying fire bats flying in the sky.

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