Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 274 Golden Light Static Mirror

The mountain guard array on Luofeng Mountain is as high as the fourth-rank top rank, which is a small rank higher than the mountain guard array on Chen Jiabai's hump.

Normally, even if Huang Shamen's side has an absolute numerical advantage, it would be extremely difficult to break through this large formation in a short time.

But because Luofeng Mountain originally belonged to Huang Shamen, the information about the mountain protection formation here is recorded in Huang Shamen, which is top-secret information that can only be viewed by the head.

Zhang Yunpeng released the information about the great formation on Luofeng Mountain as early as seven or eight years ago, and handed it over to several formation masters in Huangshamen to study and find the weakness of the formation.

And Jiang Yuyan also attacked the big formation many times in the past few years, to test and confirm whether the research of the formation mages in the sect is reliable.

Now after several years of research and experimentation, Huang Shamen's side has already found several weak points of the mountain protection formation.

Therefore, when Zhang Yunpeng waved his hand and ordered a general attack, those foundation-building monks and qi-training monks who had been notified in advance rushed from all directions to the weak areas of the formation, and then released the most powerful spells at the expense of mana. The powerful attack magic weapon attacked those weak areas.

Under the simultaneous attack of thousands of magic spells and thousands of magic weapons, Luofeng Mountain's mountain protection formation suddenly shrank violently and shook.

"Let's do it too!"

In the sky, Jiang Yuyan let out a low cry, and with a wave of her jade hand, she unleashed a golden mace and struck at the mountain guard formation.

The golden mace is a low-grade magic weapon of the fifth rank. Every time it is hit on the mountain protection formation, there will be slight cracks in the formation shield in that area, although the cracks will be repaired by the power of the formation soon.

Zhou Yang wanted to save his mana for a decisive battle with Luo Yunqing, so he didn't use his full strength when attacking the mountain protection formation.

He reached out and patted the storage bag, and then sacrificed a silver disc magic weapon.

As soon as the silver disk magic weapon flew out, it quickly disintegrated into densely packed dozens of chi-long silver blades in the air and slashed towards the mountain guard formation.

The silver blade looks small and inconspicuous, but every time it slashes on the mountain protection formation, it will leave some tiny marks on the formation shield.

Don't look down on these attacks because they are just a small scratch.

In fact, among the five Zifu monks present, except for Zhang Yunpeng and his wife who could easily leave cracks and fine marks on the formation shield, only Zhou Yang could do so.

The rest was Chen Ping'an, and a full-strength blow was nothing more than leaving a little scratch on Feijian.

Zhou Yang was able to do this, of course, relying on the advantage of the magic weapon.

His "thousand-blade disk" magic weapon is the pinnacle of "Golden Light Master"'s refining technique. Each of those silver blades was mixed with a large amount of "Taiyi Pure Gold" during refining.

Just the "Taiyi fine gold" consumed in refining this magic weapon is enough to refine two flying swords completely made of "Taiyi fine gold"!

Right now, we are attacking the shield of the formation, but we still can't see how powerful this magic weapon is.

If it was a fourth-order monster, or a cultivator from the Zifu, the ferocious power of this magic weapon would definitely be enough to leave deep memories for monsters and people, if they could survive in front of this magic weapon.

And after Zhou Yang and the other cultivators of the Zifu period all joined the attack sequence, the formation shield on Luofeng Mountain suddenly became thinner rapidly visible to the naked eye, which scared Luo Yunqing who was in charge of the mountain guard formation on the mountain.

"What's going on? How did Zhang Yunpeng and the others know the weakness of the mountain guard formation?"

He looked at the attacking army outside the formation with an ugly expression, his eyes were full of anxiety and panic.

As the master of the formation, he certainly understands the weakness of the mountain protection formation, but he understands that, since he is not a formation master, he can't change it if he wants to change it.

Moreover, Luofengshan's mountain protection formation is a fixed formation. If you want to change the weakness of the formation, you can't do it without the level of a fourth-order formation mage.

Since the fall of Jiang Ming from the Huangsha Gate, there has been no Tier 4 formation mage in the entire Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation World.

"Zhang Yunpeng is now the head of the sect. Everything about the Huang Shamen is in front of him. How can there be any secrets? He knows the weakness of the formation, so why is it so strange!"

A hoarse voice quietly sounded from behind Luo Yunqing, but it was Guo Shuyun who had come to him at some point.

As the former General Affairs Palace Master of Huangshamen, Guo Shuyun's understanding of various matters in the sect is obviously much clearer than Luo Yunqing who has been sitting outside all year round.

At the beginning, Luo Yunqing also enticed him to betray the sect by enticing him to be the head of the sect.

Hearing what he said now, Luo Yunqing's expression changed slightly, and then he gritted his teeth and said: "In this case, I will turn defense into offense, kill them first and then talk!"

Before he finished speaking, he took out the main formation flag that controlled the formation, and played a series of spells against the formation flag, and then ruthlessly inserted the formation flag into the spiritual eye of the spiritual vein on the mountain.


After hearing a roar like landslides and ground cracks, the formation barrier on Luofeng Mountain instantly retracted and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, a colorful ball of light the size of a house suddenly rose from Luofeng Mountain, then exploded with a "boom" and turned into countless colorful arrows, flying towards the monks attacking the formation outside the mountain.

Due to the sudden incident, even the monks who attacked Luofeng Mountain this time had already known the information about the formation in advance, so many monks were caught off guard and died under the attack of those colorful arrows.

Of course, these fallen people definitely did not include Zhou Yang and the other Zifu period monks. They were aware of this situation as early as the moment the formation shield suddenly disappeared, and took precautions in time.

After the colorful light ball exploded, Zhou Yang's sword light moved, and he was the first to rush to Luo Yunqing who was about to escape on the mountain.

"Luo Yunqing, take your life!"

He shouted angrily, and another fourth-order magic weapon "Mother and Child Golden Light Sword" obtained from the relic of "Master of Golden Light" shot at Luo Yunqing in an instant.

This "Mother-Child Golden Light Sword" is a pair of magical weapons. There is a mother sword and four child swords. The mother sword is not much different from normal flying swords. Suitable for harassment sneak attack.

At this moment, Luo Yunqing saw several golden lights shooting towards him, Luo Yunqing's face changed slightly, and he quickly released a tortoise shell magic weapon to block in front of him.

Clang, clang!

The golden light hit the tortoise shell, and Luo Yunqing released several inch-deep sword marks on the tortoise shell magic weapon.

"Stinky boy, do you really think Luo is afraid of you?"

Luo Yunqing's expression changed, and he glared at Zhou Yang who was chasing him viciously. When he raised his hand, a fiery red feather fan appeared in his hand.

Holding a feather fan in his hand, he slammed it towards Zhou Yang, and the billowing red flame turned into a fire bird with a wingspan of several feet and swooped towards Zhou Yang.

The red firebird is aggressive, and its power is even stronger than that of the fourth-level mid-level spells. It is definitely more than enough to deal with a monk who has just opened up the Purple Mansion.

However, Luo Yunqing soon discovered that what he thought was a little too simple.

Zhou Yang on the opposite side slapped the storage bag on his waist, and sacrificed a crimson three-legged cauldron, and then lifted the lid of the cauldron, and a red aura burst out from it, quickly rolling To the head-on scarlet firebird.

Swallowed by the scarlet aura, the scarlet firebird, whose power is stronger than that of the fourth-order middle-grade spells, immediately seemed to be caught up in a natural enemy nemesis, and was swept up into the cauldron without any struggle or resistance at all. middle.

"This is impossible!"

Luo Yunqing opened his mouth in a daze, and exclaimed in surprise.

He naturally saw that Zhou Yang's crimson three-legged cauldron was a fourth-order high-grade magic weapon, but so what?

You must know that the "True Sun Fan" in his hand is also a fourth-rank high-grade magic weapon!

And his cultivation base is so much higher than that of Zhou Yang!

It's just that no matter how much he doesn't believe it, facts are facts, and as an enemy, Zhou Yang will not explain the reason to him.

After he sacrificed the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" to collect Luo Yunqing's red fire bird, he immediately threw his hand and threw out two "Beast Soul Talismans".

The monster beast souls sealed in these two "Beast Soul Talismans" are respectively a fourth-rank high-grade monster "unicorn python" and a fourth-rank middle-grade monster "four-winged wolf".

At this time, when the beast souls of the two monsters appeared, Dang Lian roared and rushed towards Luo Yunqing.

At the same time, taking advantage of Luo Yunqing being entangled by two soul beasts and unable to distract him, Zhou Yang stretched out his hand to pat the storage bag again, and took out a half-foot-long silver talisman.

There is nothing else on this silver talisman except for a golden round mirror.

Zhou Yang spread the spirit talisman in his hands, and his mana poured into the spirit talisman like a spring.

With the influx of his mana, the golden round mirror on the silver talisman seemed to come alive, suddenly emitting a dazzling golden light.

Not long after this passed, there was no trace of the silver talisman in Zhou Yang's hand, only a golden round mirror that seemed imaginary but real.

The name of the golden round mirror is "Golden Light Fixing the Sky Mirror", and it is a natal magic weapon recorded in the "Golden Light Yaoshi Jue" practiced by the "Golden Light Master", and its power is extremely powerful.

Although the golden round mirror in Zhou Yang's hand is just a talisman made by a monk at the Jindan period by extracting two cost sources of the "Golden Light Fixed Sky Mirror", its power is not inferior to any low-grade magic weapon of the fifth rank.

"No, it's a high-level talisman!"

Although Luo Yunqing was entangled by the two soul beasts released by Zhou Yang, he had always paid attention to Zhou Yang's movements. When he saw Zhou Yang take out the silver magic talisman to inject mana, he who also had the talisman protection immediately guessed what is that.

Seeing the golden round mirror exuding a powerful aura appear at this moment, his expression changed immediately.

He originally thought that even if Zhou Yang had talisman treasures, they should only be talisman treasures made of fifth-tier low-grade, at most middle-grade magical artifacts.

This kind of talisman is aroused by Zhou Yang's current cultivation, and its power is stronger than that of the fourth-order high-grade magic weapon, and it cannot really threaten his life.

But now the powerful aura emanating from the golden round mirror is obviously a talisman made of a fifth-order high-grade magic weapon, and it is also a complete talisman that has never been used before.

In fact, not to mention him, it was Zhang Yunpeng and his wife. After seeing Zhou Yang successively sacrificed several fourth-level top-grade magical artifacts and two "beast soul charms", and now he took out a powerful talisman, they were also surprised. Small.

They all know the origin of Zhou Yang's identity. It stands to reason that he has just opened the Zifu not long ago. It would be very good to have a fourth-rank low-grade magic weapon. But who would have thought that he would be able to take out these Zhang Yunpeng, the Huang Sha, one after another? A treasure that even the head of the sect may not have.

"Could it be that these treasures were all given to him by the real Qingyang that Master said? If so, it makes sense why he is so confident that he can kill Luo Yunqing with his sword!"

Zhang Yunpeng watched this scene with sparkling eyes, and couldn't help but think of Cao Wenjin's original explanation.

Before Cao Wenjin passed away, he repeatedly explained that the couple must establish a good relationship with Zhou Yang. A great gift to Master Qingyang.

Originally, Zhang Yunpeng still had some doubts about whether Zhou Yang really received the special attention of the Daoist in the Nascent Soul Stage as Cao Wenjin said.

But now seeing Zhou Yang taking out these treasures one after another, the suspicion in his heart was cut off immediately.

If it wasn't for the treasures given by the monks in the Yuanying stage, how could Zhou Yang, a monk from the Foundation Establishment family, possess so many treasures when he was just promoted to the Purple Mansion?

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