Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 299 Capital of Dragon Transformation

The reason why the hole card is the hole card is because outsiders can't guess what it is before it is used.

What Zhou Yang left Zhou Guangxiang, other than the two of them, even Zhou Guangxiang and Zhou Xuanhao didn't know.

This is not to distrust the two, but to keep confidentiality.

Especially the two puppet flying eagles were belongings of Xiao Bufan, a cultivator from the Purple Mansion of Huang Shamen, and Zhou Yang was in danger because of them.

When he handed this thing to Zhou Guangxiang, he also made it clear that he should never use this hole card unless it is absolutely necessary.

You must know that Xiao Bufan is Cao Wenjin's apprentice, Jiang Yuyan's senior and Zhang Yunpeng's senior.

If this thing is exposed, it will be taken back by Jiang Yuyan and his wife to Huang Shamen out of reason and emotion, and it will also directly expose Zhou Yang's acquisition of the blood ghost storage ring.

To this day, Zhou Yang is no longer afraid of what Jiang Yuyan and his wife will do to him when they find out about this incident.

But once this matter is exposed, if he doesn't return all Xiao Bufan's belongings, he can only owe Huang Shamen a favor, which is something he doesn't want to see.

Next, Zhou Yang did not practice in Chihu Mountain, but went to Ziyun Cave in Chihu Ridge to accompany his father Zhou Xuanzhen.

Just like what he said to Zhou Guangxiang, the time to travel to Liuyun Continent to cultivate immortals will definitely not be too short.

And he has been busy practicing in these years, and rarely met his father Zhou Xuanhao.

Now that a long journey is imminent, of course I have to spend more time with my father who is no longer young.

As the most senior monk in the Zhou family, Zhou Xuanhao is already 191 years old. Calculated according to the 240-year-old limit of the foundation-building period monks, his remaining lifespan is only one-fifth of his lifespan.

One of the important reasons for Zhou Yang's eagerness to travel is that he wants to return to his family and be by his side before his father, Zhou Xuanhao, dies.

"Yang'er, I am very happy that you can take time to accompany me, an old man."

"As a father, I am very satisfied to be able to live until now. I can watch you succeed in opening up the Purple Mansion, and watch the Zhou family become the top family in the boundless sand sea and immortal cultivation world. In this life, as a father, I am better than all the people of my generation, and better than the Zhou family. All elders and ancestors must be lucky and consummate.”

"You are going to Liuyunzhou to travel in the world of cultivating immortals. Being a father is 100% support."

"Our Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm is just a small pond to the entire Immortal Cultivation World. The water is too shallow to support dragons, and you are the dragon in the pond!"

"Only if you, a dragon, jump out of this small pond, enter the great rivers and lakes, and enter the sea, can you transform from a dragon into a dragon, form a golden pill, and transform into a baby, and truly become a big shot in the entire world of cultivating immortals."

"At that time, whether it's our Zhou family or this world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, they will all be famous in the world because of you, and they will all be proud of you!"

"Go, go and pursue the real Dao! You have done a lot for the Zhou family, don't delay your own path and the gifted opportunity that God bestows on you because of the family!"

On Yuquan Peak, Zhou Xuanhao and Zhou Yang, father and son, paid homage to Zhou's mother, Lin Yuting, who was buried in the cemetery on the mountain. The father and son opened their hearts to the bright moon in front of the graves of their wife and mother. .

From Zhou Xuanhao's words, it is not difficult to hear that he agrees and supports Zhou Yang's behavior of leaving the family to travel to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, and has no intention of keeping Zhou Yang in the family to accompany him.

It is true that he is the elder of the Zhou family, but before that, he is first of all a father, a father who has the heart to hope that his son will become a dragon.

Now his son has the talent to transform into a dragon.

As a father, how could he delay his son's great journey and delay his son's journey to transform into a dragon because of his own and his family's reasons!

And just like what he said, Zhou Yang has done a lot for the Zhou family, and he has done things that all the ancestors of the Zhou family failed to do.

Now Zhou Yang wants to leave the Zhou family for a period of time for his own path, and no one can gossip about it.

When Zhou Yang heard his father Zhou Xuanzhen say this, he was also very moved. His eyes were slightly moist and emotional, and he looked at his father whose hair was gradually turning gray and said:

"Father, you can say that, my boy is very moved and grateful."

"Your son is better than your father. Daddy, you know my son. My son was born in the Zhou family, grew up in the Zhou family, and studied in the Zhou family. When it comes to feelings for the family, the son is absolutely no worse than anyone else."

"But just like you said, the Boundless Sand Sea Immortal Cultivation World is too small and too barren. It can no longer provide the children with the resources they need to grow up, and it has also locked the upper limit of our Zhou family's development."

"A child who wants to form an alchemy and transform into a baby can only have a chance of success in a place as vast as Liuyunzhou's world of cultivating immortals and rich in resources!"

"If the Zhou family wants to become a real thousand-year family, a ten thousand-year family, and a real big family in the world of cultivating immortals, only by stepping out of the boundless sand sea and the world of cultivating immortals, can they truly achieve this step!"

"Father, don't worry, no matter where the child is in the future, no matter how high the child's cultivation level is in the future, he will never forget where his roots are, and he will never abandon the Zhou family!"

The firm voice wafted in the night wind, but was imprisoned by an invisible force and could only spread around the Zhou family cemetery, and no living person other than the father and son could hear it.

Other than Zhou Xuanzhen, the only people who could hear Zhou Yang's words were the ancestors of the Zhou family who were buried in the cemetery, if these people could really hear them.

When Zhou Xuanhao heard his words, he got up emotionally and grabbed his wrist, turned back to look at the rows of tombstones in the cemetery, and shouted hoarsely:

"Have you heard? Yuting, have you heard? Old patriarch, have you heard? All the ancestors of the Zhou family, have you heard?"

"This is our son, this is your most beloved grandson, and this is the promise that the best descendants of our Zhou family have made to you!"

"If you have spirits in heaven, please bless him to be safe and sound outside, and turn the bad luck into good luck, and bless him with a smooth road in the future, so that he will have no worries in his life!"

Hoo hoo -

In the silent cemetery, only the sound of the night wind was floating.

The wind tonight is very noisy.

After a long conversation under the moonlight, both Zhou Yang and Zhou Xuanhao's father and son had a deeper understanding of each other, and the relationship between father and son was closer than ever before.

Zhou Yang originally planned to accompany his father until the day he left, but after this long talk under the moon, he knew that he didn't need to act like a child.

Since his father Zhou Xuanhao understands and supports his thoughts and actions, he will not feel any complaints because he is not by his side.

Moreover, both of them are accomplished immortal cultivators, and they are used to loneliness and living alone. If they live together for a long time, they will not adapt to it.

So after the long talk under the moon, Zhou Yang just stayed with his father Zhou Xuanzhen for a few more days before returning directly to the Chihushan Oasis.

"Oh, you really found such a wizard?"

In "Qianyang Cave", Zhou Yang looked at Luo Qiang who had just served as the elder of the Zhou family's foreign affairs for a few years, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This Luo Qiang is the second foreign affairs elder of the Zhou family after Tan Qiu.

This person was originally from a mortal family with a foreign surname on the Yuquan Lake Oasis. After detecting the middle-grade spiritual root since childhood, he was brought into the Zhou family to practice by Zhou family monks. Later, he grew up with a Zhou family with the character "Guang" The older female cultivators fell in love and became Taoist couples.

Therefore, even though he is a relative in terms of the identity of the Zhou family, Luo Qiang is no different from the members of the Zhou family except that he does not have the blood of the Zhou family. He has always regarded himself as a monk of the Zhou family and has no Zhou family members People rejected him because his surname was Luo and not Zhou.

Because of this special status, before his death, Tan Qiu, the first generation elder of the Zhou family, specially recommended this person to Zhou Yang to take over his position.

After Zhou Yang inspected Luo Qiang, he was also very satisfied with his ability and loyalty, so he agreed to let him try out the position of foreign affairs elder.

Luo Qiang inherited Tan Qiu's position as a foreign affairs elder, and naturally also inherited Tan Qiu's task of recruiting outstanding talents for the Zhou family. In addition to completing his job as a foreign affairs elder in these years, most of the rest of his time was devoted to this task.

And after several years of searching and contacting him, he actually found a talented monk who is extremely talented in refining weapons.

According to what Luo Qiang said, the genius monk he found was also a middle-grade spiritual root of fire and metal, and he was only 21 years old.

But this 21-year-old girl refined a second-order middle-grade magic weapon with a third-level Qi training.

That's not the point.

The point is that the cultivator who taught this 21-year-old girl the art of refining, that is, her grandfather, is a second-level low-level refining master, and the inheritance of the refining technique he possesses can only be bought from the shops in Fangshi. The kind of big stuff that arrived.

Both Zhou Yang and Luo Qiang knew what the inheritance of the refining technique in the shop in Fangshi was.

To learn the art of refining according to that thing, let alone how much material will be wasted, if you can really rely on that kind of inheritance to learn the art of refining, you will be able to become a second-level top-grade refining master, or you only know how to refine a few fixed methods The kind of weapon refiner.

So, if Luo Qiang hadn't lied, then the genius girl he had found who was gifted at the genius level in the crafting process was really worthy of Zhou Yang's meeting.

Facing Zhou Yang's doubts, Luo Qiang bowed his hands solemnly and said, "Patriarch Mingjian, what you said is true, if you dare to lie a little bit, you will be punished by cutting yourself!"

Hearing what he said so decisively, the Zhou family couldn't say anything else immediately, so they could only nod their heads and said, "Okay, since that's the case, first take her to Fangshi to meet Guangxiang, and then let her Guangxiang sent a Feijian message to tell me the news, and I will personally go to Fangshi to test her."

After he finished speaking, he paused again, looked at Luo Qiang with deep eyes and said: "If she is really as good as you said, and can pass my test, what I said to Elder Tan back then will definitely count!"

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