Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 318 Flood Dragon Egg

"Lieyang Divine Iron" is a top-grade fire-attributed spiritual item, and it is also the highest-level material that can be bought with spirit stones. No matter how high the level of fire-attributed spiritual items is, it cannot be bought with spirit stones.

Among the four natal artifacts that Zhou Yang wanted to refine, "Shenyang Iron" was one of the alternative materials for refining "Qianyang Golden Lamp", which could be used to replace the hard-to-find "True Sun Gold".

The conversation with Master Qingyang at the beginning made Zhou Yang realize that if he wanted to choose inferior materials to refine his natal magic weapon, he would choose to refine the "Qianyang Golden Lantern" and "Qianyang Golden Pagoda" most likely. Can do it.

As for the other two natal artifacts "Qianyang Orb" and "Qianyang Mirror", not to mention that the alternative materials are not much easier to find than the main materials. The two magic tools come high.

In this case, he might as well refine the first two magic weapons first, and then slowly search for materials to refine these two magic weapons when his cultivation level is high.

Therefore, he is determined to win the piece of "Shenyang Iron" that appeared at the auction!

"Three hundred and fifty thousand spirit stones."

This is Zhou Yang's first offer.

Naturally, the price was quickly suppressed.

And he was not discouraged, and soon called for the second time: "Three hundred and ninety thousand spirit stones."

"400,000 spirit stones." A competitor quickly raised the price to overwhelm Zhou Yang's offer.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang gritted his teeth, and suddenly opened his mouth and shouted: "I will give you half a million spirit stones!"

Five hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones!

This has exceeded the price of an ordinary fifth-order low-grade magic weapon, and is equivalent to the price of a fifth-order middle-grade magic weapon!

Therefore, upon hearing Zhou Yang's offer, those competitors fell silent.

Not everyone is like Zhou Yang, who can inherit the inheritance of two Jindan stage monks and obtain a large number of spiritual stones.

Five hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones is a huge sum of money, whether it is for those monks of the purple mansion stage who have not yet formed alchemy, or for the newly promoted monks of the golden alchemy stage who have just formed alchemy.

It's not that they can't afford this huge sum of money, but once they spend this huge sum of money to buy "Shenyang Iron", and then buy spirit items for assisting alchemy formation, or other spiritual items, it will be completely hopeless .

Moreover, Zhou Yang's courage to increase the price by one hundred thousand spirit stones shocked many people, making them dare not underestimate his determination.

So after the atmosphere was silent for a while, the auctioneer Yun Yiyi saw no bids, so he directly announced the deal.

It wasn't until this time that Zhou Yang's heart was lifted completely.

To be honest, although he has a lot of spirit stones, spending half a million spirit stones in one go still makes him feel frightened.

The main reason for him to feel this way is that the things he bought now are useless now, which is equivalent to a waste of hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

But he can't buy it.

Because it is not always possible to meet a spiritual object of the level of "Shenyang Iron", if you encounter it now, you will not buy it, and it may not be sold when you want to buy it in the future. In order to find this spiritual object, he will I don't know how much time and money it will take.

It's just that after buying this spiritual object, the number of spirit stones left on his body also dropped to more than 400,000 in a straight line, including the 200,000 spirit stones that Zhang Yunpeng asked him to buy "Purple Heart Chalcedony".

The auction is still going on.

As the auctioneer Yun Yiyi took out the treasures to be auctioned one by one, the atmosphere in the auction room became more and more heated, and the number of bidders also increased.

Before entering the illusion, Zhou Yang counted, there are as many as 30 to 50 Golden Core Stage cultivators participating in this auction today, and many of them are from famous schools like Xu Zhengyang.

These talents are the main force of this big auction. Although the illusion completely obscures the identities of the people present, Zhou Yang knows that at least 70% of the treasures in today's auction will end up in the hands of these Jindan stage monks .

According to the usual practice, the later the auction, the rarer the treasure will be, and so will the final transaction price.

Basically, after reaching the 70th treasure, Zhou Yang and other Zifu period monks could only watch, because the transaction price of each treasure at this time would not be lower than 500,000 spirit stones.

"The eightieth treasure is a unique secret medicine [Longevity Treasure Pill] refined by the Changsheng Palace, the top school in the world of immortality in Donghuazhou. It took as long as three years. The Nascent Soul stage monks can prolong their life by 50 years, and the Jindan stage monks can prolong their life by 150 years. With ten thousand spirit stones!"


When the penultimate treasure of this auction was taken out by Yun Yiyi, the entire auction conference entered the climax.

The life-prolonging treasure has always been one of the most precious treasures in the world of cultivating immortals, and a treasure that can extend the lifespan of a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage is even rarer in a thousand years.

Compared with the 3,000-year lifespan of Nascent Soul cultivators, fifty-year lifespan is naturally very short, but it is still fifty-years lifespan after all!

As strong as a Nascent Soul cultivator, no one would think that he has a long lifespan, right?

And for the golden core stage monks, this "Longevity Pill" is the most precious treasure that they want to fight for even if they break their heads.

If they can live an extra 150 years, it will not only mean that they can live 150 years longer than monks of the same level, but also greatly increase their possibility of hitting the Nascent Soul stage.

Therefore, the price of this "Longevity Treasure Pill" is much higher than that of the "Seven-color Ganoderma lucidum" that Zhou Yang saw at the Xianyang City Auction Conference. The starting price alone reached one million spirit stones. !

But this price can't scare those really rich people at all. In order to compete for this treasure, many old Jindan stage monks even don't hesitate to mortgage their own magic weapons.

So the price finally went all the way up to 2.3 million spirit stones before it was completely fixed!

2.3 million low-grade spirit stones!

For such a huge sum of spirit stones, the treasure houses of ordinary small sects have been emptied, and there are not so many.

Zhou Yang even wondered if there was a Nascent Soul Stage real person who made a move, otherwise it would be too much for a Jindan stage monk to take out such a large sum of spirit stones.

However, the "Longevity Treasure Pill" is not the most precious treasure in this big auction, the most precious treasure is undoubtedly the finale.

When Yun Yiyi took out the finale, all the monks present stared straight at their eyes.

I saw that the finale was a monster egg!

"The eighty-first treasure is a dragon egg of the sixth-order dragon [Qing Jiao]. This egg is full of vitality and is guaranteed to be hatched. The blood of the dragon is so strong that all fellow Taoists must know it well. It is equivalent to having an extra fifth-order Zhenzong spirit beast, and it may even be a sixth-order spirit beast!"

"To be honest, if it weren't for the great power of the Flood Dragon Clan in the East China Sea, our cultivators in the Immortal Cultivation World of Donghua Continent are worried that if the Flood Dragon Clan grows up, it will easily attract revenge from the Flood Dragon Clan. This treasure will definitely not be sold!"

"So the starting price for this item is 1.5 million low-grade spirit stones, and each increase should not be less than 30,000 spirit stones!"


As Yun Yiyi revealed the true origin of the monster egg in his hand, all the monks present could not help but gasp.

Every immortal cultivator has heard of the power of monsters like Jiaolong.

Under the same cultivation level, immortal cultivators would win more than lose against other monsters with ordinary bloodlines, and they would have mixed results against some monsters with stronger bloodlines.

However, if they confront Jiaolong, the chance of the immortal cultivator's defeat is at least 80%, and this situation will only increase with the improvement of both sides' cultivation bases.

Basically, a low-rank sixth-level flood dragon needs at least two early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators to join forces to fight it.

And other monsters, no matter how powerful their parents are, as long as they are not at the level of a seventh-level demon fairy, they will only have a first-level strength when they are born.

But Jiaolong is different, as long as the eggs of Jiaolong hatch, the young Jiaolong will have the strength of the second level after birth, and will definitely be promoted to the fourth level within a hundred years.

This is not the point, the point is that as the descendant of the real dragon, the dragon is inherited by the blood of the real dragon. Every dragon will be born with spiritual wisdom and know how to absorb the spiritual energy of the world to practice.

Even human babies cannot do this. No matter how talented human beings are, they have to wait until they are three or four years old before they can start practicing.

The most important point is that the lifespan of a dragon is usually very long, and the lifespan of a dragon of the same rank is basically five times that of a monk of the same rank.

In other words, the lifespan of a fifth-order flood dragon is longer than that of a human monk at the Nascent Soul Stage!

To sum up, if it is possible to raise a flood dragon as the spirit beast of the sect, then even if there is a break in the Jindan stage monks in the sect, there will be no danger of the inheritance being cut off.

From this, one can imagine how hot the atmosphere was when Yun Yiyi announced the starting price.

In order to compete for this dragon egg, all the Golden Core cultivators went crazy, and some Golden Core cultivators from small sects even mortgaged their sect's inheritance magic weapon to compete for this dragon egg.

The magic weapon is gone, and you can look for materials and ask someone to refine it later, or buy it again.

But Jiaolongdan missed this opportunity, and he may not have the opportunity to get it again in his lifetime.

To be honest, if Zhou Yang hadn't just hatched the "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle", and the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea is not suitable for flood dragons to survive, otherwise he would have pawned the fifth-order magic weapons in his storage bag to fight for it Flood Dragon Egg lost his mind.

But now, he can only act as a spectator like more than 90% of the people present.

After bidding like this for half an hour, the final transaction price of the dragon egg was finally fixed at 3.35 million low-grade spirit stones!

Three million three hundred and fifty thousand low-grade spirit stones!

This is a truly sky-high price!

Even if a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage wanted to take out so many spirit stones at once, he might have to pawn some of his personal treasures.

But no one thinks that the dragon egg is not worth the price, even after Yun Yiyi announced the transaction price, some monks regretted why they didn't bring more spirit stones or treasures.

If they had known earlier that there would be a flood dragon egg for sale in today's big auction, they would have bought this flood dragon egg even if they were selling everything!

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