Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 324 Forbidden Land - Yunwu Lake

Zhou Yang only found out about the news that the Emperor Beast Sect issued a hunting order and offered a reward for killing him after killing Murong Qianqian for more than a month.

At that time, when he entered a fairy city, he noticed that someone looked at him differently, and he was keenly aware of something, and after some inquiring, he learned about it.

After learning about this, he naturally didn't dare to stay longer in the Immortal City, so he hurried out of the Immortal City, and directly used "Rainbow Golden Escape" to escape for tens of miles, and then sent the "Huan Yun Zhou" to hide his whereabouts. Into the clouds above a thousand feet high.

He likes this "Phantom Cloud Boat" more and more as he uses it. Its attached magic power can make the magic weapon transform into white clouds or birds while flying.

If this kind of illusion hadn't been for a cultivator in the Zifu period who happened to be standing on the ground and using his pupil magic power to look at the sky, or if his spiritual consciousness shot over, he would not have discovered the existence of the "phantom cloud boat".

As for the average person, who would use the magical powers of the pupil technique and divine sense to see a white cloud or a bird passing by in the sky?

So even if Zhou Yang knew that the Emperor Beast Sect issued a hunting order to hunt him down, he was still not very worried. After all, the rewards offered by the Emperor Beast Sect could not impress the Golden Core Stage monks outside the sect, and let the Golden Core Stage The monks came specifically to hunt him down.

As for the cultivators of Zi Fuqi, let alone whether they can find him, even if they find him, they must have the ability to take his head off.

What's more, Liuyunzhou's world of cultivating immortals is so big, the place that the power of the Beast Controlling Sect can affect is within a million miles of its sect.

Outside of this range, not many people will recognize the signboard of the Beast Sect, and will fight a ruthless person who dares to kill the monks of the Purple Mansion of the Beast Sect for a few rewards.

Unfortunately, the Yunxia Kingdom he was going to this time was already more than a million miles away from the Canglong Kingdom where the Beastmaster Sect was located, and it was a place beyond the influence of the Beastmaster Sect.

To be honest, Zhou Yang actually didn't know why the Purple Star Sect, a sect with only Jindan stage monks in charge, opened a shop in Yunxia Kingdom, hundreds of thousands of miles away from the mountain gate.

According to the information he inquired in Xianyang City, Yunxia Kingdom is located outside the "Yunwu Lake", a natural forbidden area in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. The small sect exists.

And the "Yunwu Lake" has a vast area, it is said to be two to three hundred thousand miles wide, and it is filled with thick clouds and mists all the year round. When cultivators enter the clouds and mists, not only will their spiritual consciousness be greatly restricted, but they will also be blocked by a strange phenomenon. The power to corrode the flesh.

During the qi training period, the monks will stay in the "cloud and mist lake" for at most three days before they come out, otherwise their bodies will gradually become necrotic because they cannot withstand the strange power.

The monks in the foundation building period can last for half a month, but they can't be active in it for a long time.

Moreover, the power that erodes the monk's body becomes more and more serious as it goes deeper into the "cloud and mist lake". It is said that even the monks in the Nascent Soul stage cannot completely resist the erosive force when it reaches the center.

More than once, Nascent Soul stage monks went deep into the "Yunwuze" to find out the origin of this forbidden place, but in the end these people either escaped with serious injuries, or kept silent, never mentioning what they saw in it.

Gradually, fewer immortal cultivators want to find out the origin of "Yunwu Lake". What treasures did the monks get in it.

Zhou Yang went to Yunxia Country this time, in addition to seeking revenge from Zhu Ziyu, he also wanted to see the "Yunwu Lake". Of course, it would be even better if he could gain something from it.

You must know that "Yunwu Ze" is dangerous and mysterious, but the "Three Wonders of Yunwu" produced in it are also coveted.

The so-called "Three Wonders of Cloud and Mist" refers to the three kinds of spiritual objects produced in "Yunwu Lake", and these three kinds of spiritual objects are "Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea", "Cloud and Mist Pearl", and "Cloud and Mist Stone".

As the name suggests, "Yunwu Fairy Tea" is a kind of spiritual tea produced in "Yunwu Lake". This spiritual tea does not grow on a certain tea tree, but any tea tree in it may grow this kind of spiritual tea. .

If you can collect ten pieces of spirit tea and drink it in a pot of tea, it will be equivalent to ten years of hard work for a monk at the golden core stage, and there will be no side effects at all!

If it weren't for the effect of this kind of spiritual tea, which is only effective for the first time drinking, those monks at the Golden Core Stage would probably gather together to Yunxia Country and other countries bordering "Yunwu Lake" to practice.

The "cloud orb" is a kind of orb condensed from the essence of cloud and mist. As long as this orb is placed outside the cave, it can automatically form a large cloud of mist to hide the cave, and the formed cloud also has the same kind of cloud and mist in the "cloud and mist lake". possessed of special powers.

A "cloud orb" can protect a cave for hundreds of years, and after hundreds of years, when the cloud essence in the orb is consumed too much, as long as it is brought to the "cloud lake" for a period of time, it will be restored. Refill the power to continue using.

The name of "Cloud and Mist Stone" is common, but this object is the most precious among the "Three Wonders of Cloud and Mist".

This kind of strange stone is said to contain a cave of clouds and mists. If the Nascent Soul cultivator obtains this object, it will be of great help to comprehend the laws of space, and at the same time, he can use this object to refine powerful space treasures.

For countless years, "cloud mist tea" and "cloud mist pearl" have been discovered from time to time, but "cloud mist stone" is rarely heard of.

Even if someone found out that they got it, they probably secretly dedicated it to a Nascent Soul cultivator in exchange for a reward, so they wouldn't spread it all over the world and cause others to peep.

In addition to the "Three Wonders of Cloud and Mist", there are also a large number of spiritual herbs and medicines growing in "Yunwu Lake", many of which are some thousand-year-old medicines.

Because the elixir inside is grown and matured in a completely natural state, the efficacy of the medicine is generally much better than that of the elixir that cultivators use some magical powers to ripen.

Zhou Yang already knew that many great sects in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou have opened shops in the fairy city of Fangshi, a country on the outskirts of "Yunwuze", specializing in high-end purchases of various treasures flowing out of "Yunwuze".

Therefore, he guessed that the reason why the Purple Star Sect opened a Zixing Pavilion branch in Yunxia Country, and sent Zhu Ziyu, a fourth-level middle-grade alchemist and late-stage monk of the Zifu, to sit there, was also because of the spirit in "Yunwuze" Drug resources, want a piece of the action.

Of course, these are not important, anyway, he used to kill people.

After driving like this for three or four months, Zhou Yang finally arrived at Yunxia Country.

Because he was already on the most wanted list of the Beastmaster Sect, after he arrived outside Qixia Fairy City in Yunxia Kingdom, he used the "Golden Cicada Hiding Breath Technique" to reduce his breath to the fourth floor of foundation building.

Then, he used a secret technique that could change his face to change his handsome face into that of a dull young man with a dark complexion, and used the pseudonym "Huang Yi".

Because immortal cultivators from other countries often enter Yunxia Country to venture into the "Yunwu Ze" to hunt for treasures, Qixia Immortal City does not strictly check foreign monks, and the monks who registered for Zhou Yang only have the ninth level of Qi training, and it is impossible to see through it. His changed appearance.

So his entry into the city went smoothly.

And after entering the city, Zhou Yang took out a veil hat that could hide his face from the prying eyes of others and put it on his head to prevent his original appearance from being seen by some foundation-building or purple mansion monks.

There are quite a few people who do this to him in the world of cultivating immortals. Although doing so is more likely to attract some people's attention, but in the immortal city where fighting is strictly prohibited, no one has the right to make him take off his hat except for the patrolling monks in the city.

Zhou Yang's spiritual consciousness is so powerful that he would naturally avoid meeting the inspecting monks face to face.

What's more, after he entered the city, he directly opened a room in a fairy inn and stayed there, and then he never went out.

Not going out doesn't mean Zhou Yang can't get news from the outside world.

It must be known that in any fairy city, there are some low-level monks who are engaged in the work of "wind media".

The so-called "wind media" is an elegant name for people who inquire about news and intelligence.

These people are usually local monks who grew up in the fairy city and are familiar with the conditions of the various shops in the fairy city, and have heard a lot about the high-level monks who are resident in the fairy city.

If there are monks from other places who want to live in Xiancheng for a long time, or want to open a shop in Xiancheng, they will usually spend a sum of spirit stones to find these monks who are engaged in "wind media" to understand the situation in the city.

After Zhou Yang settled in Xianzhan, he found a well-known "wind matchmaker" in the city through the clerk of Xianzhan, and then Hua Lingshi hired this person to help him inquire about the news of Zixing Pavilion, and let him discover Zhu Zi When Yu showed signs of leaving the city, he would notify himself.

To be honest, if he did this, he would easily expose his existence.

After all, the low-level monks engaged in the work of "wind media" are basically the kind of "milk is a mother". Knowing that he has no good intentions for Zhu Ziyu, these people are likely to accept him here. Lingshi, if he changed hands there, he would be sold to Zhu Ziyu.

But he doesn't care.

Because he believed that even if Zhu Ziyu knew that someone was going to deal with him, he would definitely not suspect him.

Moreover, he judged others by himself, and asked himself that if he was Zhu Ziyu, he would definitely find a way to solve the matter when he learned that someone inquired about his leaving the city.

After all, it is impossible for Zhu Ziyu to leave the city all the time, so instead of hiding in the city and being watched secretly, it is better to find a chance to invite a few friends and lure the people who are watching secretly to kill them instead.

If Zhu Ziyu really did this, then his time of death will come!

Zhou Yang had seen Zhu Ziyu and Jia Yunzhen fight back then, if Zhu Ziyu's strength hadn't improved by leaps and bounds over the years, then it would not be difficult for him to kill this person at all!

Of course, the premise of all this is that the helper Zhu Ziyu is looking for is not the kind of ninth-floor monk in the Purple Mansion.

Otherwise, in the face of the siege of a cultivator on the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion and a late-stage cultivator of the Purple Mansion, Zhou Yang can only protect himself at best. If he kills someone, his hope is very slim.

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